Buying a Dress

When the tattooed man saw the gesture, he took out the electric baton he had prepared in advance and drove it to maximum power. He quietly came behind Jiang Youyi and prepared to stun her.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Youyi came over with a basin of cold water and bumped into the tattooed man. The basin of cold water poured down from above. The tattooed man still had an electric baton on. When the water encountered electricity, it knocked the tattooed man down.

"Huh? What happened to him?" Jiang Youyi looked at the fallen tattooed man in confusion. The big man's sweat turned from hot to cold. "Is he allergic to water?" Jiang Youyi had seen on television that if a person was scalded, it would reduce the damage if they quickly rinsed it with cold water.

Hence, before she called 120, she got a basin of cold water to wash the big guy. Unexpectedly, she bumped into the tattooed man.