Fall Of Olympus (10)

The Underworld was known as the land of Hades, the world where one arrived upon death, a land of death unbefitting for the living, an afterlife of sorts. But what most didn't know was that the Underworld, the generally known one, was only the starting point.

Depending on one's actions and karma in the living world, a soul would either be sent to the paradisiacal Elysian Fields, the home of the blessed after death, or the hellish… 

Tartarus, the abode for the damned and the wicked. There were numerous stories surrounding this gloomy part of the Underworld, but the most prominent of them all was the fact that…

The Titans were imprisoned here by the Olympians.

And it was exactly this place Damian was heading to. 

Persephone couldn't understand what Damian wanted from Tartarus. While she knew the exact location of Tartarus and the path to get there, it was still a place even she didn't dare to go. She had been warned personally by Hades himself.