Chapter 4 - Temari & Sakura Confront Their Inhibitions

Contains - Interracial, Netorare, Creampie, Implied Impregnation, Character-Bashing.


"Ow, ow, ow.." muttered Shikadai, grimacing in pain as his mother's friend, Sakura tended to his wounds. The injuries he sustained were bruised ribs and a blackened eye, the younger man rather ashamed that he was put in this vulnerable of a state and relegated to being taken care of by the sexy milf. After all, he was trying to become more manly of a person, and he certainly wasn't at his peak.

"So.. How did this happen, anyway?.." asked Sakura, using her jutsu to patch up his wounds, alleviating the pain.


"The silent treatment, eh?.. You must've done something very bad.. Temari's not gonna let you off so easily now, will she?.." commented Sakura.

"I-I got in a fight…"

"I can tell.. For what reason?.."

"Well.. This might sound stupid, but.. I was strolling through the village, and happened to overhear a commotion.. I ended up running into a group of refugees who were cat-calling and making sexual comments towards several girls.. So, I tried to step in and help, and ended up getting beaten up for it.." muttered the young man.

Sakura let out a deep sigh and shook her head, noticing that there had been many occurrences like this happening throughout the area. "I guess ever since the natural disasters that ravaged Kumogakure.. Everyone's been pent-up, huh?.. Well, I can understand that sentiment.. It's certainly tough going a long time without having sex.." internally commented Sakura, thinking back and remembering that their were a numerous amount of young ladies, and even married women coming in for birth control, and also in search for the largest condoms available. "Well, Konoha and Kumogakure have never merged before.. So I guess it's not completely out of the question that the civilians' curiosities wouldn't be piqued.. Ino must've heard the rumours from somebody else, after all…" she thought before patting Shikadai on the back, wrapping up her treatment.

"Don't worry!.. I'll make sure to take care of those bullies for you. But be careful next time, alright?.. You can't just antagonize everyone unless what they're actually doing is wrong, adults sometimes talk like that all the time." said Sakura, with a beaming smile on her face.

"O-Oh, alright. I understand.." meekly replied Shikadai, finding himself quite shy before the presence of such a beautiful and mature woman.

"Good. In that case, I'll be going now. You shouldn't run into trouble with those men once I'm through with them." said Sakura, intimidatingly cracking her knuckles.


Later that day…

"What?!.. Shikadai got into a fight?.. Jeez, what's wrong with that kid?.. I swear him and Boruto are never up to any good.." irritably said Temari.

"Oh, Boruto wasn't involved this time!.. It's uh, a bit difficult to explain.. But-..."

After explaining what transpired…

"That's what happened, huh?.. Well, I guess he wasn't being entirely unreasonable.. I mean, I might've ran into the same group myself.. I've been hit on a few times by some of the refugees. I guess unlike Konoha citizens, they aren't really aware who my husband is.." muttered Temari, uncomfortably grabbing onto her arm while confessing her story.

"You too?.. That's not good.. They're probably just bored and pent up with stress.. We should confront them and set things straight, so they don't accidentally mess with the wrong group of people.. We wouldn't want a fight to break out between the two villages, after all.. That sort of behavior isn't allowed here, especially during these crucial times.. " explained Sakura.

"You're right.. I wanted to give them a piece of my mind, but.. I didn't want to cause a ruckus.." replied Temari, sighing heavily as she stood up on her feet.

"Let's go."


On the way to the location Shikadai provided them..

"H-Hey, Sakura.."


"I'm not sure if you've heard about this.. But, a certain someone told me something rather, er-.. Interesting about Kumo men.." mumbled Temari, whispering so that she wasn't heard by the public.

"Oh boy.. I already know where this is heading.." thought Sakura, nodding her head while waiting for her to finish.

"Do you know what I'm talking about?.."

"Y-Yes.. About their penis sizes, correct?.." stuttered Sakura, blushing nervously at the embarrassing topic.

"Right.. I'm assuming you would know.. Since you're the top medic, and all.."

"You're right to infer that.. I've seen my fair share on the job.. And to put it simply, the rumours you've heard are absolutely true.. Maybe even an understatement in a few cases.." mumbled Sakura, her eyes staring away into the distance as she recalled her previous experience.

"Really?.. How big are we talking?.." replied Temari.

"A-Ahem… In terms of length, girth, hardness, ball size and even the volume of their ejaculations… They're absurd in every way.. Most likely larger than you could imagine.." explained Sakura, fidgeting while doing so, trying her hardest to hide proof of her newly acquired fetish.

"D-Damn… You're not exaggerating, huh?.. Any exact measurements so I could get a better image?.. I know Shikamaru is around 6 inches.. I've never really been into the entire size debate, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested…" whispered Temari, now uncharacteristically blushing herself.

"W-Well.. The smallest I've seen was around 12 inches?.. And the biggest probably like twice that size.. So 24…"

"The smallest was 12?!... And 24 inches?!.. That's four times bigger than Shikamaru.. I didn't even know it was possible to be that freakishly large!.." exasperated Temari, forgetting to tone down the volume of her voice, needing to be shushed embarrassedly by Sakura.

"Don't say that out loud, stupid!.. Someone will hear you.."


"Wait.. Something just crossed my mind.. Did Sakura mention something about the volume of their cum?.. How would she even know that?.. Suspicious.." thought Temari, who was still calming herself down from her state of shock, in disbelief of the amazing proportions that Sakura exposed.


Several minutes later…

"So this is the spot, huh?.." said Temari, hands on her hips as if she were looking for trouble.

Lo' and behold, casually lounging around were the two burly men in question, who happened to appear young enough to be their sons. Most likely around the age of 18 or 19 years old, only recently considered to be adults.

"Hey! I'd like to have a chat with you two." sternly said Temari, grabbing the men's attention with her commanding voice, the two mothers approaching them with a stern expression on their faces. Albeit, neither of the perverted men seemed to notice, jaws dropped and hanging at the sight of both of their excessively ewd figures.

"Holy shit!.. Look at those curves.. I didn't know there were so many sexy women here in Konoha.."

"I know, right?.. Especially the pink-haired one.."

"W-Wha?!.. Ahem-.. Anyways.. Are you two the ones who hurt my son?!..." stuttered Temari, catching wind of their earlier conversation, trying to look as strict and menacing as possible.

"Your son?.."

"Is she talking about the dude with the black hair?.."

"Ah, so it was you!.. Thanks for confessing.. I'll be teaching you two a valuable lesson.." threatened Temari with an evil glare to her eyes, cracking her knuckles while sinisterly grinning.

"W-Wait!.. This is a misunderstanding!..."

"Y-Yeah!.. We admit what we did was wrong, but I promise we were only defending ourselves!.. He's the one who threw the first punch! I swear.." muttered one of the men, cowering in fear after being threatened by the two milfs, one glance was all it took to realize that these two were angry and meant business.

"Really?.. Is that true?.. What reason do I have to believe you?.. Explain yourselves and make it clear." stated Temari, as Sakura also backed down for now.

"He was going on about how relationships between women from Konoha and those from outside of the village were prohibited!.. We were just fooling around, there's not much to do around here but wait till our homes are fixed.."

"Y-Yeah.. He even threatened us by saying his dad would have us kicked out of the village if we didn't leave!..."

"S-Shikadai said that?..." muttered Temari, finding their explanation to be rather believable. "This is the first time something like this has happened.. It makes sense that Shikadai would find it weird if neighbouring citizens were getting too close.. I mean, the people of Kumogakure and Konoha have never lived together.. However, it was wrong for him to feel entitled to the women here.. I have to set him straight once I get home.." pondered Temari, exhaling deeply and calming herself down meanwhile Sakura chimed in, seeing that the situation has changed.

"I'm terribly sorry that a conflict like that happened.. As an apology, would you two like to come over for some drinks?.. The last thing we would need is to trouble the Hokage with issues like this that we can solve ourselves.." said Sakura with a beaming smile on her face, truly emanating a wholesome vibe that made the two refugees feel welcomed.

"Huh?.. Sure!.. We'd love to!" enthusiastically agreed with the men.

"Alright, great! Let's go, Temari. We'll lead the way."

"S-Sakura?.. What are you planning?.." whispered Temari.

"Hm?.. Me?.. Nothing!.. I just want to make sure that this isn't reported by Naruto.. He has enough on his plate as is, and piling onto the issues would only make things worse for the village!.. Let's treat these men accordingly and move on with our days, it'll only take a short while.." responded Sakura, twirling around and beginning to walk off into the distance as the two men slowly lagged behind, purposefully at that while they couldn't help but gawk at the sight of the pair of jiggling asses bouncing with every step, unintentionally putting one a show for the horny young men.


In Sakura's house…

The men were waiting patiently in the living room, both sitting down on the couch while the two MILFS were in the kitchen preparing drinks for them. Temari scanned the room to make sure that nobody was there before pulling Sakura to the side, whispering into her ear so as their conversation wouldn't be detected.

"Hey.. Is it just me?.. Or are you going easy on those two?.." silently spoke Temari into Sakura's ear.

"Come on, Temari.. This isn't the time for childish squabbles!.. We don't want this issue to be brought up with Naruto, or even Ay! Do we?.. Let's deal with this like a proper mother should. Your son made a mistake and it is our job as responsible parents to make things right!.." she sternly responded, stubbornly refusing to take no for an answer.

"Yeah, right.. It probably has something to do with the fact that you know how much Kumo men cum.." muttered Temari under her breath, suspicious of Sakura's true intentions.

"Did you say something?.."



A few minutes later..

"We're here with the drinks!~.. Please make some space for us poor old ladies.." teased Sakura, taking a seat directly in between the men as they eagerly scooted over in opposite directions, purposefully setting it up for the two milfs to sit beside them. Temari hesitantly joined her pinkette friend that seemed all too comfortable with this entire ordeal.

"I must say.. I thought you two were quite scary at first.. But now that I take a closer look.. You're both incredibly beautiful!.. I'm shocked that you were his mother.. Considering how young your look.." complimented one of the men.

"Oh, stop it.. I'm not young anymore!.. Those days are behind me.." replied Temari, blushing slightly at the flattering.

"No, seriously!.. Not a thing on your body looks old to me!.. Especially your-...." muttered the man, steadily growing silent as his eyes trailed down towards her chest, making Temari yelp and reflexily cover them when she felt the harsh gaze locking directly onto her breasts.

"My bad!.. Force of habit.." apologized the man.

"Anyways.. Do you guys feel the same way as your son?.. You know.. With the whole intimate relationship being forbidden between two villages?.." asked the other man.

"O-Of course not!.. I mean.. My husband is from Konoha, and I'm from the Hidden Sand.."

"Yes, Temari's right!.. I firmly disagree with that statement.. In fact.. I think love between men from Kumogakure and women from Konoha is a beautiful thing.. It shows how powerful our bonds together have grown throughout this terrible disaster." proudly stated Sakura.

"I-I had no idea Sakura felt this strongly about all of this.. I think I'm starting to understand it now.. It feels like she's talking from experience.. And her mentioning about semen earlier.. It's all making sense.. The reason she's so attached to Kumo men must be because-....." contemplated Temari, who was staring at Sakura who was in the midst of casually flirting with the men.

"I-I have a question.. It's way off-topic.. But I can't snake my head around it.." exclaimed Temari, commanding the attention in her direction. "No point in beating around the bush now.. If I don't speak up now.. I'll never figure out the truth, and this curiosity of mine will never be satisfied.."

"A question?.. I mean, sure.. Why not?.. Ask whatever." replied the men.

"Do you two have really big cocks?.. I mean.. You've done a lot of flirting with women recently.. So there must be a reason behind your confidence.. Not to mention I've heard some things in the past.." muttered Temari, dropping an absolute bomb right in the middle of quite the civil conversation. Sakura nearly gasped in surprise while the other men paused briefly for a few seconds to ensure their ears were working properly.


"Why don't you find out for yourself?.." muttered the man to her left, breaking the silence.

Temari immediately jolted her head towards his direction with a look of determination on her face, her trembling hand reaching out for his crotch before swiftly cupping his bulge. Sakura was infinitely confused as to how a development like this happened so quickly, finding herself nervous despite the numerous times she's found herself exposed to the astounding cocks boasted by the men of Kumogakure. She had her eyes locked towards the married women in search for the object of her affection, both of the milfs simultaneously gasping after Temari hurriedly stripped his pants down his muscular legs.

"No matter how many times I see one.. It never ceases to amaze me.." thought Sakura, feeling the wave of arousal hit her like a truck.

Temari had a dazed look in her eyes before grasping the base of the man's flaccid cock, absolute awed by the sheer length of such a soft member. Typically, this was the state where a man's size was at its low, and seeing that it remained ginormous despite not sporting an erection had already confirmed that the travelling rumours fantasizing about Kumo men's turgid sizes were completely and utterly true.

"Wow.. It's not only big.. It's fucking massive.. Those ladies weren't lying.. And it's still soft.."

"Like what you see?.." teased the man, breathing heavily as he was fondled by the busty mother.

"Yes.. It's fascinating.. I wonder what it would look like hard.." muttered Temari.

"I guess you'll just have to find out." replied the man.

Temari nodded her head and slowly closed her eyes, grabbing onto the softened penis with both hands and holding it up, parting her lips and wrapping them snugly around the bulbous cockhead before bobbing her head.

"T-Temari?!... You're starting off with THAT already?!.. Woah.. Look at her go.. She must really like sucking his cock!..." thought Sakura, shocked at what was transpiring.

Her curiosity had now completely converted into infatuation, determined to explore the wonders of Kumo cock, which was typically directly and indirectly boasted about by various women that she shared close relations with. The powerful, exotic musky taste that coated her taste buds made Temari feel alive, sluttily slurping on the member that gradually grew in size the harder her cheeks hollowed while she sucked. She moaned loudly at the sensation of his tasty dick stiffening inside of her orifice, forcing her to back off and gag when the cockhead threatened to enter her throat, never ceasing the motion of her head while she passionately swallowed his cock.

"Oh, fuck.. This is amazing.." groaned the man.

Sakura could only stare while biting her bottom slip in a state of shock, unable to comprehend the fact that one of her close friends, who was also married, was in the midst of sucking on her favorite thing, a lively black cock that was yearning for release. She was so out of it that she hadn't realized the man sitting next to her had stood up and pulled down his pants right in front of her, getting her to snap out of it by placing his hand on her head and making her face his direction.

"Could you make it hard for me too?.." asked the man with a smug grin on his face, seeing how the busty pinkettes friend was eagerly jerking her head on some cock, it was likely that Sakura wouldn't be opposed to it either.

"H-huh?.. I'm not sure…" muttered Sakura, flustered and internally cursing herself for how easily her heart swayed at the mere sight of humongous, black cocks.

"What do you mean?.. Weren't you the one that said relationships between Kumo men and women was a beautiful thing?..." replied the man.

"Yes.. You're right.." responded Sakura, all that she needed for convincing,breathing heavily through her nose as her arousal rose at the scent of pure cock, and the sounds of her friend aggressively slurping next to her. The voluptuous mother swiped a strand of pink hair from her face and cautiously placed the tip inside of her warm and wet lips, sucking intently and slowly licking the slit while the man groaned in delight at her technique.

"Mmpnh!~..." moaned Temari when her respective partner was close to reaching full mast, the insanity of his monstrous size pushing the women to retreat and merely sucking and licking the head, unable to handle the girth and swallow further. "What a fat cock!.. I can hardly wrap my lips around it!.. Unbelievable.." thought Temari with half-lidded eyes, wishing to see with her own eyes that virile cock she was making out with, twirling her tongue lovingly around the head before tracing up and down the sensitive slit, adoring the sounds of pleasured groans, feeling the shaft throb against her slender fingers that struggled to properly wrap around his length.

Not a surprise to anybody that spended time with her recently, Sakura was greatly enjoying her time sucking on her favorite cocks. Her hands placed innocently on her knees with her mouth doing all of the naughty work, leaning forward while dragging her tongue up and down the underside of his shaft, tantalizingly slow in order to truly appreciate the addicting taste. Breathing through her mouth and nostrils before descending lower on his shaft, catching the man off guard by taking one of his testicles inside of her mouth before intently sucking on them, unexpecting of a mother to be this intent on worshipping his cock.

"Woah.. You're really going wild.. I didn't know you liked cock this much.."

"Yes.. Mmm~.. I love black cock so much!.. I can't get enough of it.." panted Sakura, shamelessly admitting to her depraved fetishes. The man chuckled at the desperation in her voice, amazed that a woman who initially struck fear in his heart, was now sluttily sucking on his balls.

"Well, I'm glad cause you'll be having more than enough of it!.. You know.. This black cock of yours that you love so much really makes your face look even prettier." complimented the man, placing his cock directly in the middle of her face, earning a satisfied moan from Sakura who's eyes were peeled open and fixated on the meat laying on her forehead.

"Let's get more comfortable, shall we?.." muttered the man, who was now more motivated now than ever. Kneeling down a bit in order to match her height, he reaches over and begins to bull down Sakura's dress, who continues to stare up at him while orally servicing his cock, allowing him to do as he wishes, stripping her top completely off before unhooking her bra and freeing her indecent breasts from their confinements.

"Eh?.." whimpered Sakura when the man peeled her away from his balls by pushing her back by her shoulders, keeping her at bay before steadying and angling his erection towards her chest, thrusting up against the crevice of her breasts, beginning to fuck her tits as his hands slid down to carress the sides of her tits, holding them still while gradually moving his hips back and forth.

"Ah.. He's using my breasts!.. I don't think I've ever done this with a man before.. Sasuke was too small to make this work.." thought Sakura, watching as the tanned cockhead slipped in and out of her slimy cleavage, coated with her saliva for lubrication. "Perfect.. This looks so perfect!~.. My huge breasts wrapped around an equally massive cock.. It's almost like they were made for each other.. Unlike my husband's small penis hardly matching up with my body.." moaned Sakura, unbothered by her traitorous words, riding a sexual high that forced the truth out of her aching heart. Seeing the head repeatedly escaping the endless valley of her breasts as it popped up and down mere centimetres from her face, Sakura closed her eyes while holding her mouth open, catching him at the pinnacle of his thrusts in order to combine the sucking of her slutty lips with the wet, soft and ultimately lewd fit of her immaculate tits.

"Oh, man!.. That feels incredible!.. Fuck, I might cum soon!.." warned the man, his erection throbbing intently after Sakura expertly sucked on the head, while jerking him off by stroking along the length of his dick using her breasts, making circular motions with her hands to spice up the process.

Hearing his pleas of pleasure turned her on immensely, realizing that he was about to cum, Sakura moaned loudly around his cock before grabbing onto his hips and digging her nails into them, gagging profusely while attempting to deepthroat his cock the instant before his ejaculation ensued. "Nngh!~" The waves of semen that followed shortly after his grunt caused the aroused woman's eyes to open impossibly wide, a disgruntled expression on her face while dutifully attempting to gulp the entirety of his copious load, noting how she failed to do so previously with Ay.

"Holy shit!.. This bitch isn't even letting a single drop escape her lips!.." thought the man in awe, amazed by how tightly her lips were attached around his shaft, relishing the many facial expressions she mad with every pump of his cock, threatening to drown her in his cum while she ultimately refused by dutifully downing each shot with an impassioned gulp that he could feel reverberating throughout the inches of his member inserted inside of her wet orifice.

"Oh, god!.. I can't get enough of it!.. I love how much thicker and tastier cum from black cocks is!.."

Sakura groaned in disappointment when his prolonged ejaculation finally reached its end, leaving the man panting as he slowly retracted his hips while staring at her plump lips. "Delichous~.." mumbled Sakura around his length while slowly dragging her head away from his crotch, the sliding of her lips leaving a trail of saliva behind, completely glistened in her spit while being released with an erotically wet plop.

"Agh…Fuck…" groaned the man, his sensitive cock being pleasured further despite cumming mere seconds ago. "I can't believe a wife like her has fallen this in love with my dick so easily.." thought the man, cherishing the sight of the busty milf lathering his glistening erection with passionate, wet kisses combined with the lapping of her tongue.

"Still hard, huh?.. I'm not surprised.. With great size comes great stamina, I guess.. Never once have I met a Kumo man who was satisfied after only cumming once.." thought Sakura, closing her eyes while voraciously suckling the tip, milking the rest of the leftover semen the man had stored in his testicles.

Meanwhile, Temari was finding herself having trouble properly giving her man a blowjob. His erection had expanded to the point where she was reduced to merely showering his manhood with kisses and the lewd movement of her tongue, albeit it wasn't nearly good enough to make a man of his prowess cum. "Woah.. That was so hot.. Sakura swallowed all of his cum.. I-.. I want to do that too..

The sight of her friend performing a titjob and receiving a guttural creampie turned Temari on even more than she already was, finding it immensely hot with her face flushed red in a heat of arousal while her soft lips tugged at the skin of his rugged shaft. Refocusing her eyes on the prize, Temari hung her jaw wide open as if she were yawning, inching forward and grunting while struggling to swallow the head, putting up a lot of resistance against her mouth that appeared to pale in comparison to his fat cock when it came to their match in terms of size. "Mmnph!~..."

"I.. I love Shikamaru.. But.. But!.. As a woman.. I have needs, just like the rest of them.. And right now.. My body is calling to me.. It's screaming at me to stick this big black cock deep inside of me!~.. Sorry.. If that's what my sexual urges are telling me to do.. Then I have no problem doing just that.." selfishly thought Temari, moaning lovingly around the cock lodged inside of her mouth, her tongue dangling underneath the heavy mushroom head while lazily trying to lap her wet muscle in circles around it.

"Honestly.. I was under the impression that you were a stuck up bitch.. But seeing you like this.. It all makes sense now.. All you needed was a real man to treat you right.." teased the man, grabbing the base of his cock and pulling it away from her mouth, repeatedly tapping her on the lips while Temari obediently stuck her tongue out to get a better taste, her warm breath tickling the sensitive member that was pumping with energy.

"You're right.. I do need a real man.. I'm obsessed with your cock.." admitted Temari, rolling her wet tongue in a circle before once again trying to engulf the head, her jaw unfortunately straining while attempting to do so but fighting through the discomforting pain anyways, too determined to suck him dry.

"Huh?!.." whimpered Temari after the man abruptly pulled out of her mouth, nudging her forehead back in order for her to relent the warmth caress and she had around his cock.

"Not so fast, lady. Let's talk first… What do you think your son would think if he saw you like this?.. His mother down on her knees and sucking on the cock of the man who beat him in a fight.." he taunted, finding amusement and thrill in dominating an older and sexy woman like Temari.

"Eh?.. Why are you talking about him?.. I'm sure he'll understand.. Just like his father, he's a rational person.. I still love them.. But, the reality is that Mommy needs a big black cock inside of her mouth and pussy, otherwise I'll go crazy…" moaned Temari before roughly gripping the base, closing her eyes and hanging her jaw dramatically wide, giving the man a clear view of her wet cavern that was full of spit, groaning right before the engorged head of his erection was swallowed by her warm mouth, which was held open enough for his hefty cock to finally fit.

"Itsh finally in!~.." mouthed the woman around his girth, a look of pure bliss on her face as she moaned in excitement. "I was watching Sakura from the side.. She made that man cum by taking it deep down her throat, didn't she?.. In that case.. If I want a taste of him.. Then I'll have to do that too…" thought Temari, staring down at the black cock before inhaling a deep breath through her nose, closing her eyes and steeling for impact before aggressively shoving her head forward.

"Ughh, holy fuck!..." cursed the man when Temari suddenly mustered the gull to really deliver what the Kumo man so desperately craved. With her face scrunched up in pleasure, she dutifully fought her gag reflex while carefully inching forward, avoiding inflicting excruciating pain by slowly swallowing inch by inch, gurgling a moan when her soft lips finally made contact with her fists.

"He's so fucking deep!.. It's pressing against the back of my throat!..." she thought while moaning, her entire body shuddering with her thick thighs trembling with excitement, removing her hands and cupping the large testicles dangling in front of her, grasping them roughly to help squeeze out the warm cum of his impending orgasm. Serving as the catalyst for his ejaculation, the man moaned before placing both of his hands behind her head, nudging her forward and keeping it in place before unleashing an explosion of thick white semen directly inside of her mouth. Temari yelled around his cock with tears in her eyes at the sensation of his salty spunk splashing against the back of her throat, sliding down the tight passageway with the excessive amount of swallowing that ensued was visible on her neck, a slight bulge with every mouthful that she dutifully gulped. "Mmn!~..." she moaned breathlessly in appreciation, eventually forced to back away and receive the rest solely inside of her orifice, expanding her cheeks to the point where she looked like a chipmunk with the numerous mouthfuls she consumed.

Gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp

She tirelessly continued to milk the seemingly never ending ejaculation, spurred on by the sounds of his groans. It wasn't perfect, but Temari tried her absolute best to completely drink and swallow the man's tasty liquid, ultimately failing as an ample amount trickled down the shaft when her mouth would get overfilled to the brim. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the man's incessant throbbing came to an end, leaving nothing behind but a sloppy mess staining the face of a beautiful mother, covered in her own saliva and hot semen that trailed down the sides of her lips, sticking out her tongue with a glob of semen resting on it as she panted, before slithering back inside of her mouth while she finished downing the rest of it.

"Ha~...." she sighed heavily, feeling the urge to burp after consuming the inhumane amount of cum. Yelping in surprise when she peeled her eyes open and was greeted with the sight of the sturdy erection bobbing up and down from her face.

"You're still hard?!..." exasperated Temari in disbelief.

"Huh?.. Of course I am.. I only came once.. Even though it felt fucking awesome.." boasted the man, confident of his stamina.

Temari, who was typically used to one ejaculation and calling it a night, found herself greatly amused and intrigued to see how the erection would hold up after another session. "You're stripping me?.. Do you want to go again?.." muttered Temari, blushing as the man started taking off her top, holding her hands up in the air and allowing him to do as he pleased. Lifting her hips and butt off the couch for the man peeling off her tight pants down her slender, womanly legs. Completely naked, the needy mother laid on her back and spread her legs apart, showing off her glistened, wet puffy pussy that was practically begging for attention.

The man smirked before jutting his hips and placing his hot, lengthy cock directly on top of her belly. "You see this?.. This is how far inside of your pussy I'm going to reach.. Does that excite you?.." teased the young Kumo man, cupping Temari by the chin, who could only meekly nod her head in response.

"Hey.. Anyone in there?..." said the other man who Sakura was too enamoured with licking, tapping her on the head to gather her attention.

"Your friend over there is about to get fucked the shit out of. Or should I say, blacked. How does that make you feel?" teased the man, wiggling his cock from side to side and watching her follow it like a dog catching its treat.

"I don't know.." she muttered while unknowingly biting her lip, finding the taboo scene of adulterous cheating exhilarating, finding no qualms in joining herself as long as her boundaries weren't crossed. A slight tease to help ease the burning passion in her core. She allowed the powerful man to lift her up and held onto his shoulders for support, following suit as she was progressively stripped naked leaving nothing behind but a tiny red thong that struggled to contain her overwhelming assets.

"Well?.. Do you want me to fuck you senseless?.." teased the man, repeatedly tapping her drenched entrance with his sizable cockhead.

"Y-yes.. Please fuck me.. I beg you.. I need it.. But, slowly at first.. I've only been with Shikamaru, so this will be completely new to me.." mumbled Temari, too aroused to coherently utter a sentence. "6 inches is nothing compared to this.. My heart's starting to race.. He's almost too big.. What if I break?.." she frantically wondered, legs trembling as a result.

"Hmm.. Alright, gotcha.. Here I go.." replied the man, smiling while holding onto the underside of her legs, fondling the smooth flesh before carefully inserting his engorged head past Temari's tight entrance, nearly narrow enough to be mistaken for a virgin despite the fact that she'd already given birth. Her boisterous moan was loud enough to possibly alert the neighbors, violently orgasming from the sensation of being split apart, a painful but lewd feeling unlike any other that left her lower body twitching in result, squirting clear vaginal fluids all over his crotch, nails digging into the mattress of the couch while holding on for dear life.

"Wow.. Temari's going to be fucked into oblivion by that massive black cock of his.. I wonder what feels like.. N-no!.. I can't give in.." thought Sakura, while being bent over and hotdogged by her partner, balancing on the mattress with her arms while perfectly arching her back, twerking and grinding into the man's crotch with his erection lodged directly between her cheeks. Even while having her perfect ass being used, Sakura couldn't peel her eyes away from the spectacle of Temari being mere moments away from being drilled, hearing her depraved orgasms caused her pussy to twitch with excitement.

"Damn.. You're already so wet.. But, it's not enough…. Hey, you. Come here and suck it for me." commanded the man, holding onto Temari's plush butt in order to pull himself out, a disappointed groan and look on her face while she pouted.

"H-He wants me to suck it?.. But, it was just inside of-... Oh, well.. Since I'm unable to do it.. I want to see this man's big cock tear Temari apart.." thought Sakura, complying with his wishes and crawling over, wrapping her tongue and lips around it before rapidly bobbing her head, a quick but effective fellatio that served its purpose, not overstaying its welcome until the man's member was nice and shiny with her spit. "Ah.. It tastes funny.. A bit sweeter than usual.. Lucky him.. Temari's pussy must taste really good.." thought Sakura as she sucked intently around his shaft, finding herself breathing heavily while roughly grinding back against the man's crotch, in tune with his frantic thrusts as the intensity of his dry-humping reached its peak. Albeit he wasn't actually lodged deep within her pussy, the sensation of having his hot member constantly rub against her puckered hole that was only separated by a tiny string. Hot and bothered to the point where it was growing unbearable, Sakura moaned heavily before succumbing to an abrupt orgasm, finding herself immensely turned on by the taste of her favorite flavour of cock that happened to be coated with Temari's tangy nectar, combined with the motion of the man's hips bouncing against the flesh of her thick butt, causing her entire voluptuous figure to ripple and jiggle while being rocked back and forth.


"Holy shit!.. Did this bitch just cum?!.. Damn!.. It's squirting out like a power hose!.." commented the man while playfully smacking her bubbly ass, eliciting a pleasured moan from her lips, wiggling her hips in response. Her exaggerated moans caused her to accidentally relent the tight grip her lips had around his girthy shaft, slipping out of her puckered lips as the man cooed in enjoyment.

"Ha.. Ha… Are you going to stick it back in?.." pleaded Temari, an expression of pure desperation on her face, her tongue lewdly sticking out while panting heavily under the heat of arousal.

"You bet your fine ass I am." replied the man, angling his cock that was nice and wet, lubricated effectively with a mixture of liquids that turned his massive length slickened and shiny. With a prolonged grunt, the man shoved his slippery member deep within her tight snatch, causing Temari's eyes to roll to the back of her head whilst moaning at the top of her lungs. His eyes were locked down towards her plump ass, watching his member disappear within the velvety walls of her aching pussy, managing to shove nearly half of his turgid length inside before it felt as if her body was on the verge of breaking. The voluptuous mother moaned wildly with her tight snatch flexing and choking the man's phallus, yet again succumbing to another orgasm.

"Wow.. All I did was stick it in twice, and she's already losing her mind.. How badly did you want this, baby?.." he teased.

"Badly.. Oh, so badly!~.. It was all I could think about the second we walked past this door… Unnghh!…" moaned Temari, biting down on her bottom lip while her body followed it's natural course, twitching violently with her vaginal fluids secreting down her legs.

Meanwhile, Sakura was finding herself on the verge of achieving nirvana, her pink thong carefully stripped off of her pale, white bubbly ass. For a moment, she found herself frozen in place, unable to utter a word or move a single inch, snapping back to reality the instant the man's bulbous ahead rubbed against the slit of her entrance, which she was still stubbornly preserving for her husband in a nonsensical bout against her conveniently altered view of loyalty. She was dangerously close to being penetrated before Sakura finally mustered the courage to reject him, panting heavily as she spoke with her heart racing wildly from the adventurous rush that surged throughout her body.

"W-Wait!.. I can't-.. I can't cheat~...." she moaned slightly.

"Huh?.. What do you mean, you can't cheat?.. What have we been doing all this time, then?.."

"I-I know it doesn't make sense… I know that black cock is better.. Right now, I can hardly stop myself from sticking it in myself.. But.. If I let you fuck me.. How will I be able to tell Sasuke that I "love" him after?.." muttered Sakura, lips trembling due to self-induced fear, afraid of the capabilities of her own body that might instinctively fight against her will.

"That's still stopping you?.. Oh well, can't be helped.. Guess I'll have to settle for this then.." snickered the man, gently caressing the sides of her bodacious hips before jabbing his cock directly in in between her thighs, purposefully sandwiching his expanded length within the flesh of her meaty legs, the motions of his thrusts packing the same intensity identical to if they were actually fucking. It wasn't nearly the same, but the friction inflicted by his thick shaft rubbing against the slit of her absolutely soaked cunt was more than enough pleasure induced to turn the slutty pinkett into a moaning mess, the sounds of her ass clapping against his powerful hips sounding like music to his ears. It was almost pathetic how turned on this woman had become without even being penetrated, the man scoffing at her declaration and determination to remain a "faithful" wife. His fingertips dug deep into the soft skin of her flesh while staring in amazement as she came, screaming cries of pleasure which was boisterous enough to catch the man off-guard.

"Nngh!~... Unngh!.. W-What is this?!..." panted Temari, face scrunched in pleasure with her head tilted up towards the ceiling, saliva trickling down the sides of her lips from her open-mouthed moans. "I'm being dominated.. I can hardly move my body, all of my senses are focused on the humongous cock splitting me apart!.." she thought, hesitantly peeking down to take a look at her crotch, gasping in disbelief when only half of the man's erection was pushed inside, under the assumption that he'd been pressed balls deep considering how overwhelmingly full her busty figure had already felt.

"Shit!.. Your pussy's way too tight! I can barely fit.." exasperated the man, unable to force the rest in even if he tried. Using his quick wits in order to find a solution for their problems, he grabbed onto her hip before flipping her over, eliciting a surprised yelp from Temari as she found herself bent over and sitting on all fours. "Come on!.. Take it all in!~.." grunted the man, raising his large hands in the air in order to slam it down with emphatic force, giving the adulterous a punishing spanking while jutting his hips forward, feeding inch-by-inch with Temari's moans amplifying emphatically. Now that she was turned and flipped towards a different direction, she was no face to face with Sakura, far past the point of being flustered and shy at seeing one another indulging in the pleasures of big black cock.

"I wonder what your husband and son would think if they saw you like this." taunted the men, grabbing a handful of her ass, arching his back and force-feeding her motherly pussy with his superior member. The deeper he reached, the closer the cockhead pressed against her womb, a sensation that left her breathless and moaning for more, tears of slight joy and pain watering her eyes with a droplet streaming down her cheeks.

"Stop talking about them!.. I don't care about men with little dicks!.. This side's much better!~..." bashed Temari in a fit of pleasure, shuddering violently with her tongue hanging from her mouth with the man finally sheathing the entirety of his length within the comfortable wetness and warmth of her narrow vaginal walls, incredibly drenched by the numerous orgasms, triggering another one after successfully pushing himself balls-deep. "Cumming!~...." lovingly moaned the woman, trembling slightly while biting down on her bottom lip, shamefully soiling the couch with her excess climax, being rewarded with a flurry of thrusts that completely abused her already sore and sensitive pussy, turning her shameful moans into incoherent cries of pleasure.

"How angry would Sasuke be if he found me like this?.. Would he kill him?!.. Honestly, he should be grateful.. I'm the one that has to save my pussy for his small little penis…. But I can't deny.. The thought of being ravaged and soiled by a random Kumo man has me flooded to the brim!.." thought Sakura.

"M-Me too!.. I'm going to cum again!~..." she warned, as her busty figure shook vigorously, the ample amount of vaginal juices spilling onto the floor, reaching over to grab onto anything or anyone for added comfort, eventually finding Temari's hands as they clutched together, mind clouded with lust while revel in the wild ride they were in together, submitting themselves to the euphoria that controlled their every movement. After a few seconds of orgasming simultaneously in unison, the man using Sakura as his personal teasing cocksleeve was in the mood to switch positions, flipping the sexy pinkette onto her back whilst holding her legs high up in the air, ensuring that the underside of his shaft grinded against her pleading cunt.

"O-Oh, oh!~.. This is so intense!.. Good!.. That's it!~.. Harder!~..." moaned Sakura, urging the man on, requiring both of her hands to hold onto her flailing tits, caused by the sheer power packed behind each thrust, even playing with herself for added pleasure while happily proclaiming her love for Kumo cock.

"A-Aahhhhhhnnnnn!~~.... Unbelievable!~.. I'm full, I'm so full!~.. There's so much cock!.. I can't-.. I can't believe black cock feels this amazing!~.." sluttily moaned Temari, donning an expression of drunken stupor, completely overcome with lust, absent of any remote signs of intelligence while her tongue hung loosely from her mouth, hung agape underneath all of the overwhelming pleasure that commanded her every nerve. The rigorous pounding left her beaten pussy quivering in delight, her thick, voluptuous figure jiggling and bouncing with every concise thrust, slamming against her womb with the bulbous head of his monstrous cock. Her half-lidded eyes and lazy pupils looking in different directions while she breathed solely from her mouth, panting with her chest heaving with her moans vibrating from the intensity of being fucked ragged. A trail of saliva spilling down her chin and staining the mattress, her luscious body covered in sweat from overexertion. "Sakura!~.. You have to let him in!.. This is--. This is the best!~..., ungh, ungh, NNGH!~.... I don't think I can feel my legs anymore.. It's spreading me apart, filling me completely, reaching deeper than ever before!~.." boasted Temari, face flushed with lust with her lewd tongue stretching out after yet another exaggerated moan.

"Oh, fuck!~.. Here it comes.. I'm gonna cum inside of you!~.. I'll make it up to your son by giving him a little brother to take care of!.." boasted the man, sinisterly grinning before unleashing everything he had left behind his blindingly quick spurt of thrusts. He securely inserted himself all the way to the root with a final forward motion of his hips, snatching Temari's breath away for a mere second before his pulsating erection spasmed wildly against her womb, unloading heaps of semen directly inside of her body. With her brain solely focusing on the pursuit of pleasure and attending to her sexual desires, Temari refused to retreat from the man's dangerous ejaculation, pressing her large ass back against his crotch, smashing her supple flesh against his hardened skin while they climaxed together.

"Ah!~.. Take it all of your face, you slut!.." groaned the man dry fucking Sakura's clit, pulling back and jerking himself off to completion before finishing all over her pretty face and ample breasts. The horny pinkette moaned in appreciation and held her tongue out to swipe against the strands of semen that landed near her mouth, fondling her own tits with the white spunk coating the top of them, squirting herself while finding herself victim to yet another orgasm.


"Fuck… That was fun.. Thanks for the drinks, ladies!.." said the man who'd practically impregnated Temari, waving the defeated and drained women goodbye after putting on their clothes.

"Hey, next time we see each other. I promise that I'll be fucking you." teased the man who was relegated to only satisfying his lust with thigh jobs and assjobs, albeit both were incredibly pleasurable in their own right.

Sakura and Temari were far too out of it to even form a response, laying down together in silence, completely naked and covered in sweat. The only noise that could be heard was none other than their deep breaths. Curious to see what black cock is really like, Sakura looked over in Temari's direction to confide in her for help, pupils widening in surprise upon being greeted to the sight of her creampied pussy, overfilled with hot semen that had yet to completely ooze out from her tight snatch. It had just dawned on Sakura that her close friend had just been bred right before her very eyes, panicking after taking a few seconds to realize and think about the repercussions a potential baby would have for her marriage and the Hidden Leaf village.

"Temari?!.. Are you okay?.."


Temari didn't respond, body limp with her eyes half-way closed, a look of drunken stupor on her face with her nether regions covered completely in semen. Seeing the state of emergency they were in, and the lack of responsiveness from her friend, Sakura took it upon herself to try and alleviate the risks, diving down and eating her pussy out in order to extract as much cum as possible. The familiar nectar taste that had coated her tongue earlier dominated her taste buds, combined with potent seed from her favorite cocks.

"She'll have to thank me for this later…" thought Sakura, finding it odd that she wasn't bothered at all by essentially performing cunnilingus on another woman, perhaps playing it off as nothing more than a "medical procedure".


The next morning….

Shortly after lapping Temari's sopping wet snatch with her tongue, Sakura passed out by her legs, her head sitting only a few inches away from her special place. When the two had woken up, Temari discovered the after-effects of being ravaged by the Kumo men, unable to stand up with a noticeable limp to her step after she attempted to help herself off the couch. Her hourglass figure had been so sore that Sakura ultimately decided on using her jutsu to heal her, alleviating the pain and soreness, granting her the ability to walk freely again while the two briefly discussed the previous night's events...

"Yeah.. I definitely do love Sasuke.. But-....."

"I know what you mean, Sakura.. Their cocks were simply too big to resist, right?.. I totally understand.. Us ladies have our needs.. I was always under the impression that size wasn't everything, but I was completely wrong.." muttered Temari with a blush on her face, reminiscing about the wonderful times that were being obliterated by the turgid sizes of the men's monstrous cocks.

"How did it feel?..." asked Sakura, curiosity piqued. Despite everything that had transpired thus far, Temari was the first amongst her friends to actually have slept with a man from Kumogakure.

"Oh, Sakura~.. You have no idea.. It was just like the rumours said.. But even better.. I know the size looks intimidating on it's own.. But it's so large that it's difficult to even fit inside of me.. It was almost stretching me apart and conforming my insides to perfectly match his girth.. And when he finally pushed the entire thing inside.. You can feel it pressing right up against your womb.. It made me feel like my legs were turned to lead.. It was difficult to breathe.. And my pussy was quivering for more.. Practically begging him to fuck me.. I've never came that hard before… I'd lost track of how many times I've orgasmed.. Honestly, it was almost life-changing.. I-.. I think I might be addicted…" said Temari, with a look of pure infatuation in her eyes.


Temari left shortly after sharing all of the gossip and wonderful things she had to say about being fucked by black cocks. Sakura was left hot and bothered after unsurprisingly fantasizing about it, putting her heartfelt words into her imagination and pretending they had swapped places, in the mood for sex after hearing about how intense it was too get fucked senseless.

"How much longer will I be able to keep this up?..."

The thought had crossed her mind, leaving Temari confused when Sakura covered her face in embarrassment, attempting to hide her true self to the world, despite how glaringly obvious her yearnings were.