Chapter 53: Goodbye


I staggered to my feet, backing away from my goddess and the heathens who had corrupted her.

Or was this even my goddess anymore?

This person possessed the same angelic beauty, but everything else about her was wrong. There was no smile on her lovely face, only a cool, detached expression as she looked at me. The detachment even extended to her eyes that had once sparkled so beautifully.

What could have happened to her to make Jessica like this?

What could one heretic do on his own against a goddess? What would he have done to turn her against me so completely?

Unless he hadn’t.

A horrible, horrible idea occurred to me. Had … had I done something to displease Jessica? Everything I’d done throughout my life had been for her. To make her happy, to ensure that her needs were met. To deliver the world into her glory.

It had all been for her!

Was it not enough!?

Had I somehow misunderstood what my goddess wanted!?