Chapter 20: Lost in the Woods

All the romance in the room is sucked out as another loud banging is heard, followed by Lucas yelling.

“Wake up you two, breakfast is going on the table as we speak,” he calls, causing Nick to cuss under his breath.

“I swear I’m going to kill him,” Nick threatens with a growl before climbing out of the bed.

Tris sighs and flops her head back. If it weren’t for her nude body, she would beat Nick to the door and give Lucas a piece of her own mind. She looks over to see him pulling his pants up over his sculptured bare bottom. After coming to terms with her loss, Tris decides to hurry into the bathroom and wash up for the day.

She makes it inside just in time as Nick opens the chamber door in the other room. Tris can hear him chewing Lucas out as she turns on the water in the washbasin. Looking around, she locates a cabinet and opens it to find wash rags and several bottles of different oils inside.