Hell on Earth

"Warriors of Heaven!" The archangel's booming voice caught the attention of everyone around. "Forget these worthless soldiers. Strike down anyone who exits that car!" He yelled as he pointed his divine finger at the vehicle below.


It was like a swarm had suddenly appeared; the angels gracefully maneuvered away and around the soldiers as they went to converge on the people as they emerged from the car.

Suddenly, a single arrow made entirely out of a blackish energy was shot from the direction of the car and cut through the air towards the incoming angels.

"Only 1 arrow? How foolish." An angel in the front spoke.

"And for my next trick…" One of the slayers spoke, right before the arrow exploded into several other arrows and then those several more did the same.

The angels were all moving forward with such momentum that most didn't have time to stop and maneuver out the way.

"AHHHH!" Screams filled the air as the arrows pierced through their thick armor. Their bodies started falling out of the air and dissipating into specks of black light before they even hit the ground.

Of the 20 or so angels that had initially arrived, only a handful now remained.

The slayer that shot the arrow lowered the bow as he looked up with satisfaction at his handy work. The bow was obsidian with the head of a serpent at either end of the tips of the bow. The string was made out of the same energy that the arrows were made from.

The slayer wore the usual contracted slayer outfit - a crimson cloak that went down to waist level and was open in the front, held together by a gold rope. On the back was the same logo as what was on the car. Underneath he wore a black cloth, battle suit. He had dreads that came down his neck that were tied off in a ponytail.

"Mmmm, I never grow tired of this sight. Getting all cocky when they only see 1 arrow, but then…the beautiful light show." He said smugly as specs of black energy floated through the air. This color signified the death of the spirit, not just the body.

"Well don't get too full of yourself, Jayden. You missed a few. Including the archangel." The slayer next to Jayden spoke. He had black hair that went down to his shoulders that swooped in the front and a pair of oval glasses - he carried a long sword that was in its sheath.

"Lemme guess, you could've done better, Jun?" Jayden snarked.

Jun stepped forward past Jayden as the last remaining angels were making a break for them. "It's about using your opportunities wisely with the expectation you might not get a second one."

He spread his legs apart and moved his sheathed sword behind him. He tightly gripped his right hand around the handle as he stared down the incoming angels. They bore down towards them with their weapons at the ready.

"This blade will decide your fates. Verdict, Blade of Souls."

The sound of a sword swing could be heard, but all anyone could see was the tiny movement of Jun's sword as it slid right back into the sheathe.

It seemed like time had almost slowed down for a moment while the angels weren't sure if anything had happened, but then there was an explosion of yellow liquid from each of the angels as time finally caught up with his strikes. Pieces of armor flew out as it had been cut through like butter.

The angels hit the ground and then slowly followed suit of their companions - their bodies evaporated into black energy that vanished into the air.

Jun relaxed his body and let out a small breath.

Jayden looked on with a sour look on his face. "Yeah, well mine definitely had more appeal."

"Grow up, Jayden." The last slayer spoke. She had green/blue hair that was setup in a very punk-like style - it dropped down some in the front over her right eye and sat on top like a messier pixie cut. Each of her ears had a small gauge pierced in and on her right pointer finger was an ancient looking black ring.

"I'm afraid we're short on miracles when it comes to that, Iris." Jun replied to her.

Meanwhile, Lieutenant Nickels gathered up the rest of the battalion as they cleared out of the way of the slayers.

"Sweep the area to make sure there are no civilians still out on the streets!" He barked at them as he handed off his turret to one of his men. He looked back towards the slayers as they bickered among themselves while some of his own men laid out on the streets having taken their final breaths.

"We've really put our lives in the hands of these immature brats? Those weapons of theirs are really the only thing that makes them special. Appears to be the only way to kill those things after all...otherwise we would've washed our hands of them long ago." Nickels said to himself.

As the slayers moved away from the car, a small gust brushed their hair aside and kicked up the dust and dirt around them - the archangel descended down towards them while he cast an intimidating glare upon them.

"Cursed bow: Nightkiss, Oath of the Serpent. And cursed sword: Verdict, Blade of Souls. Why am I not surprised to find those weapons here in your realm?"

Jun kept his grip tight on his sheathed blade as he halted their approach towards the archangel. "You know of our weapons?"

The archangel gracefully touched down on the ground across from them.

"You think I haven't seen those cursed weapons before? I have lived longer than your civilization has existed and have faced mightier foes than you that have wielded those very weapons."

The archangel looked to Iris who stood behind the others. "You, child. I see no weapon on you. What is your purpose here?" He demanded of her.

Jun held up his hand to interrupt. "We're not here to answer YOUR questions, angel. I believe we both know how this goes from here."

The archangel scoffed. "That we do, spawn of evil."

He slammed the butt of his spear upon the ground which caused heavy vibrations to course through the area. The windows of nearby shops cracked and shattered on the sidewalk, but the slayers held their ground and only faced the threat at hand.

"I am Malakah, archangel of the God of Conquest! Alone, I am more than enough for that bastard Queen's minions."

Jayden licked the corner of his lips in anticipation, "Ohhh, this is getting good."