"Unexpected Revelations: Family Struggles and Martial Spirit Awakening"

If a person were to know that within several hours, Huang Xiaolong not only successfully condensed Battle Qi but also broke through to become a Rank 1 Warrior, they would surely be half dead from fright. Let alone others, Huang Xiaolong himself couldn't believe it.

Although Huang Xiaolong had previously felt that his Martial Spirit should have been at least a Level 7 Martial Spirit, this Martial Spirit Rank was simply too heaven-defying. According to his father's view, the higher the Martial Spirit Rank, the higher the natural talent, and the faster the cultivation speed. His grandfather Huang Qide possessed a top-tier Martial Spirit, the Six Wings Golden Monkey at Level 8, and it took him half a year to break through to become a Rank 1 Warrior. But Huang Xiaolong had accomplished it in just a few hours, indicating that his Martial Spirit Rank far surpassed that of his grandfather Huang Qide.

Level 10 Martial Spirit? No, even the practice speed of a Level 10 Martial Spirit couldn't be so abnormal. Could it be Level 10 and above? The thought flashed through Huang Xiaolong's mind—Super level Martial Spirit!

A legendary Super level Martial Spirit!

Beyond Level 10, Level 11, Level 12... Although it couldn't be determined how many levels a Martial Spirit could reach, what was certain was that Huang Xiaolong's Martial Spirit was definitely a Level 10 or higher Super level Martial Spirit!

Afterward, Huang Xiaolong suppressed the excitement and absurd feeling in his heart. He once again activated the Profound Azure Cultivation Technique, and his Martial Spirit, the Double-Headed Snake, appeared. Its two heads opened their mouths, instantly devouring the surrounding spiritual energy, while Battle Qi circulated through Huang Xiaolong's meridians.

Compared to before, this time the circulation speed of Battle Qi was faster, and Huang Xiaolong also noticed that the Battle Qi within his meridians had become slightly denser. Although the change wasn't significant, after several rotations, the Battle Qi in his meridians had become about half as dense again.

When Huang Xiaolong opened his eyes, the bright moonlight had dissipated, replaced by the morning sunlight streaming into the room through the window. The sunlight felt warm, and Huang Xiaolong stretched his body slightly before standing up. Through his night of practice, he had not only broken through to become a Rank 1 Warrior but also reached Rank 1 Middle Stage.

"Rank 1 Middle Stage," Huang Xiaolong murmured as he gazed at the slowly rising sun. Judging from his practice speed, he should be able to reach Rank 1 Late Stage Peak within three days, and even break through to Rank 2!

Huang Xiaolong walked out of the room and into the small courtyard. Clenching his small fist, he activated his Battle Qi, and a ray of light flashed as he struck a stone in the corner of the courtyard, about half a meter in size.

"Ping!" A tremor resounded, and the stone was sent flying backward, tumbling several meters before falling to the ground, causing some crushed stones to scatter around.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the rolling stone and nodded. Generally speaking, a Rank 1 Late Stage Warrior's Battle Qi strength was comparable to the strength of a stone. However, due to his cultivation in the Body Metamorphose Scripture, although he was only at Rank 1 Middle Stage, his attack power was on par with that of a Rank 1 Late Stage powerhouse.

The strength of the stone was 120 jin (0.5 kg).

At the same time, Huang Xiaolong also noticed that

after practicing Battle Qi throughout the night, his body's muscles had become much firmer. When a Warrior reached Rank 1 to 3, the Battle Qi flowing through their 1st to 3rd-layer meridians would temper their entire body's muscles. If Huang Xiaolong were to reach Rank 3 Late Stage Peak, his muscles would be fully solidified, making his responsiveness several times sharper than it was now. Additionally, his physical defense and strength would be significantly stronger than his current state.

Just then, the sound of footsteps echoed in the courtyard. Huang Xiaolong's heart stirred, and he subsequently shook his head with a smile, knowing it was his younger sister Huang Min.

Indeed, the sound of Huang Min's childish voice soon followed. "Big Brother, Big Brother!"

Huang Xiaolong turned around and saw Huang Min running towards him in the courtyard, breathing heavily as she said, "Big Brother, Mom and Dad are quarreling."

"They're quarreling? What about?" Huang Xiaolong was surprised since he remembered that their parents never quarreled.

"I'm not sure, but it seems to be related to Uncle," Huang Min replied.

"Related to Uncle?" Huang Xiaolong's brow furrowed. "Let's go and take a look." He then took Huang Min and left the small courtyard, heading towards the main hall of the eastern palace institute. However, before reaching the main hall, they could already hear the sound of their parents quarreling from a distance.

"Big Brother is bullying others!" Su Yan's angry voice could be heard. "Why is it that the other disciples have Battle Qi Pills after their Martial Spirit Awakening, but not our Xiaolong?!"

Huang Xiaolong halted his footsteps.

Battle Qi Pills? Those were Grade 2 Spirit Medicine. After Martial Spirit Awakening, if one could consume a Battle Qi Pill, they could condense Battle Qi with twice the result and half the effort. Of course, for a low-ranking Warrior, using a Battle Qi Pill for cultivation would also advance their Battle Qi cultivation level.

"Didn't Big Brother say that there aren't many Battle Qi Pills in the village? He said he would supply Xiaolong next time," Huang Peng's frustrated voice could be heard.

"Just said it? He's just talking nonsense! Who would believe that? During this Martial Spirit Awakening, there were a total of 26 juniors. Even those with low-level Martial Spirits at Level 1 and 2 were given Battle Qi Pills. Our Xiaolong, with a Level 7 Martial Spirit, didn't receive any. Moreover, he was the only one!" Su Yan's anger grew even stronger. "Why?! Why! Our Xiaolong is his nephew!"

Huang Xiaolong furrowed his brow. He had heard his parents' argument clearly. Apart from himself, the other disciples had received Battle Qi Pills for cultivation.

Two years ago, Huang Ming and Huang Wei had subjected him to extreme bullying. At that time, although Huang Ming and Huang Wei had not said anything, it now seemed that Uncle Huang Ming held a considerable grudge against Huang Xiaolong.

Although Grandfather Huang Qide had not passed the position of Village Lord to Uncle Huang Ming, he had been in charge of important matters in the village for these years. In his mother Su Yan's words, Huang Xiaolong was Huang Ming's nephew, and while the other juniors with inferior Martial Spirits and the elders of Huang Family Manor had received Battle Qi Pills, only Huang Xiaolong had not. This was too much of "bullying"!

It seemed that Huang Ming was not only resentful toward Huang Xiaolong but also intended to undermine Huang Peng and Su Yan

's position in front of the elders and managers of Huang Family Manor.

"No, I must confront Father about this!" Su Yan couldn't tolerate this injustice and said angrily.

"You, come back here!" Huang Peng shouted in anger. "You're making a fuss over a minor matter and still want to involve Father? Are you trying to embarrass me?!"

Outside the main hall, Huang Xiaolong overheard this and silently turned around to leave. A minor matter? Huang Xiaolong's eyes flickered. If Uncle Huang Ming had already started like this before taking over the position of Village Lord, then what would happen once he assumed the role?

Huang Min saw that Huang Xiaolong didn't say a word and turned around to leave. After a moment's hesitation, she realized and hurriedly caught up with Huang Xiaolong, saying, "Big Brother, Big Brother!"

Huang Xiaolong didn't respond, but he brought his younger sister Huang Min along as they left the eastern palace institute. Fortunately, they had just stepped out when they ran into Huang Wei walking towards them. Huang Wei was accompanied by several juniors from Huang Family Manor who had previously bullied Huang Min.

When Huang Wei saw Huang Xiaolong coming out of the eastern palace institute, he was surprised and immediately approached Huang Xiaolong with several others.