"Duke's Mansion Seeks Revenge as Huang Xiaolong Dines in Royal City"

Huang Xiaolong walked with his Spirit Devouring Purple Monkey on the streets of Luo Tong Royal City. The city lived up to its reputation as a regal and bustling place, with wide streets measuring 50-60 meters in some areas. In comparison, Canglan County City seemed like a remote countryside location.

Occasionally, Huang Xiaolong encountered people dressed in peculiar attire passing by. Luo Tong Kingdom consisted of thirty counties, each with dozens or hundreds of cities. The cultural differences between different counties were significant, and the common folk dressed in various styles reminiscent of China's major ethnic minorities on Earth.

At that moment, a tall and robust man, standing at two meters and twelve centimeters with thick fur all over his body, resembling a tiger, walked past Huang Xiaolong.

"Is he a Beastman?" Huang Xiaolong pondered as he observed the robust man.

In the midst of the bustling crowd, Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou leisurely strolled, observing their surroundings. After a while, they arrived at a restaurant called Delicacy Restaurant, and Huang Xiaolong decided to stop there.

"Fei Hou, let's have something to eat," Huang Xiaolong suggested. After months of practicing in the Silvermoon Forest, he had grown tired of eating only beast meat like Sand Tree Fern. It was time for a change.

Upon hearing Huang Xiaolong's words, Spirit Devouring Purple Monkey on his shoulder excitedly clapped and squeaked.

"I know you're greedy," Huang Xiaolong teased.

As they entered the restaurant, they were met with a lively scene. The entire establishment was filled with customers.

"We'd like to be seated on the second floor," Huang Xiaolong requested. However, the restaurant waiter quickly approached and blocked their way, politely explaining, "Excuse me, young sir, our second floor is reserved for nobility."

"Are you saying we're not nobles?" Huang Xiaolong's brow furrowed, and he glanced at Fei Hou. Understanding the situation, Fei Hou took out a few gold coins and tossed them to the waiter, saying, "Consider this a gesture of goodwill from our young master."

The waiter stared at the gold coins in his hand, dumbfounded. His monthly income amounted to no more than a few gold coins, and the aristocrats who frequented the place usually left no more than a few silver coins.

"Can we go up now?" Fei Hou asked with indifference.

"Yes, yes!" The waiter regained his composure and beamed with joy. "Masters, please follow me." He then bowed and led Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou to the second floor personally.

In truth, the second floor's policy of catering exclusively to nobility wasn't strictly enforced. As long as the customers were willing to pay, they were welcome regardless of their status. It was clear that Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou were wealthy individuals.

The two were guided to a prime spot near the window on the second floor.

"Masters, may I inquire about your food and drink preferences?" the waiter asked respectfully as Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou took their seats.

"What are your signature dishes? Bring us a few of them, and also three jars of your best liquor," Huang Xiaolong ordered.

"A few dishes and three jars of liquor?" The waiter was taken aback.

"What's the matter? Is there a problem?" Fei Hou furrowed his brows and said, tossing a small cloth sack from his pocket to the waiter. The waiter caught it and felt the weight. Opening the sack, he saw the glimmering gold inside—around 50-60 gold coins.

"Is this enough?" Fei Hou asked.

The waiter finally snapped out of his daze and nodded repeatedly. "It's more than enough! And there's even some left over!"

"Enjoy it all," Fei Hou said. "Now, go and quickly bring us the food and wine."

With a wide smile on his face, the waiter said, "Of course, sirs! Right away! I'll bring the food and wine!" He wiped the sweat off his forehead, seemingly a mix of nervousness and joy, before hastily departing.

Soon, the waiter returned with a variety of dishes and the requested liquor. The table was filled with fragrant and appetizing dishes, making one's mouth water.

"Masters, this liquor is our restaurant's specialty, called Snow Moon Liquor. It is brewed exclusively for our establishment," the waiter explained with a smile as he presented the three jars of liquor.

"Snow Moon Liquor?" Fei Hou nodded and waved his hand. "Thank you, you may leave."

"Yes, sirs. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask," the waiter said, bowing respectfully before retreating.

As soon as the waiter left, Spirit Devouring Purple Monkey jumped down from Huang Xiaolong's shoulder and approached one of the wine pots. With a swift paw, it removed the lid, causing the aroma of the wine to fill the air.

Overjoyed, the monkey filled several cups, grinning and squeaking happily at Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou.

Shaking their heads with a smile, Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou each opened a wine pot and filled their cups. They clinked their cups together and started drinking.

The cold, refreshing wine flowed down their throats, leaving a hint of sweetness and a chill.

While Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou enjoyed their meal, in the Meng Residence of the Duke's Mansion within Luo Tong Royal City, Meng Xia, standing in the hall with a shaved head, angrily shouted, "Father, those damn outcasts must be killed! Cut off their hands and feet! After that, we will parade them through the city to show everyone the fate that awaits those who dare to offend our Duke's Mansion!"

Meng Chen looked at his miserable-looking son, his heart filled with anger. How could his son, who belonged to the prestigious Duke's Mansion, be beaten up by two outcasts in front of the Royal City gates? Furthermore, his mansion guards had their hands completely severed! It was a complete humiliation.

"Can't you find those two culprits?!" Meng Chen turned his head and coldly asked Chief Steward Xie Fei.

Just as Chief Steward Xie Fei was about to respond, a guard rushed into the hall, having just returned from investigating. He reported, "My lord, we have located the two individuals. They are currently at Delicacy Restaurant!"

"Delicacy Restaurant!" Meng Chen suddenly stood up, his eyes emitting a cold and fierce light. "Very well! They dared to strike my son, injure the guards of the Duke's Mansion, and now they dare to enjoy themselves in the Delicacy Restaurant within the Royal City!"

They were blatantly disrespecting the Duke's Mansion!

"Gather all the experts of Rank 7 and above in the mansion. We shall go to Delicacy Restaurant together!" Meng Chen ordered.

"Yes, my lord!" Chief Steward Xie Fei replied respectfully. After a moment's hesitation, he asked, "My lord, should we also invite the big shot and the two gentlemen?"

Meng Chen sneered, "Of course! Regardless of what tricks they may have up their sleeves, I will ensure they suffer a miserable and tragic death!"

Meanwhile, Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou continued to savor their meal at Delicacy Restaurant. After a while, Fei Hou stopped and stood up, saying to Huang Xiaolong, "Young Master, there's someone I want to see. He is a disciple of our Asura Sect in Luo Tong Royal City. When I bring him here, I'm sure he will be delighted to meet you! He already knows that you are in Luo Tong Royal City."

An Asura Sect disciple? Was this the person Fei Hou had fought against earlier? Huang Xiaolong nodded and said, "Very well, hurry and bring him here." He didn't inquire about the disciple's status in Luo Tong Kingdom, as he would find out once Fei Hou brought him along.

"Yes, Young Master!" Fei Hou respectfully acknowledged and promptly turned to leave.

Before long, Fei Hou arrived at a grand mansion with a sign above the entrance that read: Marshal Mansion!

In Luo Tong Kingdom, there were numerous generals, dukes, and marquises, but there was only one marshal!