"Fortuitous Encounter and Ambitions: Huang Xiaolong's Journey to Rank 4"

"That Huang Wei with a Level 10 Martial Spirit, but his father's behavior is too eccentric!" Su Yan complained, saying, "Does our Xiaolong really have to participate in the year-end congress?!" Su Yan's eyes turned red.

"I asked Father," Huang Peng suddenly stood up, showing signs of annoyance.

"No need, Father!" Huang Xiaolong interjected, saying, "There's no need to involve Grandfather."

Huang Peng and Su Yan turned their gaze to their son.

Just as Huang Peng was about to speak, he suddenly noticed a flicker of Battle Qi radiating from his son's body.

"Battle Qi manifestation?!" Huang Peng and Su Yan exclaimed, their faces filled with disbelief.

Battle Qi manifestation? Could it be? Huang Peng and Su Yan's minds raced—Warrior Rank 1?! Only someone who had achieved Warrior Rank 1 could manifest Battle Qi, even if they successfully condensed it.

"Have you, have you advanced to Rank 1?!" Huang Peng stammered, even though he had witnessed it himself, he found it hard to believe it was real.

"Yes, Father, Mother, I have advanced to Rank 1!" Huang Xiaolong nodded and said. He didn't want his parents to worry about the year-end congress all the time, so he decided to reveal part of his strength now.

Upon hearing their son's confession, Huang Peng and Su Yan finally believed what they saw before them. A look of great joy spread across their faces, especially Su Yan, who was pleasantly surprised and excited. She even ran over and tightly embraced Huang Xiaolong. "Great, great! My son has finally advanced to Rank 1!"

Tears streamed down Su Yan's face, tears of immense joy. Her heart swelled with emotions as she held Huang Xiaolong tightly, almost suffocating him. Huang Xiaolong managed to free himself with some effort, and he couldn't help but smile wryly at the overwhelming response to just reaching Rank 1. Did it really require such a loud reaction?

Nevertheless, he could sense his parents' genuine love and concern for him. They had waited anxiously for this moment for a long time. After some time, Huang Peng and Su Yan gradually calmed down from their overwhelming happiness.

"Xiaolong, how did you advance to Rank 1?" Huang Peng asked, with a question lingering in his mind. Given Huang Xiaolong's natural talent with a Level 7 Martial Spirit, it usually took about a year to advance to Rank 1.

Su Yan also looked at their son, clearly sharing the same question.

Huang Xiaolong didn't immediately respond. Instead, he reached into his pocket and, under the doubtful gazes of Huang Peng and Su Yan, pulled out two red fruits.

The red fruits were dazzlingly red.

"Are these... Yang Fruits?!" Huang Peng and Su Yan exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes," Huang Xiaolong smiled and said, "I accidentally found them in a mountain valley behind the mountain about a month ago. There were five in total, and I have consumed three."

Huang Peng and Su Yan looked at each other, finally understanding the "real reason" behind their son's advancement to Rank 1.

"Good, haha! Xiaolong, I never expected you to have such a stroke of luck! These Yang Fruits are extraordinary fruits in the world, their effects far surpass the 1,000 Years Gathering Heart Grass that Huang Wei bought," Huang Peng laughed joyfully, his heart filled with happiness. "Moreover, they will bring you great benefits in your future cultivation!"

Su Yan also smiled happily.

"Father, Mother, these two Yang Fruits are for you. Consume them and cultivate," Huang Xiaolong said.

Huang Peng and Su Yan's smiling faces froze, and they were about to refuse. However, Huang Xiaolong interrupted, saying, "I have already consumed three of them, so the effects of these two fruits won't be significant for me. But they will be more beneficial for you."

Huang Peng and Su Yan remained silent for a moment. Then, Huang Peng nodded and said, "Alright." He received the Yang Fruits from Huang Xiaolong's hand and looked at them. Huang Peng felt a surge of inspiration and excitement. He had been stuck at Rank 6 Late Stage for over a year, but with these Yang Fruits, he should be able to reach Rank 6 Late Stage Peak within two months. He truly needed these Yang Fruits.

Su Yan's expression wasn't much different from Huang Peng's. She was at Rank 5 Late Stage Peak, and with these Yang Fruits, she had hope of breaking through to Rank 6.

"Xiaolong, don't tell anyone about your breakthrough to Rank 1 for now," Huang Peng advised his son. "Although you advanced by consuming the Yang Fruits, you still need to work hard and strive to reach Rank 1 Middle Stage before the year-end congress."

In Huang Peng's opinion, as long as his son reached Rank 1 Middle Stage by that time, Huang Wei's advancement to Rank 1 Late Stage would be insignificant, and his son would be able to defeat him easily.

"Father, Mother, rest assured, I won't disappoint you," Huang Xiaolong assured them.

Huang Peng and Su Yan felt a deep sense of gratification in their hearts.

After a while, Huang Xiaolong left the eastern palace and returned to his small courtyard to continue his practice. After advancing to Rank 3, he cultivated the Asura Arts. The speed at which his Martial Spirit, the Double-Headed Snake, absorbed the Nine Nether Qi became faster, and his internal Battle Qi grew stronger.

Almost every day, Huang Xiaolong's Battle Qi grew stronger by a small margin.

His small courtyard was located in the eastern corner of Huang Family Manor, away from most people's daily paths. This made it easier for Huang Xiaolong to focus on his cultivation.

Day and night, he immersed himself in intense training, and his Battle Qi and internal strength advanced at an exceptional pace.

Rank 3 Initial Stage Peak, Rank 3 Middle Stage, Rank 3 Middle Stage Peak, Rank 3 Late Stage!

After three months, Huang Xiaolong's Battle Qi reached Rank 3 Late Stage Peak. He was on the verge of breaking through to Rank 4, but the family annual meeting was only a few days away.

However, Rank 4 was a significant milestone. The barrier to Rank 4 was much thicker and more challenging to overcome compared to Rank 2 and Rank 3. Breaking through to Rank 4 was not as easy as it seemed. Some disciples with Level 7 Martial Spirits in Huang Family Manor had been stuck at Rank 3 Late Stage Peak for two years without being able to advance to Rank 4. Even for those with Level 8 Martial Spirits, it generally took them about a year to advance from Rank 3 Late Stage Peak to Rank 4.

The remaining days quickly passed by.

With the arrival of the family annual meeting, Huang Family Manor became lively and festive. Lanterns and decorations adorned the village, adding to the jubilant atmosphere. Compared to the bustling surroundings, Huang Xiaolong's small courtyard appeared quiet and isolated.

"Tomorrow is the annual meeting," Huang Xiaolong mused as he walked out of his room. After several days of intense training, he realized that breaking through to Rank 4 wouldn't be a matter of a few days or weeks; it required his utmost dedication.

Leisurely, Huang Xiaolong strolled out of his small courtyard.

"I heard that Old Manor Lord will also attend this year's family annual meeting since it's Huang Wei Young Master's Martial Spirit Awakening. Not only that, I heard that Old Manor Lord has invited Li Family's Old Patriarch to come as well!"

"Does that mean Li Family's Old Patriarch will also be present?!"

Li Family and Huang Family Manor were the two major influences in Canglan County. Li Family's Old Patriarch, Li Mu, had always had a good relationship with Huang Xiaolong's Grandfather, Huang Qide. Huang Xiaolong overheard the conversation of the guards as he passed by, and his eyes gleamed with interest.