"The Audacious Registration: A Clash at Starry Sky Academy"

Li Lu clung to Huang Xiaolong, drawing the attention of the people around them. Although they were both nine-year-old children, Huang Xiaolong seemed much younger when observed by others.

"Uncle," Huang Xiaolong greeted the man named Li Cheng, who was standing behind Li Lu. Li Cheng smiled and nodded in response, addressing Fei Hou respectfully.

Having visited Starry Sky Academy two days prior, they didn't dwell on the past and entered through the grand entrance. The entrance led them to a vast square paved with the rare Starlight Stone, which emitted a refreshing and energizing aura. Each piece of Starlight Stone was worth a thousand gold coins. Huang Xiaolong marveled at the abundance of wealth possessed by Starry Sky Academy.

The square was filled with hundreds of people who had come for registration. Huang Xiaolong and his companions briefly surveyed the area before making their way to the registration area.

Upon arriving at the registration area, they encountered a young woman with slender eyebrows, phoenix eyes, and fair skin. Although her expression appeared somewhat cold, her beauty was striking.

"Hello, we've come to register," Li Lu greeted cheerfully, revealing her dimples.

The woman, Xiong Meiqi, raised her head and her icy demeanor softened slightly upon seeing Li Lu's adorable dimples. She forced a smile and asked for their names and ages.

After recording Li Lu's information, Xiong Meiqi handed her a wooden sign and instructed her to proceed to the Inner Hall for further tests and examinations related to Martial Spirits. Although the academy required Martial Spirits of Level 9 or above and a minimum age of 12, additional examinations were still necessary.

Li Lu received the wooden sign and returned to Huang Xiaolong's side.

Now it was Huang Xiaolong's turn to step forward, presenting a letter of recommendation from his pocket. Xiong Meiqi's expression changed instantly upon seeing the letter. Disgust and disdain were clearly visible in her eyes. She loathed those who relied on family connections to obtain special admission to Starry Sky Academy, especially those with inadequate Martial Spirits below Level 9.

Xiong Meiqi asked in a cold tone, "Name and age?"

"Huang Xiaolong, nine and a half years old," Huang Xiaolong replied.

Xiong Meiqi recorded the information and reluctantly threw a star-shaped token about the size of two thumbs onto the ground, saying, "This is your student identity card."

Fei Hou and the two guards were infuriated by Xiong Meiqi's disrespectful behavior. They were about to step forward, but Huang Xiaolong raised his hand and shook his head, signaling them to restrain themselves. Fei Hou picked up the star-shaped student identity card from the ground.

Huang Xiaolong observed Xiong Meiqi, who had thrown his student identity card on the ground. His expression remained indifferent as he asked, "Where do I pay the tuition?" Since she treated him in such a disrespectful manner, there was no need for him to show any kindness.

Xiong Meiqi retorted coldly, "Are you mute? Can't you ask someone else?"

"How dare you!" Fei Hou, enraged by her comment, released the imposing aura of a Rank 10 powerhouse. Xiong Meiqi, although taken aback by Fei Hou's strength, showed no signs of fear and sneered, "Are you here to cause trouble?" Her own aura surged, and a giant butterfly Martial Spirit appeared behind her.

Surprisingly, Xiong Meiqi possessed a Seven Colors Butterfly Martial Spirit with seven colors and eight wings, composed of gold and silver.

Huang Xiaolong was somewhat astonished by this rare Martial Spirit, the Seven Colors Butterfly. While its grade might not be high, it was still a top-level Martial Spirit of Level 9.

Suddenly, three figures flew in from various directions of the square at a rapid speed. They were also dressed in the Starry Sky Academy teacher's robe, indicating they were teachers. One of them had a unique feature—an additional line on their forehead, resembling a third eye.

Upon arriving, Zhong Yuan, the teacher with the forehead lines, inquired, "Meiqi, what's going on?" He then glanced at Fei Hou.

Xiong Meiqi looked at Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou before coldly stating, "This waste disciple used family influence to obtain a letter of recommendation and is causing trouble."

Using the letter of recommendation against Huang Xiaolong, accusing him of causing trouble, and calling him a waste—Xiong Meiqi's words angered Huang Xiaolong even more. Initially, he felt a bit uncomfortable around her, but now he was thoroughly disgusted. It wasn't her place to judge him just because he used a letter of recommendation for registration. Moreover, she was only a teacher. Yet, she had the audacity to treat him with such contempt. Clearly, she had chosen the wrong person to mess with.

"So, you're a waste who relies on a letter of recommendation for registration? Boy, you're causing trouble. You've come to the wrong place! Look around you!" Zhong Yuan coldly addressed Huang Xiaolong, demanding an apology from him.

Generally, individuals who used a letter of recommendation for registration had a strong background. In Zhong Yuan's opinion, making such a person kneel and apologize was already quite lenient.

However, Huang Xiaolong's eyes turned cold as he looked at Zhong Yuan and pointed at Xiong Meiqi, sneering, "Well, since you've chosen to side with this female black bear, why don't both of you kneel and apologize to me? Let's consider the matter settled. Otherwise..." Huang Xiaolong's eyes flashed with a cold light.

If these two were intent on slandering him and causing trouble, he was more than willing to oblige. Nobody dared to do what he was about to do before, but that didn't mean nobody ever would.

The entire square was filled with the commotion caused by the students from various prominent families who had come to register. Hearing that Huang Xiaolong dared to demand that two teachers kneel and apologize to him, everyone was in an uproar.

This buddy was truly bold!

Xiong Meiqi and Zhong Yuan were momentarily stunned. Their faces flushed with anger as they realized that the person they accused of causing trouble now wanted them to kneel and apologize in return. Xiong Meiqi pointed a trembling finger at Huang Xiaolong and shouted, "I revoke your registration qualifications! Get out of here with your lackeys!"

Huang Xiaolong smiled coldly and replied, "If you want to revoke my registration qualifications, you don't have the authority to do so, Teacher!. That decision can only be made by the Dean." Huang Xiaolong stated a fact that neither of them could refute.