"Confrontation at Starry Sky Academy: A Battle Unleashed"

Starry Sky Academy had two individuals, both filled with joy as they flew and threw themselves towards Huang Xiaolong and Spirit Devouring Purple Monkey. Observing the happiness on their faces, Huang Xiaolong sneered inwardly and summoned the Asura Blade into his hand. With a sudden swing, he uttered slowly, "Infernal Wind!"

A hundred blade glows shimmered as two enormous nettle whips relentlessly swept through the air. The sound emitted resembled a chorus of hellish echoes, chilling the hearts and souls of those who heard it.

The two individuals from Starry Sky Academy wore expressions of panic as they attempted to retreat in midair. However, their movements were too slow, and the Infernal Wind instantaneously swept past them.

"Star Gathering Sword Arts!"

"Limitless Stars!"

In their panic, the male cultivator, seeing no way to evade the attack, activated his Battle Qi and ruthlessly swung his longsword forward. Countless starlights emitted an intense and cold gleam, colliding with the Infernal Wind.

Simultaneously, the female cultivator also swung her sword.


Instantly, it seemed as if dozens of collisions occurred simultaneously. However, the Infernal Wind continued to swirl, swallowing the myriad starlights and sword glows, forcefully crashing into the two individuals.

"Pu!" The Infernal Wind struck their bodies, sending them flying backward. They crashed into a large tree dozens of meters away with great force, causing the tree to topple over. Blood gushed from their mouths.

Their bodies, covered in countless cuts and lacerations, appeared as if they had been sliced by more than a hundred blade glows. It was a horrifying sight. Sword marks covered their faces, from which blood continuously flowed.

However, despite their injuries, the two individuals remained alive.

Huang Xiaolong had not deliberately intended to kill them immediately. The individuals struck by the Infernal Wind experienced the corrosive effects of the Hell Qi, which seeped into their bodies and relentlessly attacked their internal organs. The excruciating pain they felt was beyond ordinary, and Huang Xiaolong intended for them to taste every bit of it.

The two individuals writhed on the ground, screaming in agony. Their wails were pitiful and piercing, displaying their intense suffering.

Purple Clothes Sword Sect disciples in the vicinity heard their pitiful cries and turned their attention toward the scene. Witnessing the gruesome condition of the two individuals, their expressions changed drastically.

"What?! The kid did this?!" Chen Feng's expression changed dramatically. He couldn't believe his eyes as he looked at Huang Xiaolong wielding the Asura Blade.

How could a kid of such a young age defeat two Rank 6 powerhouses instantaneously?

It was inconceivable!

Even in Chen Feng's eyes, the Sect Master, who was considered terrifying, would not have possessed such monstrous talent at such a young age.

In Chen Feng's shock, several pitiful cries rang out. Startled, Chen Feng turned his head and saw Fei Hou swiftly pierce the throats of five Purple Clothes Sword Sect disciples.

Chen Feng was both shocked and furious. He exclaimed, "A group of idiots! Summon your Martial Spirits and set up the Blood Wolf Killing Formation!" With that, he emitted a radiant light, summoning a great wolf. This wolf had blood-red eyes and silver-gray fur with black stripes.

This was his Beast Martial Spirit, a member of the Wolf Clan known as the Heavenly Wolf!

As Chen Feng summoned his Heavenly Wolf Martial Spirit, the other seven disciples of Purple Clothes Sword Sect also summoned their Martial Spirits. Astonishingly, all seven of them were wolf Martial Spirits!

Some wolves had golden eyes, some possessed two tails, and some had entirely black fur.

Although these disciples' Martial Spirits were not the same as Chen Feng's Heavenly Wolf, they were still a type of Wolf Clan Martial Spirit.

Huang Xiaolong, witnessing this, was taken aback.

At this moment, the seven Purple Clothes Sword Sect disciples regrouped beside Chen Feng. Centered around him, they released their Battle Qi, causing their Martial Spirits to merge with Chen Feng's Heavenly Wolf Martial Spirit. The eight wolf Martial Spirits emitted a dazzling light, exuding a tyrannical aura.

Generally speaking, when Martial Spirits are similar, they can use certain cultivation techniques or formations to mutually enhance each other. After the enhancement, the strength of both sides would increase to varying degrees.

The auras of the seven Purple Clothes Sword Sect disciples and Chen Feng began to rise continuously.

"Hmm?!" Fei Hou was somewhat surprised. He hadn't expected that all the Purple Clothes Sword Sect disciples possessed wolf Martial Spirits. Observing the lineup of Chen Feng and the others, Fei Hou sneered. Silver light burst forth from his body like a sun, forming a river of silver that coiled around him. With each coil, the silver light around Fei Hou grew stronger, and the Silver River Martial Spirit also expanded.

"Martial Spirit Strengthening!" Chen Feng observed the transformation of Fei Hou's Martial Spirit and exclaimed with a mix of alarm and fear.

Indeed, Martial Spirit Strengthening!

This was Fei Hou's Life Source Spirit Skill, Silver River Martial Spirit!

After using this Life Source Spirit Skill, the Silver River Martial Spirit would undergo five enhancements. Moreover, each enhancement would increase its size by half.

After five enhancements, Fei Hou's Silver River Martial Spirit became nearly ten meters wide, resembling a river of silver dozens of meters in length.

With the five enhancements, Fei Hou's body underwent an instant transformation. His entire being seemed to turn into a Silver River, with his muscles, skin, and even bones seemingly vanishing completely.

"Take action!" Chen Feng's startled shout resounded as he swiftly struck out his palm, while a giant wolf head opened its mouth wide.

"Heavenly Wolf Palm!"

The wolf king's howl reverberated throughout the mountains and forests.

The other seven disciples of Purple Clothes Sword Sect also made their moves, each summoning a wolf head. However, compared to Chen Feng's giant wolf head, theirs were one size smaller.

Fei Hou's eyes turned cold upon seeing this. He raised both arms and unleashed a powerful attack.

"Heart Shattering Fist!"

Fist energy pierced through space, causing it to shatter as if struck by a heavy object.

Eight giant wolf heads shattered into dust. Subsequently, all eight members of the Purple Clothes Sword Sect were sent flying, their bodies trembling upon impact. Chen Feng fared slightly better, only being pushed back several meters before stabilizing himself. However, the other seven disciples were thrown dozens of meters away. Upon landing, their bodies emitted the sounds of bones breaking. Each time a sound rang out, the bodies of the seven disciples convulsed violently, ultimately falling to the ground lifelessly.

Chen Feng's body also experienced a similar impact. With each convulsion, blood sprayed from his mouth. In his alarmed and terrified eyes, he struggled to contain his fear. What battle skill was this?

Suddenly, he turned and attempted to flee.

Fei Hou, however, swiftly appeared before him like a drifting Silver River, blocking his path.

Feeling thoroughly relieved, Huang Xiaolong slowly approached the two Starry Sky Academy disciples. By this time, they were still writhing on the ground, their cries of pain filling the air. Their bodies were covered in bloodstains, once again staining the surrounding soil, rendering them unrecognizable.

"Please, spare me... I can tell you... where the treasury is... and give you the treasure map!" The male, upon seeing Huang Xiaolong, pleaded with a hissing voice.

Huang Xiaolong remained silent, his eyes cold. With a swing of his Asura Blade, the male ceased his pitiful cries and lay motionless. The female's face filled with fear as she prepared to speak, but before she could utter a word, Huang Xiaolong's Asura Blade swung again, ending her life.

After killing the two, Huang Xiaolong retrieved his Asura Blade and discovered a chart inside the male's chest. To his surprise, the chart depicted a monkey!

Upon seeing this monkey, Huang Xiaolong turned to Spirit Devouring Purple Monkey. It seemed familiar.