"Journey to Mastery: Trials and Triumphs of Huang Xiaolong"

Huang Xiaolong nodded. "I can help you break through to the Innate realm within five years."

"Five years?" Fei Hou's expression was one of shock. He had just reached the Rank 10 Late Stage Peak, and under normal circumstances, it would take him at least 20-30 years to break through to the Innate realm. But now, the Sect Master was claiming that he could achieve it within five years.

After the initial shock, excitement filled Fei Hou's face. Having been with the Sect Master for a long time, he knew that if the Sect Master made such a statement, he had absolute confidence and wouldn't deceive him.

"You may sit," Huang Xiaolong said, gesturing for Fei Hou to take a seat. "I will impart to you a Cultivation Technique."

"Cultivation Technique!" Fei Hou was startled, then promptly sat down as instructed.

Huang Xiaolong proceeded to teach Fei Hou a Cultivation Technique called the "Thunder Water Arts." While this technique couldn't compare to the Body Metamorphose Scripture, when practiced to a high level, its power was formidable and comparable to some of the best Heaven Grade Cultivation Techniques in the world. Since Fei Hou had the Silver River Martial Spirit, practicing the Thunder Water Arts and integrating it with his existing battle skills would significantly enhance his cultivation speed, making it entirely possible for him to break through to the Innate realm within five years.

"Thank you, Sect Master, for your kindness!" After receiving the Thunder Water Arts, Fei Hou knelt down, his face filled with gratitude. "I pledge to follow you faithfully until the end!"

Huang Xiaolong waved his hand, fully aware of Fei Hou's loyalty. If that weren't the case, he wouldn't have imparted the Thunder Water Arts to him.

"Now, return to the Marshal Mansion and bring Haotian here. I will teach him a Cultivation Technique as well," Huang Xiaolong instructed.

"Thank you, Sect Master, on behalf of Senior Brother!" Fei Hou's face brightened with joy as he expressed his gratitude once again.

Huang Xiaolong signaled for Fei Hou to rise, and then he explained the intricacies of the Thunder Water Arts to him. After Fei Hou understood, they also discussed the idea of recruiting and training servants to build their own influence.

"You can handle this matter, Fei Hou," Huang Xiaolong said, expressing his trust.

Fei Hou respectfully nodded in acknowledgment.

Satisfied, Huang Xiaolong dismissed Fei Hou.

Once Fei Hou left, Huang Xiaolong entered his courtyard and began practicing the Tears of Asura technique. Afterward, he dedicated himself to refining his previous life's martial arts, such as the Soft Palm, Subduing Demons Sword Arts, and Arhat Fist. As for attending classes in the afternoon, Huang Xiaolong considered it a waste of time. His main goal in joining the Starry Sky Academy was to temper his physical body and improve the quality of his Battle Qi through Dragon Flame Valley. Participating in Class Competitions, Grade Competitions, and regular competitions would earn him valuable rewards such as Grade 4 and Grade 5 Medicine Pills. Additionally, winning the Academy General Competition would allow him to participate in the Imperial City's Battle held in Broken Blade Empire's Imperial City.

The afternoon arrived, and Xiong Meiqi, feeling disregarded by Huang Xiaolong in the morning and irritated, anticipated seeing him kneeling in the square during the freshman test three days later. Huang Xiaolong's nickname, "black bear," had become well-known among the freshmen and even spread among the older students.

In the afternoon, when Huang Xiaolong was practicing his previous life's martial arts in Tianxuan Mansion, Fei Hou arrived with Marshal Haotian, who wore an exceptionally excited expression. It was clear that Fei Hou had informed him about the Cultivation Technique Huang Xiaolong was going to teach him.

After Marshal Haotian arrived, Huang Xiaolong taught him a set of Cultivation Technique called the "Five Yang Arts." Though slightly inferior to the Thunder Water Arts, the Five Yang Arts had a similar level of power. Marshal Haotian had spent over 30 years breaking through to Rank 2 from Innate Rank 1. With the Five Yang Arts, it would take him only a few years to break through to Rank 3.

Although the progress might seem slow, breaking through to Rank 3 from Innate Rank 2 in just a few years was remarkable. Even someone with a Level 11 First Class Martial Spirit would require several years to achieve the same. Marshal Haotian couldn't contain his gratitude and tears flowed down his face.

"Sect Master, rest assured that Haotian will not disappoint your expectations. I will practice diligently and strive to break through to Rank 3 soon!" After receiving the Five Yang Arts, Marshal Haotian bowed deeply to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and motioned for him to rise.

After a while, Huang Xiaolong instructed Marshal Haotian to return to the Marshal Mansion and bring the Spirit Devouring Purple Monkey with him.

Once Marshal Haotian left, Huang Xiaolong sat cross-legged on the cold jade bed in his room. He summoned his Twin Dragons Martial Spirit but didn't immediately start practicing. Instead, he followed the method he learned from the library earlier and circulated his Battle Qi, gradually merging his Twin Dragons Martial Spirit.

As Huang Xiaolong circulated his Battle Qi, the black and blue Twin Dragons entwined and emitted a constant flow of black and blue light. Eventually, the lights intensified, and the Twin Dragons fused into a single entity, transforming from the previous Martial Spirit Awakening appearance. Previously known as the Double-Headed Snake, it was now the Two-Headed Dragon.

With the fusion complete, the Twin Dragons emanated an even more formidable dragon's aura, and their size had increased significantly.

However, Huang Xiaolong noticed that under this fused state, the speed at which the Twin Dragons absorbed the Nine Nether Qi was slightly slower than when they were separate.

After practicing the Tears of Asura technique, Huang Xiaolong shifted his focus to cultivating the Body Metamorphose Scripture. He had a feeling that he could soon establish a connection between the meridians of the fourth potential, allowing him to develop the fifth potential. Once he established this connection, his internal energy would greatly increase. At that point, he would be able to defeat powerhouses below Rank 6 Late Stage using only his internal energy, without even needing to employ Battle Qi.

Time passed, and soon three days had gone by.

During those three days, Huang Xiaolong remained in Tianxuan Mansion, focusing on his practice without attending school. This further infuriated Xiong Meiqi, but the thought of Huang Xiaolong's inevitable failure to enter the top ten in the upcoming freshman test brought her some satisfaction.

Finally, the day of the freshman test arrived. Huang Xiaolong stepped out of his room, stretching his limbs.

"Today is the freshman test!" Huang Xiaolong contemplated as he looked up at the sky, now fading with the setting sun. It was truly something to look forward to!

Leaving his courtyard, Huang Xiaolong saw Fei Hou respectfully waiting for him and approached to pay his respects.

"Let's go, we should head to the school." Huang Xiaolong instructed, and Fei Hou stood up, acknowledging the order.

"Yes, Sect Master!"

As Huang Xiaolong arrived at the school, he noticed Xiong Meiqi and the rest of the freshmen gathered in the school square. All eyes turned toward Huang Xiaolong as he approached.