"The Clash at Starry Sky Academy: Huang Xiaolong's Triumph"

Huang Xiaolong arrives at Starry Sky Academy and as soon as he enters the square, he bumps into Li Lu.

"Xiaolong!" Li Lu exclaims happily upon spotting Huang Xiaolong from a distance. She rushes towards him, as usual, and embraces him, causing the passing teachers and students to look on. Huang Xiaolong gives a forced smile and says, "Alright, people are watching." Li Lu then releases him.

After not seeing each other for several months, Li Lu has grown even more. Her elegant face has become simpler and more beautiful, and her smile now reveals two charming dimples. Her nimble and resourceful eyes, along with her curved slim eyebrows, give her a lovable and mischievous appearance.

Huang Xiaolong observes Li Lu's gaze fixed on him, and her face reddens slightly while her manner becomes somewhat shy as she lowers her head. After a moment, Li Lu raises her head and says, "Xiaolong, tomorrow is the Class Competition and Grade Competition. You need to be careful of Jiang Teng. Since he was severely injured by you last time and healed by the Dean and Vice Dean, he has been practicing intensely for these past few months, and his strength has rapidly reached Rank 4 Late Stage Peak!"

Huang Xiaolong is astonished to hear that Jiang Teng has also reached Rank 4 Late Stage Peak. He hadn't expected the boy to achieve such progress.

Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong's eyes narrow as he notices Jiang Teng approaching with a group of people. Li Lu turns her head and upon seeing Jiang Teng, her expression changes, and she instinctively moves behind Huang Xiaolong, appearing somewhat apprehensive of him.

Huang Xiaolong takes note of Li Lu's reaction and furrows his brow. He senses that there's something deeper going on between Li Lu and Jiang Teng.

Before Jiang Teng reaches Huang Xiaolong, he looks at Li Lu behind him and sneers, "I heard that you're back. I didn't think it was true. Tomorrow is the Class Competition, Huang Xiaolong, and this time I will make you regret it, deeply regret it!" He then points his finger at Li Lu and says, "In tomorrow's Class Competition, I want to see if you can save her like you did last time!"

Jiang Teng's final words are filled with a hatred towards Huang Xiaolong that is evident in his eyes. Ever since that incident where Huang Xiaolong defeated him in front of everyone, he has become the laughingstock of the school, even the entire Royal City. For the past five months, he has lived every day amidst ridicule and discussions about him, fueling his hatred towards Huang Xiaolong.

During those five months, he practiced relentlessly to defeat Huang Xiaolong ruthlessly and regain his honor. His hatred towards Huang Xiaolong encompasses everything associated with him.

Huang Xiaolong gazes at Jiang Teng, his face cold, as if he wants to devour him alive. He responds, "Tomorrow? No need to wait until tomorrow! Summon your Martial Spirit, Sickly Cat."

The people following Jiang Teng display various expressions upon hearing the mention of the Sickly Cat Martial Spirit.

Jiang Teng's complexion flushes with anger, and his eyes shimmer with a cold light. He says, "Alright, Huang Xiaolong, if that's the case, we don't need to wait until tomorrow. I'll defeat you right now!" With that, Battle Qi surges around his body, and he summons his Martial Spirit, the Sacred Bright Tiger.

Jiang Teng's aura rises continuously: Rank 4, Rank 4 Middle Stage

, Late Stage, Late Stage Peak. Suddenly, his aura reaches Rank 4 Late Stage Peak and then breaks through to Rank 5!

"Rank 5! Wasn't Jiang Teng at Rank 4 Late Stage Peak? How did he break through to Rank 5 so suddenly?"

"Too terrifying! In less than half a year, he went from Rank 4 to Rank 5!"

Everyone, including Li Lu, is shocked. The rumors around school had it that Jiang Teng had reached Rank 4 Late Stage Peak, but no one knew he had broken through to Rank 5.

Jiang Teng fully exposes his aura, listening to the shocked discussions around him. In his heart, he feels a mix of self-satisfaction and pride. He broke through to Rank 5 by forcefully consuming Spirit Medicine collected by his family, just to make a shocking comeback and regain his honor.

"Huang Xiaolong, are you shocked by my breakthrough to Rank 5?" Jiang Teng sneers at Huang Xiaolong. "I don't believe you can also reach Rank 5! Even with your Level 11 top-tier Martial Spirit, breaking through to Rank 5 in just five months from Rank 4 Late Stage Peak is quite difficult."

In Jiang Teng's opinion, it would only be possible for Huang Xiaolong to achieve such progress if he had also consumed rare Spirit Medicine like he did. However, Jiang Teng believes this to be an impossible scenario.

Ruthless determination flashes in Jiang Teng's eyes. "Last time, you struck me fifteen times! This time, I will strike you thirty times, a hundred times!" Jiang Teng's words are filled with his accumulated hatred from the past. With that, he springs forward and launches a palm strike towards Huang Xiaolong, channeling all his pent-up resentment into it.

"Tiger Flame Palm!"

"The Tiger King Leaves the Mountain!"

A great tiger materializes alongside Jiang Teng's palm strike, and it tears through space as it advances.

In a corner of the square, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu stand there, witnessing Jiang Teng's revealed strength. They are shocked and surprised, as they didn't expect him to break through to Rank 5 before the Class Competition. Although they had already arrived at the square and witnessed everything, they hadn't planned on intervening to prevent it.

Xiong Chu exclaims, "Jiang Teng hasn't disappointed us. He broke through to Rank 5 in just five months. It seemed that Huang Xiaolong would secure the top position in the freshman Class Competition, but now it's uncertain."

Sun Zhang's expression turns profound, and he says, "I'm curious about Huang Xiaolong's Martial Spirit. Now that Jiang Teng has broken through to Rank 5, Huang Xiaolong should be compelled to summon his Martial Spirit."

"Dean, between the two of them, who do you think will win?" Xiong Chu asks.

Sun Zhang hesitates before saying, "It might end in a tie."

While everyone watches Jiang Teng's strike tear through space, Huang Xiaolong remains motionless. He calmly presses his palm into the void, meeting Jiang Teng's Tiger Flame Palm head-on with his own palm strength.

In mid-air, Jiang Teng suddenly feels an overwhelming force that he cannot resist, as if he's being hit by a surging wave.

"Bang!" Jiang Teng's body trembles violently and is sent flying before he even lands on the ground. Huang Xiaolong quickly descends from the sky and stands above Jiang Teng. His eyes are cold as he presses his palm down once again.

"Stop!" Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu both exclaim, but they are

too late to intervene.

Huang Xiaolong's palm strikes Jiang Teng's chest with a resounding impact. The force propels Jiang Teng into the ground, causing the entire square to shake. Cracks spread through the Starlight Stone paving around the square, creating a shocking scene.

Jiang Teng lies there like a dead dog, twitching and barely able to make a sound. Two figures rush over from the distance—Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu. They have finally caught up, but they're a step too late. They move forward hurriedly, activating their Battle Qi and channeling it into Jiang Teng's body in an attempt to save him, just like they did before.

Meanwhile, the freshmen and passing teachers and students who had witnessed the confrontation are now terrified as they look at Huang Xiaolong. Some freshmen who were close to Jiang Teng, and on good terms with him, are frightened and run away without daring to stay.

After Huang Xiaolong forcefully strikes Jiang Teng into the ground, he stands there and looks at his opponent coldly. This time, he has struck with full force to make Jiang Teng fully understand the difference between them and put an end to his constant provocations.