Watching From the Sidelines

Moreover, there were many media outlets here who couldn't wait to watch the show so that they could write an eye-catching article tomorrow. As long as they wrote it, even if she was an innocent and pleasant girl, she would become a shameless person.

"It's not impossible to pay, but I have to spend this money clearly. Tell me, which private room am I in? Who did I go with? When did I go? When did I leave? What wine did I drink? How long have you been with me? I have to know all of this before I can give you money!"

Jiang Youyi was not being sarcastic. She was actually teasing him and was not afraid at all. She had expected such a thing to happen. When she saw the list published online, she felt that today would definitely be extraordinary. She had guessed correctly.

"Fuck, even such a woman would come here? How unlucky. Hurry up and leave! Don't embarrass yourself here."

"That's right! How unlucky and embarrassing."