On Your Knees

"He?" Jun asked Athos.

The all too familiar sirens started to blare around the city. A large gust of wind whipped past them and almost knocked Jun over.

"What is going on here?!" Jun had a very bad feeling that he hoped was just his usual over worrying.

"Attention citizens of Crimson City. Please remain in your shelters as a new breach has been detected. A Class S Breach has been detected. I repeat-". The announcement was cut short as it seemed to short circuit along with every other electrical device in the vicinity. Jun could see the rolling blackout as it occurred around him and how the world just seemed to turn very quiet. It was as if the world humbled itself to whatever was coming.

"It seems I have failed." Athos spoke up as Jun got a cold chill down his spine. "I was to come down to rectify my comrade's failure. Yet here I sit defeated in my own right. So, he has decided to end it himself."

"Athos...who is coming?" Jun asked in a low tone.

Suddenly a large bright light in the sky began to push out the black clouds around it, as if it was the first light to break through after a heavy storm. It expanded outwards as something began to come through.

"My Father. Zadall, the God of Conquest." Athos spoke.

Jun's eyes widened as the horror of the situation now set in.

"This is where humanity will...end." Athos said as parts of him began to deteriorate into specks of black energy.

A large figure bathed in light fell from the gigantic hole and crashed right in the center of Crimson City.

A massive shock-wave ripped through the city - cars flipped over, windows shattered, and the very ground cracked and crumbled. Worst yet, the figure had landed directly on top of the military base.

"No!!" Jun yelled as he abandoned the fading Athos and rushed towards the base. However, the shock-wave came through and knocked them both off their feet so that they tumbled across the ground.

As the dust began to settle around the city, the light faded from around the figure. Saying it was just really really large would be a gross understatement. Lengthwise it easily measured a couple full sized football fields. It's height towered over any known skyscraper. It was a creature of size that no one in human history had ever fathomed could exist.

As the light vanished, the creature could be seen in its full intimidating glory.

It was a hydra with three heads and each head had two sets of slit-like red eyes. Long black flowing whiskers stuck out from the sides of their faces. As it snarled one could see it's row of deathly sharp teeth. Several larger slits down their necks showed a dark, vibrant, red energy welled up inside it. It was something that a child would dream about after watching a monster movie.

It was absolutely terrifying.

The beast took one of its four mighty sets of claws and smashed it down upon one of the buildings. Even with the extra protection from the unholy energy, the building crumbled like paper beneath its force.

"That's...a God?" Jun spoke as he picked himself up off the ground. "I didn't expect something so horrific."

"You...shouldn't have got on..their bad side..." Athos smirked as his body completely vanished into the air. "There was never an end...where you won..."

"HUMANS!!!!!!!" The beast yelled out. It's voice had such depth that the ground seemed to shake with each syllable. "This pathetic excuse for a war ends TODAY! You have wasted enough of my time and patience. I am the God of Conquest and I shall etch the meaning of divine punishment into your very souls before you plunge down to the Underworld."

Conquest stepped forward and his foot smashed several cars and buildings beneath just that one foot.

"On your knees, humans." Conquest reared his multiple heads toward the sky as his mouths emitting a bright red light.

Simultaneously the heads launched 3 red balls of energy into the sky that angled up and then collided upon each other.

The balls of energy exploded and released hundreds of small balls of red fiery energy that rained out all across the city. Wherever it landed it exploded into a burst of red fire that torched anything it touched. Even solid concrete.

These were the purifying flames of Heaven.

Jun was far enough away from the creature to be out of his being stepped on range, but there was no safe place in the city to avoid this divine fire. He bolted away from the scene while doing his best to not be in the area of impact for one of those energy balls.

This is crazy! Jun thought as he ran. A God?! Why now of all times?? This is only the 2nd recorded 'S Breach' since this war started! This fight is beyond us. I have to hope Iris and Jayden are still alive. Are the shelters even safe from this kind of threat? Or are they just death traps now??

Jun happened to look up as he ran past a building that was beginning to crumble at the base from the raging fire attached to it. He saw someone standing at the top of it as the flames slowly crawled their way up it.

It was Axel.

"Axel?! You have to get down from there, NOW!!" Jun tried to yell towards him, but the explosions all over the area were drowning out his voice. Not that he would listen anyways.

Axel stood staring up at the beast as it watched the city start to scorch around it. It stomped forward crushing entire blocks in seconds. This was indeed the worst case situation for the human race. Yet, he was trembling as he had a big excited grin on his face. The grip was so tight around his sword that his veins were bulging.

"This is it. This is fucking it!! And here I thought I would have to grind some more low level scrubs, but start the goddamn theme music cause here comes a big boss!"

At the exact same time, the Admin of the God Core System echoed in the slayer's minds:

< God level energy source detected. Initiating the first time user interface for God level combat. >