"The Rising Fame of Huang Xiaolong: Freshman Test Results and Unexpected Offers"

Huang Xiaolong looked at Xiong Meiqi with a cold voice and said, "You won't forget about the freshman test gambling, will you?"

Xiong Meiqi's body trembled, her expression flustered, and she didn't dare to look directly at Huang Xiaolong. Her fair face turned pale.

"The gambling? What is happening?" Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu were puzzled. Suddenly, Xiong Meiqi, with her pale face, kneeled in front of everyone in the square. She then opened her mouth and continuously barked like a dog, "Woof! Woof! Woof!" three times in a row.

Sun Zhang, Xiong Chu, and others were dumbfounded.

As they stood there, bewildered, Xiong Meiqi suddenly stood up after kneeling and covered her face as she ran away, disappearing without a trace.

Everyone was left in a state of shock.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the vanished Xiong Meiqi and suddenly thought that she wasn't as hateful as he initially thought. At least she had the courage to speak up and take action. Huang Xiaolong believed that Xiong Meiqi would definitely deny the previous bet for some reason.

Xiong Chu saw his daughter disappear without a trace and finally shook his head.

With Xiong Meiqi gone, the freshman test finally came to an end.

Huang Xiaolong and the others dispersed.

Upon seeing Huang Xiaolong's figure, Sun Zhang's gaze flickered. He said, "It seems like I need to visit Marshal Mansion in the next two days and have a good chat with that old fogey Haotian!"

Upon hearing Sun Zhang's words, Xiong Chu smiled and said, "With the friendship between Dean and Marshal Haotian, coupled with the Dean's status and strength, if the Dean wants to accept Huang Xiaolong as a disciple, Marshal Haotian will definitely agree."

Sun Zhang nodded. He wasn't worried about that, but he was curious about Huang Xiaolong's Martial Spirit.

"Haotian should know about it," Sun Zhang mused. After a moment, he refocused his attention and looked at the still unconscious Jiang Teng. He forced a smile and said to Xiong Chu, "Let's stabilize this young fellow's injuries first and then discuss further."

Xiong Chu forced a smile and nodded in agreement.

Afterward, the two of them carried the unconscious Jiang Teng and disappeared from the spot with a flash.

Instead of returning to the classroom, Huang Xiaolong went to the library. The library was open to all Academy disciples for reading, but the buildings that housed battle skills and cultivation techniques were restricted to Buildings Two, Three, and Four. To access those, one had to complete school tasks and earn a certain number of points.

However, Huang Xiaolong visited the library not to study the school's battle skills and cultivation techniques. Although he had been in this Martial Spirit World for nearly ten years, his knowledge of this world was limited. So, he wanted to read some books to gain a better understanding.

After skimming through two books related to Martial Spirits, Huang Xiaolong came across a book titled "Life Source Spirit Skill."

Intrigued, he picked it up and started reading. The book not only introduced various Martial Spirit Life Source Spirit Skills but also explained how to utilize them. It even discussed the strengths and weaknesses of certain Life Source Spirit Skills, although not in great detail. Nevertheless, it broadened Huang Xiaolong's horizons.

After an hour, Huang Xiaolong put the book down and picked up another one.

Meanwhile, the entire Starry Sky Academy was in a frenzy of discussion.

"Did you hear? In today's freshman test, that freshman named Huang Xiaolong almost crippled Jiang Teng, who has an extraordinary Martial Spirit!"

"This is absolutely true! I was in the square at the time, and Huang Xiaolong suddenly displayed the strength of a peak Rank 4 Late Stage warrior!"

"Rank 4 Late Stage! Huang Xiaolong is barely ten years old? This is too terrifying!"

"I also heard that Huang Xiaolong registered with a letter of recommendation from the Dean and that Jiang Teng, who used to belittle him, got what he deserved!"

The discussions echoed throughout every corner of Starry Sky Academy. Both the older students and the teachers were shocked. Furthermore, they were curious about Huang Xiaolong's Martial Spirit.

As noon approached, when Huang Xiaolong left the library, he heard the discussions about the competition earlier that day. The older students recognized him and looked at him with strange expressions.

Huang Xiaolong listened to the conversations around him, shook his head, and didn't expect the news to spread so quickly. It had only been two to three hours since the test ended in the morning.

Amidst the discussions, Huang Xiaolong left the school.

"Young Master!" Fei Hou and the four guards from Marshal Mansion, who had been waiting, greeted Huang Xiaolong as he exited.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and the five of them returned to Tianxuan Mansion.

"Young Master, I heard that you nearly crippled Heavenly General Jiang Teng!" Fei Hou said with a smile as they walked.

"You heard about it too?" Huang Xiaolong was surprised and forced a smile.

Fei Hou and the others chuckled. Fei Hou continued, "That Jiang Teng is Starry Sky Academy's first Super-level Martial Spirit disciple in over a hundred years. He's also the direct disciple of Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu. But you almost crippled him, causing quite a stir in the Royal City!"

Even the Royal City was talking about it?

Huang Xiaolong was taken aback, frowned, and then relaxed. At this point, it was useless to think about it further. Let the rumors spread. Those who were ambitious would quickly learn about his relationship with Marshal Haotian. With Marshal Haotian on his side, no one in Luo Tong Royal City would dare to touch him. At least he would be safe there.

After a while, Huang Xiaolong and his group arrived at Tianxuan Mansion.

Once inside, Huang Xiaolong dismissed the four guards from Marshal Mansion and went to the main hall, where he asked Fei Hou about the progress of his practice with Thunder Water Arts in recent days.

Fei Hou's face beamed as he replied, "Sect Master, I've been practicing Thunder Water Arts according to your instructions, and my cultivation level has been advancing rapidly!"

Based on his recent progress, Fei Hou estimated that he could reach Innate realm in about four years, rather than the original estimate of five years.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and also inquired about the purchase of servants and the progress of building an influential force in the past few days.

Fei Hou reported everything to Huang Xiaolong in detail.

Hearing the report, Huang Xiaolong nodded in satisfaction.

"In two days, I plan to go to Silvermoon Forest for cultivation," Huang Xiaolong said after some consideration. "But I will return in time for the Academy Grade Competition at the end of the year."

"What?! Sect Master, you want to go to Silvermoon Forest for cultivation?" Fei Hou's expression changed, and he expressed concern. "Sect Master, please allow me to accompany you!"

Huang Xiaolong waved his hand and said, "No need. You stay at Tianxuan Mansion and train them. Make sure to practice Thunder Water Arts every day."

Fei Hou wanted to say something more, but Huang Xiaolong shook his head and said firmly, "That's enough. I've made up my mind!"

Given his current strength and his abilities in Space Concealment and Swift Shadow, as long as he didn't venture too deep into Silvermoon Forest, he shouldn't encounter any danger. Besides, Huang Xiaolong didn't want to rely too much on Fei Hou and Marshal Haotian.

Seeing this, Fei Hou could only accept the order respectfully.

Just as Huang Xiaolong had decided to go to Silvermoon Forest for cultivation in two days, an unexpected guest arrived at Marshal Mansion—Sun Zhang, the Dean of Starry Sky Academy.

After exchanging greetings with Marshal Haotian, Sun Zhang explained that he wanted to accept Huang Xiaolong as his disciple.

"What? You want to accept Huang Xiaolong as your disciple?" Marshal Haotian was stunned and his tone became unnatural.

He shook his head and said firmly, "No, it's not possible!"

Asura Sect's Sect Master, Huang Xiaolong, being accepted as a disciple by the Dean of Starry Sky Academy? This was a joke!