An Unwanted Trip Down Memory Lane

Axel opened his eyes and found himself in what appeared to be a public bathroom. There were a few stalls, but no one was around.

"I better not be dying. Especially if my last moments are going to be one of many memories of my time in a girl's bathroom." He said as he checked each of the stalls.

Suddenly, Iris burst through the door of the bathroom about to stumble over herself. She wore her usual slayer outfit and the crimson cloak they all wore over their clothes was in tatters around her shoulders. She slipped running into the stall, but desperately clawed her way back up to lean over the toilet and deposit everything she had eaten that day.

"I can't....*BLARGH!*" Between the bouts of vomit she was sobbing uncontrollably.

Axel peeked in the bathroom and immediately swiveled around the corner. "....was I drunk that night?" He whispered to himself.

The door slammed back open and in came Jun of all people. "Iris!"

"Jun!" Axel said frantically as he was heading right towards him. "I swear I...wait, why are you in my memory? I didn't take you as the type-" Jun ran straight through Axel like he was a ghost and to the stall behind him where Iris was.

What the fuck? Is this someone else's memory? Axel thought as he felt his new transparent body. How did I even get here? The last I checked Iris grabbed me and that's it. Based on what they're wearing, this wasn't that long ago.

"Iris..what happened back there, that wasn't you. We know that." Jun said as he had his back to the stall door.

"Just go away Jun..." Iris cried. "I can't do this. I can't keep hurting people."

Jun sighed. "You've helped so many people since you joined us. The number of people who owe their life to you greatly outnumbers what happened today. Please, don't let this change all that. It's not your fault."

Iris sniffled and turned her head toward Jun's back. "Wonderful. I'm sure the families of those I slaughtered when I lost control of my power, will be HAPPY to know that it's not my fault."

Axel stood across the bathroom stall from them since it was clear now that he couldn't be seen or heard. "Hmm. Is that why she goes full background character in fights?"

Suddenly the area all around him began to drain away and was replaced by the stairwell of an apartment complex. Iris is sitting at the top of the stairs in a graphic tee and jeans with blood all over her hands and parts of her pants. She stared down the stairs as her body quivered and heaved. She stared down the stairs as if she was looking at something much deeper than what was seen.

Axel was privy to this scene as he stood at the bottom of the stairwell. It was like he could feel the regret and the despair inside her washing over him. It was surprisingly a lot to handle all at once.

"....what did she do? Well, I guess we all have had to do something shitty to end up in the Underworld."

Again the scene surrounding him fizzled away and he now found himself in a dark room - so much so that he couldn't even see his own ghostly hand in front of his face. "Ok, what's this memory now? Hm?"

Axel noticed a single spotlight where a person sat on their knees chained to the ground. Curious, he stepped forward to get a glimpse of the person's face. "Is that Iris?" He questioned, getting a closer look at the prisoner. Iris looked up quickly to Axel as he spoke, her almost not believing her own eyes. "I'm curious what memory this could possibly be. Seems kinda kin-"

"Axel?!" Iris shouted up at him.

"Oh shit!" Axel almost fell over in shock as Iris called out to him from her bound state. He locked eyes with her and it was clear she was staring right at him. "Wait, you can see me? You can hear me??"

"Yes, obviously." She replied. "How is it even possible for you to be standing with me right now?...I mean, YOU'RE real right?"

"Yep, I'm definitely the real deal. But I have to say I'm not super pleased to see you. The last time I looked upon your actual face, you were trying to choke me to death."

"Well...that wasn't me." She glanced down at the floor. "Despite whatever confidence the others had in me, I lost the battle and the armor took control of...everything." She looked back up to Axel. "But this is inside of my mind where we're at. A sort of metaphorical prison. I'm bound by the armor and can't move a single muscle anymore.I....really fucked up this time." She said, trailing off at the end of her sentence.

Axel tugged lightly at the chains that chained her to the floor and confirmed there was no give to them. It was clear these chains were not made from any man made material. He looked around in search of any other surroundings, but everything was pitch black. "Well....looks like there's nothing I can do for you. No sword, no power, I'm basically Jayden in here. Anyways, I'm going to look for a way out of here, so-"

"Wait, Axel! You have to stop me or it's just going to keep getting stronger! It's getting closer by the moment, you have to do SOMETHING." She demanded of him.

"I don't even know what's going on right now! One second I'm getting choked out by you and then next I'm inside your mind. Then Admin opened up some kind of vortex and swallowed you up. I'm honestly kinda winging it right now."

Axel felt something brush the back of his neck and quickly turned around, but nothing was there. He was starting to get some bad vibes from around him that they weren't alone.

Iris raised an eyebrow. "Wait, vortex? What did Admin do?"

"After you grabbed me she activated some kind of ability and sucked you inside a vortex. That's all I know."

Are you telling me....she could've stopped this at any point?! Iris thought angrily. That damned sorry excuse of a program! But why would she do this?

"Whoa..something feels funny." Axel said as he felt a strong tug within him like he had been suddenly caught on a fishing hook.

Iris tried to stand up toward Axel, but the chains quickly reminded her of her situation. "Axel, please! If you find a way out you have to tell Admin to keep me locked away, forever!"

Before Axel could respond, everything turned a bright white and his consciousness was snuffed out.

"GUUUHHH!" Axel roughly exhaled a fresh breath of air and opened his eyes again - this time he saw that he was now laying on a grassy ground. He glanced around and saw the familiar training area setup and the pile of equipment he had knocked over earlier. He looked up and saw that Admin was standing behind him looking down at him.

"Oh good, you're awake. We need to talk."