"Family Discord: Tensions Rise at the Huang Family Manor"

Sitting in the main hall, Huang Ming observed Huang Peng bringing Huang Xiaolong along. He was somewhat surprised but remained seated, not bothering to stand up.

"Second Young Master," Zhou Guang and his son Zhou Xuedong greeted Huang Peng as they saw him, but they didn't dare to sit still like Huang Ming. They stood up and spoke.

Huang Peng glanced at Zhou Guang and Zhou Xuedong, nodded, and then turned to Huang Ming. "Big Brother," he said.

Huang Xiaolong uttered a monotonous "Uncle," devoid of any warmth.

Unaffected, Huang Ming calmly said, "Second Brother, since you're here, please have a seat."

Huang Peng and Huang Xiaolong took their seats in the main hall. Huang Peng sat somewhat respectfully, pondering his words but unsure how to start the conversation.

"Second Brother, why have you come? Is there something on your mind?" Huang Ming asked, breaking the silence.

Huang Peng hesitated and spoke truthfully, "Big Brother, I heard that Huang Wei plans to severely damage Xiaolong's hands at the family annual meeting. That's why..." He paused, unsure how to continue.

"Is that so?" Huang Ming's face displayed astonishment.

Huang Xiaolong observed his uncle Huang Ming's impassive expression and inwardly sneered. Clearly, the news of Huang Wei's intentions had already spread throughout Huang Family Manor. How could Huang Ming be unaware?

"Is it true? Does Huang Wei have such intentions?" Huang Ming turned to his son Huang Wei and asked.

Huang Wei maintained a composed expression and calmly replied, "There is no such thing." He glanced at Huang Peng and Huang Xiaolong before adding, "I believe someone is intentionally causing trouble for our North Palace!"

Upon hearing this, Huang Peng's anger flared, and his face turned flushed. Was Huang Wei suggesting that he and his son were unreasonably causing trouble for no reason?

Huang Xiaolong observed the pretense between his uncle Huang Ming and cousin Huang Wei, sneering inwardly. It was obvious to everyone in the main hall that Huang Peng's true purpose for coming here was known, yet Huang Ming intentionally suggested that his father wanted to forbid same-age disciples from competing at the annual meeting, creating an awkward situation.

Zhou Guang and Zhou Xuedong, father and son, sat there, not speaking, but the gleam in their eyes revealed their pleasure in witnessing this discord.

Huang Peng's face turned purple with suppressed anger. He clenched his fists tightly, clearly seething inside. He took a deep breath and addressed Huang Ming, his voice strained, "Xiaolong is your nephew!"

Huang Ming lifted an eyebrow and glanced at Huang Xiaolong, then said to Huang Peng, "Do I need you to remind me of that? Do you think I don't know he is my nephew? Even if he is, your request means nothing to me!"

Huang Peng laughed bitterly. Finally, he saw his Big Brother's true nature. A feeling of desolation washed over him—a sudden realization that decades of brotherly love could inexplicably turn so cold.

Huang Xiaolong couldn't help but coldly say, "Huang Ming, do you really think your son can truly cripple both of my hands at the annual meeting?"

"How dare you!" Huang Ming, seeing a young Huang Xiaolong mentioning his name in front of Zhou Guang, grew annoyed. He suddenly stood up and struck out with his palm, releasing a powerful surge of Battle Qi that rushed towards Huang Xiaolong and attacked his chest. However, a figure swiftly flashed and stood in front of Huang Xiaolong, intercepting the blow with a palm.

A loud thud echoed as the figure retreated from the impact.

"Father, are you alright?!" Huang Xiaolong grew anxious and hurriedly moved to Huang Peng's side, supporting him after he had taken Huang Ming's blow.

Huang Peng waved his hand, shaking his head. "I'm fine."

Ultimately, Huang Xiaolong was still Huang Ming's biological nephew. Although Huang Ming had attacked in anger, he had exercised restraint. Otherwise, with Huang Peng's strength at Rank 6 Late Stage, he wouldn't have been able to withstand a blow from Huang Ming at Rank 7 Late Stage.

Seeing his father was unharmed, Huang Xiaolong felt relieved.

At that moment, Huang Wei stepped forward and spoke, "Second Uncle, if you want me to spare Huang Xiaolong, all he needs to do is kneel and bow three times, apologizing to me, and I'll withdraw the twenty slaps from the previous congress."

Kneel and bow three times, and receive twenty slaps? Huang Peng furrowed his brow and looked at his son.

Huang Xiaolong gazed at Huang Wei, a cold smile curling on his lips. "Regardless of the past or present, Huang Xiaolong will never kneel in his lifetime. I won't be the one kneeling!" He then turned to Huang Peng and said, "Father, let's go!"

Huang Peng was taken aback but soon smiled appreciatively. "Good, my son, let's go!" He turned and left with Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Wei watched as Huang Peng and Huang Xiaolong departed. Anger surged within him, and he shouted at Huang Xiaolong's retreating figure, "Huang Xiaolong, do you really think I won't dare to truly cripple your hands at the family annual meeting?!"

Huang Xiaolong didn't turn back, disappearing from the main hall entrance with his father, Huang Peng.

Huang Ming gazed at the vanishing figures of the two and wore a complex expression.

"Big Village Lord, Huang Xiaolong assumes such a defiant attitude, openly addressing you by name without any reverence. Isn't this going too far?" Zhou Guang, standing nearby, wanted to speak but was interrupted by a swift palm strike from Huang Ming, leaving a clear imprint on his face.

Huang Ming stared at Zhou Guang with an expressionless face, his eyes sharp as blades. "This is a matter between our brothers. It's not your place to meddle."

"Yes, yes, Big Village Lord, I spoke out of turn. I spoke out of turn!" Zhou Guang quickly nodded repeatedly.

After a while, Huang Peng and Huang Xiaolong left the Northern Palace and returned to the Eastern Palace. Su Yan, Huang Xiaolong's mother, saw them and hurriedly approached, her voice filled with concern. "How did it go?"

Without waiting for Huang Peng to respond, Huang Xiaolong spoke up. "Mother, you can rest assured about the family annual meeting. I won't encounter any problems."

Upon hearing this, Su Yan's worries dissipated, and a smile appeared on her face. "That's good, that's good!"

Huang Peng opened his mouth to say something but decided against it and remained silent.