Fall Of Olympus (35)

The Ancestral Shrine of the House of Etoile was quite a scenic beauty. Unlike the rest of the world, the Ancestral Shrine took properties from both halves to produce a beautiful combination of colors. Where a dark flower was growing, there was always its light half blooming just beside it. Up in the skies, two stars hung. One was a pleasing white that radiated a lively warmth, while the other was a lightless black that rippled with a chilling coldness.

Together, they swirled around each other, like the mystical Yin and Yang.

Cosmo looked towards the skies, his heterochromatic eyes reflecting the stars into their depth. The Patriarch inhaled deeply, then returned his gaze towards the Elders. These were the Elders of the House of Etoile, or more specifically, Elders of the Black Star Branch, and the White Star Branch. They made that especially vivid by the blatant lack of unity between them.