"Confrontation in Silvermoon Forest: A Test of Strength"

Several disciples from the Purple Clothes Sword Sect pursue and instantly surround Huang Xiaolong and his companions.

"Senior Brother Cheng, what should we do?" One of the Purple Clothes Sword Sect disciples approached a middle-aged man with a sword scar on his left face.

The middle-aged man, Zhang Hua, quickly assessed Huang Xiaolong and his companions before focusing his gaze on Fei Hou. He furrowed his brow, unable to clearly determine Fei Hou's strength.

"Senior, we are disciples of the Purple Clothes Sword Sect. We hope you won't interfere in our affairs," Zhang Hua said, addressing Fei Hou. "As long as you don't meddle in our matters, we will let you leave safely."

Being in the boundaries of Luo Tong Kingdom, Zhang Hua didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble. Fei Hou glanced at Huang Xiaolong, who remained indifferent, and observed the opposing party.

"Do you mean that if we interfere in your affairs, we won't be able to leave safely?" Huang Xiaolong asked, his expression calm. Though the other party's words seemed polite, there was an underlying threat that Huang Xiaolong easily picked up on.

Living in Luo Tong Kingdom, Huang Xiaolong naturally felt inclined towards the disciples of Starry Sky Academy, who were being chased by outsiders. It was similar to being bullied by foreigners when one was in their own country.

Upon hearing Huang Xiaolong's words, Zhang Hua's complexion darkened. Before he could respond, one of the Purple Clothes Sword Sect disciples suddenly cried out, clutching his face. Bloodstains covered his left and right cheeks.

The Spirit Devouring Purple Monkey had taken action, attacking the Purple Clothes Sword Sect disciple. After its attack, the monkey returned to Huang Xiaolong's shoulder, grinning and squeaking at the injured disciple.

Enraged, the injured disciple swung his sword, directing his Battle Qi towards the Spirit Devouring Purple Monkey. In response, three other Purple Clothes Sword Sect disciples also joined in, attacking Huang Xiaolong.

Sword shadows filled the air, surrounding Huang Xiaolong. Zhang Hua, who wanted to intervene, found it futile. The four disciples' sword qi was about to strike Huang Xiaolong and the Spirit Devouring Purple Monkey when suddenly, the sword shadows vanished. The four disciples were sent flying, coughing up blood, and fell to the ground, lifeless.

Fei Hou withdrew his hands, coldly glancing at the fallen Purple Clothes Sword Sect disciples. He then turned to Huang Xiaolong, his tone respectful. "Young Master, are you alright?"

Huang Xiaolong shook his head. "I'm fine." In truth, even without Fei Hou's intervention, those four Purple Clothes Sword Sect disciples couldn't have injured Huang Xiaolong. Huang Xiaolong had seen that they were only at the Fifth Order strength.

Zhang Hua and the other Purple Clothes Sword Sect disciples stared at the corpses of their fallen comrades, their expressions frozen. Startled and then angry, Zhang Hua turned to Fei Hou, his eyes filled with hatred. "How dare you kill our Purple Clothes Sword Sect disciples!"

Fei Hou remained silent, his gaze coldly fixed on Zhang Hua. "Daring to harm the Young Master deserves death!" This was the rule of the Asura Sect. Anyone who harmed the Sect Master had to be put to death.

Anger flared in Zhang Hua's heart, and his complexion turned cold. "Alright." He waved his hand and said to the other Purple Clothes Sword Sect disciples, "Let's go!" He intended to retreat.

Everyone was taken aback. "Go? Who said you could leave?" At that moment, Huang Xiaolong's cold voice resounded.

Huang Xiaolong had noticed the intense hatred in Zhang Hua's eyes when he intended to leave. If he let Zhang Hua escape, the man would undoubtedly seek revenge later. Since Huang Family Manor wasn't far away, Huang Xiaolong knew that if his identity as a disciple of Huang Family Manor was exposed, the manor would be in grave danger. Therefore, Huang Xiaolong couldn't let the Purple Clothes Sword Sect disciples leave.

A flash of killing intent flickered in Huang Xiaolong's heart. In his previous life, he had executed several criminals deserving of severe punishment, so he wasn't a person who hesitated.

Before Zhang Hua and the remaining Purple Clothes Sword Sect disciples could respond, Fei Hou moved again, and a river materialized in front of him. The river emitted a silver glow, resembling a sword gleaming with silver light. This was Fei Hou's Martial Spirit, the Silver River—a variation of a Nature Martial Spirit.

Fei Hou's Martial Spirit was summoned, and he instantly underwent Spirit Transformation. His entire body became soft and supple, merging harmoniously with the Silver River. He entangled the remaining Purple Clothes Sword Sect disciples, who screamed in agony as Fei Hou tightened his grip. One by one, the disciples fell to the ground, their bodies lifeless.

Within moments, all the Purple Clothes Sword Sect disciples, including Zhang Hua, lay dead on the ground.

Fei Hou retracted his Martial Spirit and returned to stand behind Huang Xiaolong.

Two disciples from Starry Sky Academy, who had been stunned by the events, finally regained their senses. They looked at Fei Hou with a mixture of panic and awe, grateful for their rescue. "Brother, senior, thank you for saving us. We will express our gratitude another time!" The man's voice trembled as he clasped his fists and quickly led the woman away. As they exited the area, they cast fearful glances back at Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou.

Fei Hou, seeing that they ran away after being rescued, furrowed his brow. He turned to Huang Xiaolong and suggested, "Young Master, shall we..."

Huang Xiaolong pondered for a moment and then shook his head. "No." Although he found their sudden departure annoying, he understood that they were concerned about becoming potential witnesses if Huang Xiaolong eliminated them for knowing about the incident. Thus, their hasty retreat was understandable.

Huang Xiaolong wasn't worried about them revealing the incident. Speaking of it would offer them no benefits.

"Let's go as well," Huang Xiaolong said to Fei Hou. With this incident, he no longer had any desire to stay in the area.

"Yes, Sect Master!"

Before leaving, Fei Hou incinerated the corpses of the Purple Clothes Sword Sect disciples.

Thus, they continued deeper into Silvermoon Forest, with the Spirit Devouring Purple Monkey accompanying them.

Due to Fei Hou's presence as a peak Rank 10 powerhouse, Huang Xiaolong wasn't concerned about encountering high-ranked Monster Beasts.

One month later, in a certain area of Silvermoon Forest, two flashes of blade glow swept by as a Rank 6 black bear let out a pitiful cry and collapsed to the ground. Huang Xiaolong's figure materialized in the air.

During this month, Huang Xiaolong had relentlessly hunted and killed Monster Beasts, honing his skills in Life Source Spirit Skills such as Space Concealment and swift shadow. With their combined effects, he could easily eliminate Rank 6 Monster Beasts.

The black bear he had just slain was at the Middle Stage of Rank 6.

Spirit Devouring Purple Monkey leaped from Huang Xiaolong's shoulder and emitted a squeak. Its claws swiftly extracted the Monster Core from the black bear's body and swallowed it whole. Then, it retrieved the bear's gall and handed it to Huang Xiaolong.

Compared to the Rank 4 giant flower python's gall that Huang Xiaolong had consumed previously, the gall from the Rank 6 black bear was ten times more effective.