"The Rise of Huang Xiaolong: Unveiling Asura Sect's News"

After listening to Fei Hou's response, Huang Xiaolong realized the severity of Fei Hou's injuries, caused by the intense shaking of his meridians. Despite his curiosity about the current situation of Asura Sect, Huang Xiaolong understood that stabilizing Fei Hou's injuries was the top priority.

"Please sit cross-legged, and I will begin the treatment," Huang Xiaolong said after a moment of hesitation. Though he was eager to investigate the state of Asura Sect, he knew that Fei Hou's injuries required immediate attention.

Surprised, Fei Hou replied, "Master, my meridians have been severely damaged." He hesitated before continuing, "Usually, it's impossible to restore shaken meridians unless one can find a legendary Saint Medicine."

"Don't worry," Huang Xiaolong waved his hand, assuring him. "I can restore your meridians, but it will take about six months."

Fei Hou was taken aback. He doubted Huang Xiaolong's words, but also found it unbelievable. Did the Sect Master possess a legendary Saint Medicine?

"Sit cross-legged now," Huang Xiaolong instructed.

Although Fei Hou had doubts, he didn't dare to disobey. He respectfully followed Huang Xiaolong's instructions and sat cross-legged. As soon as he assumed the position, Huang Xiaolong placed his palms on Fei Hou's back, channeling his internal energy into Fei Hou's body. Warm currents surged through Fei Hou's back, prompting him to calm his mind and cooperate with Huang Xiaolong, guiding the warmth to nourish his entire body.

An hour passed, and Huang Xiaolong removed his palms, his complexion somewhat pale. Despite practicing the Body Metamorphose Scripture to its fourth potential, his internal energy was still relatively weak. However, after an hour of inputting his internal energy through the Body Metamorphose Scripture, Fei Hou could now voluntarily guide the internal energy within his body to continue the therapy.

After a while, Huang Xiaolong observed Fei Hou, who was still in a cross-legged position, continuing to cultivate on the bed. Satisfied with his progress, Huang Xiaolong left the room and returned to his own courtyard.

Upon seeing his son return looking tired, Huang Peng felt puzzled. Weren't his son and Li Lu out for a stroll?

"Xiaolong, are you alright?" Huang Peng asked with concern.

Seeing his father's worried expression, Huang Xiaolong smiled and reassured him, "Father, I'm fine."

Relieved, Huang Peng asked, "Did Li Lu go back?"

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Suddenly, Huang Peng smiled mischievously, his gaze fixed on Huang Xiaolong as he teased, "Is Li Lu's touch as soft as you imagined? Holding hands with a beautiful woman must be quite comfortable, right?"

Taken aback, Huang Xiaolong then smiled wryly. "Father, what are you saying? There's truly nothing between Li Lu and me."

Huang Peng chuckled. "Alright, I know there's nothing between you and Li Lu, but it seems like she has taken quite a liking to you." He then grinned happily and continued, "You should have seen Huang Wei's expression when Li Lu held your hand. It was quite a sight!"

Huang Xiaolong shook his head and smiled.

"But Xiaolong, you need to be careful around Huang Wei from now on," Huang Peng's tone changed, worry evident in his expression.

"I understand, father. Don't worry, everything will be fine. I'll go to my room now," Huang Xiaolong reassured him.

Huang Peng nodded. "Alright, go rest."

Huang Xiaolong went to his room and retrieved the cold jade bed from his Asura Ring. He sat cross-legged on the bed and began practicing Asura Arts. After a night of cultivation, as the sky started to brighten, Huang Xiaolong stopped, feeling thoroughly refreshed. He stretched his muscles and bones, his spirit in an unprecedented state of vitality.

Leaving his room, Huang Xiaolong headed towards Fei Hou's room. Upon his arrival, he saw Fei Hou stepping out.

"Master, you are unmatched in the world!" Fei Hou greeted Huang Xiaolong respectfully, his manners becoming even more respectful after the therapy Huang Xiaolong had given him the previous night.

"You may rise," Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Fei Hou straightened himself respectfully.

"Fei Hou, from now on, in front of others, you shall call me Young Master," Huang Xiaolong hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Please refrain from using 'Master unmatched in the world' in the future."

The phrase 'Master unmatched in the world' had started to grate on Huang Xiaolong's nerves. He knew it was a title given to him by Ren Wokuang in the past.

Fei Hou hesitated for a moment and said, "Master, the title 'Master unmatched in the world' was bestowed by the previous Sect Master. Is it permissible to change it?"

Huang Xiaolong waved his hand and said, "I am aware that this title was given by my teacher in the past. However, customs are determined by the people, and now that I am the Sect Master, this custom shall be abolished."

Fei Hou nodded respectfully. "I shall obey your command, Young Master!"

"How is your recovery progressing?" Huang Xiaolong inquired.

"Master, I have regained 60% to 70% of my strength. I should be fully recovered within three days, except for my meridians," Fei Hou replied, pausing when he mentioned his meridians.

"You needn't worry about your meridians," Huang Xiaolong reassured him. "Tell me about the current situation in Asura Sect."

Fei Hou seemed hesitant, and his expression revealed his embarrassment.

"What's wrong?" Huang Xiaolong furrowed his brow.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong's expression, Fei Hou knew he had misunderstood. He hurriedly replied, "Master, it's not that I don't want to report; it's just that I'm not very clear about it."

"Not clear?" Huang Xiaolong was surprised.

"Yes," Fei Hou nodded and explained to Huang Xiaolong. It turned out that Fei Hou had joined Asura Sect almost twenty years ago but had never been to the sect's headquarters. When he joined, he met his teacher, Yu Ming, who took him as his disciple. Since his teacher was an elder in Asura Sect, he never discussed the current situation of the sect with Fei Hou.

His teacher's name was Yu Ming.

"My teacher told me that after the disappearance of the previous Sect Master fifty years ago, Asura Sect split into two factions to vie for the position of Sect Master," Fei Hou explained.

"Split into two factions!" Huang Xiaolong's brow furrowed. "Where is your teacher, Yu Ming, now?"

"Three years ago, I parted ways with my teacher, and we haven't met since. At that time, my teacher said he would manage affairs in the Mohe Kingdom's Royal City," Fei Hou replied.

Mohe Kingdom? Huang Xiaolong was familiar with Mohe Kingdom, but it was quite a distance from Huang Family Manor in Luo Tong Kingdom. Traveling from Luo Tong Kingdom to Mohe Kingdom would require passing through several other kingdoms. It seemed impossible to gather further information about Asura Sect at the moment.

At that moment, Li Lu ran over from a distance and spotted Huang Xiaolong. Her face lit up with joy. "Xiaolong, I found you! Come on, the banquet is starting. Let's go."

Huang Xiaolong looked at Li Lu, feeling a bit of a headache. He turned to Fei Hou and said, "Come along with me."

"Yes, Young Master!" Fei Hou respectfully acknowledged.

Although Li Lu was puzzled by Fei Hou referring to Huang Xiaolong as Young Master, she didn't dwell on it. She approached Huang Xiaolong, held his hand, and pulled him towards the main hall. It seemed like holding Huang Xiaolong's hand had become a familiar action for her.

Huang Xiaolong tried to pull his hand away, but Li Lu held on tightly. He couldn't free himself, so he let Li Lu lead him to the main hall. Upon their arrival, they coincidentally ran into Huang Peng and the others, who were coming from the small courtyard.

When Huang Wei saw Li Lu holding Huang Xiaolong's hand, his expression was clearly displeased. As for Huang Peng, he had a peculiar smile on his face and even gave Huang Xiaolong a discreet thumbs-up gesture. Huang Xiaolong felt exasperated at his father's gesture.

Once inside the main hall, everyone took their seats. Huang Qide and the Huang Peng group naturally sat at the main table with Li Mu. When Huang Xiaolong was about to take a seat, Li Lu pulled him to sit beside her. As for Fei Hou, he stood respectfully behind Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Qide and the Huang Peng group noticed Fei Hou standing behind Huang Xiaolong, but they assumed he was a newly acquired servant due to his manner of addressing Huang Xiaolong as Young Master. However, they didn't ask further.

"Fei Hou, you may also sit," Huang Xiaolong said to Fei Hou, pointing to an empty seat nearby. After all, Fei Hou was a Rank 10 powerhouse and standing wasn't necessary.

At that moment, Huang Wei's grating voice echoed, "Sit? Huang Xiaolong, who do you think you are? Today is Old Patriarch Li's birthday banquet. Does your newly acquired servant have the right to sit here?"