"Unleashed Potential: The Astonishing Rise of Huang Xiaolong"

Jiang Teng approached Huang Xiaolong, closing the distance within two meters. His eyes were filled with ruthlessness as he launched a sudden palm strike towards Huang Xiaolong's chest. Sensing the impact, Huang Xiaolong's expression turned cold. In an instant, a surge of powerful Battle Qi erupted from within him, resembling a raging flood or a dormant volcano, awe-inspiring and astonishing. Before anyone could comprehend what was happening, Huang Xiaolong retaliated with a punch, emitting a golden light that extended ten thousand zhang (33,333m), striking Jiang Teng's chest with incredible force.

A muffled sound echoed as Jiang Teng cried out in pain. His body staggered backward, and blood trickled from the corner of his mouth. He retreated several steps before finally coming to a stop. All his previous strength seemed to dissipate, and even his Sacred Bright Tiger, which had stood behind him with an imposing aura, now appeared feeble, like a sickly cat.

Everyone was stunned, and time seemed to stand still. Regardless of whether they were freshmen or experienced second or third-grade students, their minds went blank. They couldn't comprehend what they had just witnessed – Jiang Teng, a Level 11 Super level Martial Spirit with a Rank 4 cultivation, had been defeated with a single punch!

"It's impossible! How could a mere waste with a letter of recommendation defeat Jiang Teng?" Xiong Meiqi couldn't believe what she was seeing, shaking her head in denial.

In a distant corner, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu, who had previously been astonished at Huang Xiaolong's ability to hold his ground against Jiang Teng for four breaths, were now dumbfounded. "Rank 4 Late Stage Peak!" Xiong Chu stammered, struggling to find the words.

Indeed, Huang Xiaolong's punch had contained the strength of a Rank 4 Late Stage Peak warrior. Even though Jiang Teng couldn't believe he had been injured, Huang Xiaolong sneered and approached him.

Fear replaced Jiang Teng's previous arrogance and disdain as he instinctively took a step back, his expression filled with fright. He muttered incoherently, unable to fully grasp the reality of the situation. In his mind, he still saw Huang Xiaolong as nothing more than a waste with a letter of recommendation.

Annoyed by Jiang Teng's muttering, Huang Xiaolong struck out with his palm, cutting off Jiang Teng's words. Jiang Teng tried to defend himself, but Huang Xiaolong's palm landed on his chest.

With a trembling sound, Jiang Teng felt as if his bones were breaking. A terrifying energy surged through his body, causing immense pain. Huang Xiaolong didn't stop there; he continued to unleash several more palm strikes, each accompanied by the sound of bones fracturing. Although Jiang Teng's body remained intact, he bent forward, overwhelmed by the unbearable pain, resembling a boiled lobster.

The sight was horrifying, and many onlookers couldn't bear to watch any longer.

"I... I give up!" Jiang Teng struggled to speak, but before he could admit defeat, Huang Xiaolong struck again, interrupting him.

"That's enough! Stop it!" Xiong Meiqi finally regained her senses and shouted angrily, rushing forward to separate Huang Xiaolong and Jiang Teng.

As the two were separated, Jiang Teng's body convulsed, and he lay on the ground, pale-faced, with blood flowing from his mouth.

"Jiang Teng! Jiang Teng!" Xiong Meiqi hurriedly helped him up, her face filled with panic.

Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu, who were standing at a corner of the square, snapped out of their daze when they saw Jiang Teng lying on the ground. A sense of foreboding gripped their hearts, and they immediately rushed to the scene.

The crowd recognized Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu and saluted them, exclaiming, "Dean, Vice Dean!"

Xiong Meiqi also stood up, her face reflecting her anxiety.

Ignoring the salutations, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu swiftly approached Jiang Teng. They bent down on either side of him and activated their Battle Qi, trying to help him.

The crowd held their breath, anxiously watching the scene unfold.

"Is that Dean Sun Zhang from Starry Sky Academy?" Huang Xiaolong noticed Sun Zhang's distinctive oversized ears, rumored to be the result of practicing an Earth Grade battle skill.

Li Lu, finally recovering from the shock of Jiang Teng's condition, approached Huang Xiaolong with a worried expression. She asked, "Xiaolong, can they help him?"

Huang Xiaolong, with a nonchalant expression, reassured her with a look, saying, "It'll be alright."

Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu withdrew their hands from Jiang Teng's body, their Battle Qi receding. They exchanged a glance, both eyes filled with shock. When they had infused their Battle Qi into Jiang Teng's body to heal him, they encountered a powerful and high-quality Battle Qi that resisted their own. It was evident that this powerful Battle Qi originated from Huang Xiaolong's previous strike.

Without saying a word, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu silently agreed not to disclose this matter. Relief washed over them, knowing that Jiang Teng's injuries were not irreparable. They looked at Huang Xiaolong, standing fifty-six meters away, his eyes shining with a golden light, as if they had discovered an invaluable treasure.

Rank 4 Late Stage Peak! Huang Xiaolong, around the same age as Jiang Teng, had already reached Rank 4 Late Stage Peak! What kind of heaven-defying talent was he? And what kind of Martial Spirit did Huang Xiaolong possess to achieve such a feat? Excitement surged within Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu's hearts, causing their bodies to tremble. A Level 11 top-tier Martial Spirit?!