Chapter 5 - Samantha, meet Sangheili cock.

"Where...where am…" Samantha's head was spinning, bearing a pounding headache that she had difficulty shaking free. She had just snapped awake and was already feeling the strain of her situation, and though her head was still cloudy from the long trials she had endured, there were still flickering memories. Brief flashes of thought and images, brief sensations that danced across her dark flesh, bringing about quivers over her skin that were both pleasant and terrifying in the same sweeping second. When she tried to speak again she only coughed violently, her throat burning and her eyes watering from her still-waking moment of struggle. When she finally collected her strength enough to spit against the ground and force her head aloft once more, all of those memories started to flash back into the front of her mind.

This wasn't her was her basement. This wasn't her bed, but the concrete floor she had been chained to. The marine gave a sudden groan as more images danced over her thoughts; images of gray and cream flesh, images of white cream as dense as heavy snow, and images of violence, betrayal, and ultimately...submission. When her powerful shoulders bristled she felt a pair of cuffs around her wrists binding her hands behind her back, and along with it the sound of a chain rattling. A familiar chain; one she had purchased just a few weeks previously in the hopes of getting a dog with her beloved Chloe. After all, with the war over, it was the perfect time to settle down and have that nice, normal relationship.

That...that was before last night, and the events of the past twelve hours were still etched over Samantha's body in a dozen sore joints and the thick spunk that glazed her hair together and made the concrete floor sticky. Though she was still trying to piece together what exactly had happened she knew enough to figure out the truth, to recall enough of the past evening to feel that fury rise within her shoulders once more. As Samantha began to strain, pulling her powerful arms in opposite directions and forcing the chain holding her in place to ache, her heart raced fast and her fury only built. By the time the sound of her cuffs and shackles clattering to the floor from pure space marine might filled the air Sanatha was already rising to her bare feet there on the concrete. Every step hurt as her toned, scarred, and naked frame started to walk through the basement...but every step was yet another fury that she would unleash upon the woman that had done this to her. The woman that had taken her wife. Her own dignity. Her home. Her future.

As she marched, naked and brave up the basement steps, Samantha growled with a menacing glint in her warrior's eye.

Xala 'Sudami would pay.


Just the morning previous, Samantha had been enjoying a long drink of her wife's special coffee. Held in that wonderful "Galaxy's Best Wife" mug, Samantha had been gulping it down eagerly every morning to make sure she was ready to face the day. Like some soldiers in times of peace Samantha sometimes had a hard time adjusting to life without the threat of combat; she had cut her teeth during a time where the threat to humanity was at its greatest and it was...difficult to be stuffed behind a desk for ten hours a day. Difficult in a different way than war; of course. She didn't have to worry about being shot by Sangheili anymore, but she did have to worry about falling asleep at her desk. Which she had already done. Three times. Last week.

It was enough to make her ask for a second and even a third mug of her beloved wife's special coffee. She couldn't quite explain it, but Chloe made the absolute best coffee. Whether it was the brew or the beans or that particularly thick cream, it was all too easy for Samantha to just pull down a few mugs of it while she sat at the breakfast table getting ready for her day. In fact, some of the fondest memories of her past few weeks were those mornings when she would sit there across from her beloved wife, staring fondly at her, playing footsie underneath the table, and sipping at that rich, flavorful, downright addictive drink. And Chloe, as doting and loving as always, never failed to make sure Samantha's mug was full.

"I made you a thermos for work, love." Chloe often chirped just as Samantha was leaving the house, tucking a heavy container underneath one of her lover's arms. Sugar, brew, and cream...lots, and lots of cream, all kept warm until she could enjoy it later. "Make sure you drink every last drop! Or I just might not make you any tomorrow."

"Can't have that." Samantha would respond in the same fashion with a kind smile, and kiss her wife kindly on the cheek. "Love you, babe. I'll be home by six."

"I love you too, sweetheart." Chloe hugged and kissed her wife in kind, and drew in deep of the other woman's scent. Her dearest wife, the woman she had hung her heart upon, the one that she had stood by through the long, horrible war. "Be safe. I'll see you at six."

And off Samantha would go, thermos in tow and ready to start her day. She'd be home by six...but that evening, it wouldn't be the same home that she had remembered leaving that morning.

It was ten hours later that Samantha stepped through the door, an empty thermos in hand and tired from a long day of work. She was expecting to step inside and be greeted with a kiss on the cheek and the smell of a warm dinner waiting for her, but instead when she first stepped inside there was nothing more than silence. It was a curious greeting to be certain within her home, and so accustomed to being welcomed by Chloe at the door the marine started to step deeper within, arching a brow and cupping a hand over her mouth to call for the woman she loved.

"Chloe? Chloe, I'm home, dear!" She called back with a smile, only to be greeted by Chloe's voice from upstairs. For a moment it sounded strained and sore, but soon enough it took to its sweet tone and offered Samantha some sweet instructions.

"I'm upstairs, love!" Chloe's voice offered. "Dinner's on the counter for you!"

Samantha shrugged simply, and chuckled to herself as she tossed her thermos to the coffee table and headed into the kitchen. She knew this ruse well; Chloe was likely waiting upstairs in some sexy piece of lingerie just waiting for her to head upstairs, ready to give her a passionate surprise. She was fully expecting, as she stripped out of her uniform's top and drew herself down to a muscle shirt strapped across her dark, muscled flesh, that she'd find a tray with a vased flower and a romantic meal to take upstairs for them to share. By the time she made her way to the kitchen she had even kicked off her boots, and was padding along on her warm wool socks, hands lowering to tug at her belt. She stepped out of her military pants by the time she made it to the edge of the counter, and soon stood there in her muscle shirt, panties, and socks...staring in disbelief at what was waiting for her.

Dinner. The "Galaxy's Best Wife" mug was there, filled to the brim just like it was every morning, but what was filling it was far from coffee. It was dense and thick, a rich creamy white that clung to the rim and even drooled across the sides in a sloppy mess. The white was smearing across the front of the mug's letters, and when Samantha reached out to glide her thumb across the mess she felt a unique texture to it. It was warm...and thick. And were it not for her absolute trust and love in her wife, she would've assumed certain things without giving it a second thought. But surely it couldn't be what it looked like, could it?! This must have just been some simple, teasing game that her lover was playing.

"Chloe. You teasing little minx." Samantha chuckled a bit, and let her fingers hook against the mug's handle as she picked it up. She leaned in close enough to take a sniff of the mug of cream, and when the aroma wasn't unpleasant she even offered a little shrug...and a small sip. As the flavor coated the tip of her tongue her lips pursed in surprising approval, and tilted her head as she gazed at the mug's contents once more. "...haven't had a protein drink for dinner since the war. Don't remember them being this good."

By the time Samantha turned on a heel to head for the stairs of their home, she had already braced the lip of the mug to her mouth and drew in a long, thick gulp of it. As it poured forward and coated her tongue she savored a taste that she couldn't quite place, yet still found utterly enchanting and familiar. Two sips down and the third she kept in her mouth to savor, letting it sit on top of her tongue as she rolled it back and forth. The texture was odd...certainly unlike the protein drinks they gave them back during the war. Those were grainy and bland and hard to choke down, but this? This one seemed to swallow so very, very smoothly. She had already taken half the mug down into her belly by the time she hit the stairs, and still her head was spinning.

Chloe must really have had an exciting evening in mind, if she thought her wife would need a big, thick protein drink to make it through the next few hours. That thought crossed Samantha's mind with a chuckle, and she licked her lips as some of the tasty cream clung to the corners of her mouth. She wasn't sure just what it would that evening, but lately the sex between the two had been getting more intense. Chloe seemed more ravenous than usual, more hungry to be handled in rough advances. Throughout the entirety of their relationship the lovemaking between them had been just that; sweet and intimate with a fair bit of passion and constant, loving eye contact. It hadn't been until recently that Chloe had asked for things that never entered their bedroom before. Hair pulling. Slapping. Even, most surprising to Samantha, a bit of choking.

Odd requests, but she had done them all. It was no secret that marriages sometimes went a little dull in the bedroom, and if it meant preemptively stopping that from happening in theirs, Samantha would do just about anything. She'd slap her wife. Choke her. Scratch her. And as she treaded up the stairs, she was fully expecting to march right into their bedroom with a belly full of a protein drink and do whatever it was that Chloe wanted of her that night. After all, Samantha was a dedicated wife...and there was nothing she could ever deny her lover.

And when she finally opened the door, with her belly full and the Galaxy's Best Wife mug empty and drained of its cream, she saw something that made every foundation she had ever known shatter.

Xala 'Sudami. The Sangheili woman from next door, their new neighbor as of a few weeks, a woman that Samantha had trusted...sat there on the bed she shared with her wife. The Sangheili woman was stripped naked with her massive breasts exposed and her legs spread to either corner of the bed, and a bulging, enormous cock was sticking straight up from her lap. She was sitting there with full confidence and authority, a stern look on her face with her mandibles set into what could only be described as a confident, dominant smirk. Both arms were braced against the headboard of the bed, and underneath her shaft a heavy pair of balls sat glistening on the silk sheets Chloe's parents had given them for their wedding.

And just underneath that horrible image, practically attached to that massive gray cock, was Samantha's beloved wife. Chloe was there, stripped naked, one arm wrapped around Xala's enormous cock as she let her other hand tease back and forth over her sack. She didn't even look to witness her wife's arrival in the bedroom that evening; far too lost in her work. She was slurping up and down that massive gray member in long swipes, her tongue meeting at the spot where Xala's shaft met her sack and pulling up every last inch to the tip. When she reached the tip she took the time to give it a kiss, and then returned to do it again without even looking at her wife. The only thing Chloe wore to Samantha's estimation was her wedding ring...and layers upon layers of thick, white cum that painted the insides of her thighs, drooling from her pussy.

"Hello, Samantha." Xala 'Sudami offered simply, and gave a content, aroused sigh as she leaned back a little deeper against the headboard. "How was your dinner?"

Samantha stood there in utter disbelief, one hand with its fingers white-knuckled around the handle of her mug. The same mug that she had drank every last drop from, the same mug whose contents were now all too clear. The marine stood with an eye twitching and her entire body tense; every last muscle drawn taut and her heart beating in rapid, furious fashion. Her beloved wife, the woman whom she expected unending loyalty from, was laying there naked and licking on a massive Sangheili cock. Her heart broke in that instant; or rather it would have, if she could manage to weave her thoughts through the shock and the fury and the surprise. Xala 'Sudami simply sat back and delighted in Samantha's expression just as much as she was enjoying Chloe's tongue, both women serving to bring her rich aroused pleasure in that moment. When she finally lowered a hand to rest it keenly atop Chloe's lovely redhead, the girl purred in response and moved to service the alien even deeper. Still without acknowledging the presence of her wife she brought herself up to her knees, wrapping her mouth around the tip of Xala's cock as she squeezed her own breasts forward, sandwiching Xala's length between them and starting to rub back and forth. Her entire bare body, still marked with Xala's past loads, was on full display...both for the Sangheili's amusement and for Samantha's own shattering reality.

"…" Samantha managed to force out, her dark hair already clinging to her cheeks and forehead from the panicked sweat she had broken into. She had served on the front lines in the past; seen combat that was both extensive and terrifying, but it was here that she felt herself freeze up. When her own life was on the line during the war she had proceeded with absolute fearlessness and confidence, but now? Now she could barely find the strength to move, let alone respond. "C...Chlo…"

"She doesn't care about what you have to say right now." Xala assured the marine, smirking around her wicked, wide mandibles. The things opened and closed slowly, and that cruel alien tongue licked across her lips. "You can either wait until I'm done fucking this whore again, or you can come over and join us. There's enough cock for you both."

Xala's words were harsh and abusive, and just enough to light something of a spark within Samantha. With a sudden cry she launched herself forward, darting across the carpet and rushing towards the bed. With the Galaxy's Best Wife mug held above her head she darted straight for Xala, roaring with every last part of her marine instincts flaring into activity. She was intent on rushing forward, attacking that horrible woman for what she had done, and ripping the mandibles straight from her face. Xala was prone; unarmed, and completely exposed. The alien didn't even raise a finger as the human rushed forward, and instead just sat there with a cocky smirk on her lips.

Thankfully for her, she didn't need to move away from the assault. Someone was watching over her.

"Wh-Chloe?!" Samantha gasped as she was suddenly tackled mid-charge, the naked body of her wife grabbing her and dragging her down. Chloe was deceptively strong in that moment, fueled by passion and the maddening scent of Sangheili cock, and that urgency combined with the element of surprise made her counterattack all too effective. The mug dropped harmlessly to the bed as Chloe pulled Samantha right down along with her, and soon Samantha found herself pinned on her stomach at the foot of the bed, Chloe holding one of her wife's arms behind her back while the other grabbed a tight fistful of the back of her dark hair.

"Don't fight it, my love!" Chloe finally acknowledged Samantha's presence in the bedroom, just as she buried Samantha's face against the bottom edge of Xala's cock. With that fist tight in Samantha's hair she forced her bride's nose and mouth squarely at the spot where Xala's shaft met her sack, giving her no other alternative than to breathe in long, deep wafts of the Sangheili's musk. "We can have this together!"

Samantha screamed, her eyes burning with tears as her nose was buried deep against that pile of soft flesh. As she yelled and struggled she was given no choice but to draw in deep against the scent of Sangheili balls, forced to pull in that scent that had such a powerful effect. She had heard stories of it during the war; rumors that the alien menace had a powerful musk. During combat there weren't anything more than tall tales about the Sangheili using those powers on humans, but she was already realizing there was far more truth to those stories than she had anticipated. With Chloe forcing her head down right against that heavy sack Samantha could only experience it firsthand, every scream and gasp pulling more of that heavy, dense musk into her throat. Though her tears were marking the slope of Xala's sack she still tried fighting against it, only to have her own wife continued bathing her face back and forth against that musk.

Xala, the entire time confident and dominant, reached a hand out to pick up the discarded mug. She hooked a finger against it and arched an eye as she looked inside, chuckling softly as she saw how thoroughly Samantha had consumed the contents.

"My, my...someone was certainly hungry." Xala mocked the marine, just as she savored the feel of her nose and mouth buried against her sack. "You gobbled up all that cum almost as ravenously as your slut wife. Looks like Chloe wasn't the only human cumslut in the house."

Chloe had indeed fallen that far, and she was proving it as she continued to force her wife's face down into that pouch of mind-altering scent. She had moved to mount Samantha's ass to keep her firmly in place, and by now had pushed both of her hands at the back of her wife's head. She alternated by swinging Samantha's face back and forth across those balls to simply pushing her in as deep as she could manage. All the while she giggled with a crazed delight, drool and sweat marking her face and her cheeks a vibrant red. Where she mounted Samantha's rear the Sangheili cum that had marred her thighs now rubbed against her wife's panties, soaking her ass through the fabric and giving her another reminder of just how much Xala had defiled her wife. Her once loyal wife, now little more than a berserk whore for the taste of alien cock.

Samantha was left gasping with a quickly dwindling sanity, her head spinning as it all took place. Her muscle shirt choked around her neck and what little breaths she could manage were all thick with Sangheili scent, and she could feel her own body changing every time she swallowed another horrible gulp of air. She was already wet; that much was undeniable, and as the cum soaked against her ass from Chloe's own body it made that situation even worse. She was burning up inside thanks to a conflicting battle of a dozen different emotions, and her head was left absolutely spinning from it all. There was heartache there, but the longer she was forced at her wife's hands to breathe in that alien's scent the pain felt less and less potent. Her great marine strength completely failed her as she tried to push away, and every time she exerted herself she only ended up swallowing another gulp of cock-scented air, more poison that broke her mind and her spirit.

And before long, she took her first, cringing lick.

She knew fully what she was doing in that moment; her senses not quite so far gone that she had lost all control...but close enough that her tongue moved forward to swipe over a salty taste of Sangheili balls. Her heart broke just a little bit more when she sampled it, knowing full-well that it was not by her own consent so much as the compulsion of the Sangheili's scent. At a certain point the reasons for that lick didn't matter, since it made it taste no less difficult and it made her sin no less grievous. The flavor was instantly shocking to her senses, blended with a great many things. The natural Sangheili musk was blended with the taste of Samantha's own tears; tears she had cried against that heavy pouch from her wife's betrayal. Beyond that there was another taste lingering on those balls, a taste that was familiar to her senses. Chloe. Nectar that had glided from the young woman's pussy, all the way down on the shaft that had just recently speared her tender, wet cunt. Xala carried Chloe's pussy juice against her sack just like she now carried Samantha's tears...and now as well, her spit.

Another lick. Then a third. As Samantha's eyes began to dilate and she started to resist Chloe's motions less and less, the marine licked in slow, affectionate strikes against that massive Sangheili sack. Now when she breathed in the alien's aroma it was by her own volition rather than Chloe's forceful motions, and when her eyes managed to open up once more the entire world started to look different. With the musk of the alien deep inside of her, saturating her thoughts and befouling every inch of her flesh, reality itself seemed to shift.

That massive gray length looming over her face didn't look quite so despicable and terrifying anymore; and in fact, it looked downright tempting. The alien face just above it, mandibles and all, wasn't enough to make her retch from the sight of the smug look on her features. And moreover, the naked woman resting on Samantha's back, didn't look quite so much like a horrible betrayer anymore so much as a loving wife yet again. A loving wife that had brought her something wonderful.

"Now you're getting it." Chloe whispered, smoothing her body along Samantha's and rubbing her hands down her lover's shoulders. She leaned in her own head to deliver a few kisses; first and most importantly to the side of Xala's shaft, and second to Samantha's own cheek. She nuzzled in close, rubbing her nose back and forth over Samantha's cheeking and breathing in the lingering smell of musk on her face. She licked, she kissed, she fawned over her wife's cheek, whispering against a growing blush on Samantha's features. "I love you so much, Sammy…almost as much as I love Sangheili cock."

Words that should've stung Samantha down to her core, but in the heat of the moment she somewhat understood. The dark haired marine simply groaned as her wife started to fawn over her properly, and soon both women were leaning their heads forward, mouths opening and tongues stretching out to offer attention to the massive, throbbing cock offered up to them.

Xala 'Sudami, the orchestrator of the madness that evening, simply rested back and smiled. She watched with her cock throbbing heavily as the two depraved human sluts started to work, her loyal pet Chloe and the newly-altered Samantha. It would take many more sessions with Samantha to properly educate the marine on the pleasures of sucking Sangheili cock, but for now the temporary control would be enough. And while marine stamina and training might have given Samantha an otherwise edge over falling prey to her, Xala had stacked the deck well. By the time Samantha saw what happened her own wife was sucking eagerly on Sangheili cock, and even more critical was the fact that Chloe was holding a belly of warm, white cum. The same cum that had favored her coffee every morning for weeks.

Samantha never had a chance. She was addicted to Sangheili cum even before she knew what it was.

Underneath Xala's gaze the two married women continued to press close and service her, licking up and down her balls and working over her shaft, never hesitating to draw in more breaths of the aroma that made the evening more thrilling for them. Samantha was already beginning to strip underneath the alien's line of sight, fingers working at her panties and her muscle shirt, tearing away the layers to reveal the dark flesh underneath. Soon she was wearing nothing more than her warm comfortable socks, and both women had brought themselves up to their knees. They were pressing close with Xala's massive gray cock sandwiched in between their bodies, and both of them had dropped their heads to service the tip that was peeking out from the center.

It was effectively a two-woman titjob using their entire bodies, and the pleasure rolling through Xala was immense. Her cock throbbed and ached in between their frames, glistening and wet from their thousands of licks and smeared with a dot of precum. She could feel on one end Chloe's familiar and soft frame; busty and curvy and as sweet as any human's. On the other end was Samantha's body, harder and sterner with far more muscled flesh, but still wonderfully warm against her cock. Together they made the perfect place to bury her cock in between, and even more delightful was the sight of the two married women enjoying their treat.

Chloe was a practiced veteran at sucking alien cock by now, and she was showing her wife all the ropes. One of her hands lowered to sweep underneath Xala's spit-covered balls, and when it rose up once more she smeared her fingers down Samantha's face, covering her in scented moisture that would keep her even further enchanted. No sooner did she do it did Samantha break down and rush in for a kiss, and together the two married women sloppily made out just above Xala's prick. Their tongues were wild and untethered, lines of spit drooling from their kiss that only worked to cover Xala's cock even further, and the entire time their naked bodies rubbed back and forth. Inches upon inches of glorious gray flesh was sandwiched between them, squeezed, teased, and delighted. And when Xala 'Sudami moved her hands out to the hair of both young women, she brought the evening to yet a whole new lewd moment. With a pull of their heads, their kiss was allowed to long as a thick Sangheili cocktip was right in the middle.

"That's it, sluts…" Xala whispered, licking her tongue across her mandibles. "You're not married to each other anymore. Just my cock. And you love it, don't you?"

Both Chloe and Samantha offered murmured noises of agreement, but their attention was firmly thrown into their work. They were kissing long and deep, tongues peppering back and forth across each other's as lines of spit swept up and down over Xala's cock. Typically the alien preferred a far more violent method of getting off; she enjoyed throatfucking or rutting one of her human bitches until their bellies swelled with cum, claiming them to a point where their bodies nearly broke. There'd be time for that later; however, and for now she was enjoying the reunion of the two married women. Their naked bodies against her cock was certainly a pleasure to be enjoyed, and the longer their cock-filled kiss continued the more Xala could feel her own joys rising. They were both perfect little cumhounds already; Chloe after just a few short weeks of conditioning, and Samantha broken just a little bit more with every passing second.

She'd have them both perfectly shattered soon, Xala 'Sudami knew as much. Chloe at her heels and Samantha on an arm, a perfect pair of human sluts to service her, to worship her cock, and to gobble up every last drop of her cum. The two young women were lost in the moment now, their tongues battering wildly back and forth over the tip of a throbbing Sangheili prick. Whatever was left of Samantha's resistances had completely disappeared by now, leaving underneath an exposed and raw tramp that was as enamoured with the alien's length as her wife was. Xala simply purred from deep within her throat at the thought; the idea of a marine as one of her wanton whores was as satisfying as any hole she could imagine.

It didn't take long for the two women to bring Xala to her peak, just from the friction of their bodies rubbing together. Four lovely breasts; two pert and strong and two round and soft, battering back and forth across that shaft was simply too much for her to bear. Their bare stomachs squeezing in, their own laps pressed to either side of Xala's sack, it was as if the Sangheili's cock was meant to fit between them. When she sensed her peak coming Xala moved her hands out to take hold of each one of their heads, and she guided their mouths forward to be fired upon point blank by her massive cock.

The first burst of cum that erupted between them splattered both of their foreheads and hair, webbing the two women together so they could properly receive the rest. Xala made sure that the second load was all for her newest pet Samantha, slathering her face in dense white cum that she was moaning like a whore to receive. Xala had barely even released her third load before Samantha had started swiping all of that cum past her cheeks and into her face, and she wasn't even paying attention as her own wife received a burst of cum across her own pretty, slightly freckled features. The thick white delight oozed around the two women; sliding down their naked bodies and coating their breasts as they continued to sandwich the Sangheili between them, marking their faces and their shoulders and even gliding down their backs to where cream slipped in between the subtle contours of their rears. They were showered in those heavy spurts of Sangheili cum, and even though Xala usually preferred to deposit her cream in a fashion, she could hardly complain about the sights. The sight of two human sluts bathing in her cum. The sight of Chloe, fuckmad and hungry, grabbing her wife to give her a deep, cum-filled kiss. The sight of the resistance Samantha already fondling her pussy amidst a sea of thick Sangheili cream, even as she slurped and gobbled up all she could from Chloe's mouth. The scent of arousal was still strong between them and Samantha was still wild with passion; to the point that if Xala wished it, she could have claimed her right then and there.

But then...where was the fun in that?

"What? to...stay…" Samantha merely whimpered as the Sangheili finally rose, letting her cock fall from between the two girls as she moved up to the bed. Samantha wailed and whined as Xala took the girl by her hair, yanking her up to her feet and wordlessly moving towards the door. She struggled harder now to stay in their presence than she did to save her wife moments earlier, and as Samantha was pulled from the room the last thing she saw was Chloe, bathed in cum they had both earned, greedily drinking all she could from her own body.

Samantha groaned, stumbling down the stairs at the Sangheili's pull on her hair, head spinning as she struggled to come to terms with what was happening. She had just started to enjoy it, and now the alien was pulling her away?! When she tried reaching for Xala's still-thick cock the woman just swatted her away, again refusing her an explanation until they made their way down to the basement.

There, only hard concrete met Samantha's knees, cuffs met her wrists, and the sober chill of reality greeted her. Xala had forced her down, shackled and bound her, and as the sniffling, naked young woman looked up from the floor the Sangheili just grinned in wide delight.

"I'm going back upstairs to fuck your wife." She announced with a grin, and gave Samantha a sudden slap across the cheek with her cock. "I'll be down to get you in the morning. If I remember."

When she turned to walk away she left Samantha openly sobbing, a pain that only got worse over time. The longer she was outside of the Sangheili's presence the more the memories returned to her, memories of a cheating wife, of her own raped dignity, and of what that alien had done to her family. By the time her senses fully returned she had quite nearly cried herself to sleep, kneeling there in her prone position on the cold, unforgiving ground.

That was hours ago, and now Samantha marched up the stairs again. She could already hear from the hall the sound of Chloe's desperate moans; her wife was begging to be fucked, to be claimed, to be filled with disgusting alien cum. Every step Samantha took made her twitch more in rage, and the red marks around her wrists from where she broke her cuffs were a testament to not only her strength, but to her determination. When she made her way up the stairs and started to march towards the half-open bedroom door, her resolve was harder than ever.

She was going to get that Sangheili bitch. And nothing was going to stop her from getting revenge and claiming her wife once more.

End of Chapter 5.