When Two Swords Collide

The sound of swords clashing filled the air as the two went at each other in earnest.

Athos weaved in and out of the battle ground using his speed to his advantage. But it seemed like no matter how fast or where he struck, Jun was ready to meet him any time of the day.

Sparks flew from the constant friction of their two swords striking each other.

This is insane! Thought Athos. He is merely a human playing at being a demon, yet I can't seem to break through his defenses!

Jun stared with wide open eyes as every one of Athos's movements was clear as day to him. He could read every muscle twitch, every step, every disruption in the air as he moved through it.

And he timed his parry accordingly.


"But I still hold the advantage here." Athos stated. He immediately rushed back in after Jun's parry as Jun, like each exchange prior, went to meet his blade. But the blade vanished right before contact like earlier.

"A dimensional slash!" Jun exclaimed as his eyes darted around for the inevitable attack.

"Heh." Athos launched forward in the little space between them and slammed a hard rushing shoulder into Jun.


Jun was almost thrown off his feet as he stumbled backward from the force but managed to stay up. Just in time to see that the blade had already returned to the rest of the sword.

It was a fake out! Thought Jun.

Athos gave Jun no time to rest as he slashed diagonally toward him - the blade vanished once more.

"Again?!" Jun exclaimed as he began to recompose himself.

"Not quite the same." Athos said as he used the momentum from the slash to flip the blade around for yet another vanishing attack.

Two dimensional attacks! Jun thought desperately. I can't stop both of them. But…I can strike first. I don't know why, but I feel like I can actually go on the attack now. This constant feeling like I'm supposed to be seizing this moment.

It was like time itself had suddenly slowed for him. His focus was reaching peak levels as he could see his opponent in front of him in the finishing swing of his last attack, knowing that Jun couldn't possibly block 2 unpredictable attacks. But he could also see that his opponent relished in that thought and currently was completely defenseless in that position.

"I...I can see it." Jun mummered.

Jun didn't know this, but the reason his movements were becoming much clearer was due in fact to Jun's upbringing as this was not something achievable by just any slayer. He studied the sword his entire life. He had a keen eye and could pick up on subtle movements easily. Being a slayer has heightened that ability substantially.

Flow was something entirely different that built upon that.

Jun clutched his sword and moved forward in rhythm with Athos's movement. He could feel the air rippling around him as there was a dimensional slash coming from his left and right in a pincer attack.

It's no use, Satori Jun! This fight is finished! Thought Athos.

As if he was water itself, he seamlessly moved off his dominant foot and every single movement was shaved of all inefficiency. It appeared like all these movements were just a single quick one. He stepped forward into Athos, swung his sword in a quick upwards arch and then moved past him. It was such a quick and fluid action that Athos didn't even see anything past him initially stepping forward. His attack motion and speed had dramatically increased.

< Ability activated: Flow >

Another spurt of yellow blood shot from Athos's arm as a long cut had appeared across the outside of his right arm.

"Gahh! Again?!" Athos bellowed as he clutched his arm. "How are you doing that??"

Jun smiled. So that's what's going on, he thought to himself. The speed I had when drawing my sword made me underestimate what I could achieve without it. Just like you Athos, I can achieve even greater heights.

Jun turned to the archangel who was starting to look worse for wear. He had only truly struck him twice, but they were very effective.

"You know, Athos. You can tell a lot from a guy when you clash swords with him."

"Oh is that so? And what have you learned from our little battle so far you demonic flaming pile of dog-"

"One, that you spend too much thought process on insults. But also that you are someone who deeply respects his comrades."

"You know nothing."

"I know this because the desperation behind each of your attacks shows that the driving reason behind you holding that sword is one of great importance to you. You fight for your family's honor and use your body as the instrument to deal justice to those who would oppose it. Your God of Conquest is lucky to have a son like you."

Athos remained silent at Jun's words. He removed his hand from his bleeding wound and looked upon Jun. Not as someone who is below him, but the way one would look upon an equal.

"You know what I learned from this, Jun? That the King was right to condemn your species."


"The human world doesn't know much about all the Gods so there's no way for you to know this. Each God has their own way of choosing their subordinates from their angels to their Seraphs. They each look to stockpile their own power separate from the other Gods because despite them being the most powerful beings in the Heavens, they all want the same thing. But...not Conquest. He's different when it comes to how he chooses to go about things. Anyone who serves under him is lucky to be able to do just that."

Athos held out his double sword horizontally in front of him.

"I tell you this not to get the sympathy of someone like you. But for you to understand that this goes beyond duty. A human being able to stand on equal footing with an esteemed archangel? Such power is not meant to be in your hands. I will cut you down here and now to protect those I cherish from you. I have seen enough history to know what can come of evil such as you when left to grow."

Jun sighed. "I see."

Jun took a deep breath and assumed his sword stance with his sword blade diagonally pointed towards the sky. "Verdict, Blade of Souls will judge whether your conviction will be enough to overcome my own."

They rushed towards each other, but to what end neither knew. They were so focused on each other that they didn't notice that the sky had begun to turn black.