The Domineering President's Little Wife

As soon as Wang Jiangbei finished speaking, Jiang Youyi picked up her phone and dialed a number. She even put the call on speaker. After a few rings, the person on the other end picked up. Her voice was lazy and entered everyone's ears.

Jiang Youtian asked, "What is it?"

Jiang Youyi said, "You're not up yet?"

Jiang Youtian replied, "It's only five in the morning here."

Jiang Youyi said, "Sorry, I forgot about the time difference."

Jiang Youtian asked again, "What's the matter?"

Jiang Youyi said, "Um, Second Sister, I want to ask, are you angry with Lin Feng?"

After Jiang Youyi asked this, Lin Feng was extremely nervous and pricked up his ears to listen. Lu Yunxiao and Wang Jiangbei, on the other hand, continued to drink their tea calmly. In the end, it seemed that both of them had expected that.

Jiang Youtian asked, "Who?"

Jiang Youyi said, "Lin Feng."

Jiang Youtian asked, "Which Lin Feng?"