A Peek Into the Heroes Past, Part 2

Admin checked their bracelets back in the real world and saw an concerning update:

[ Axel: Mental Stability 80% ]

[Iris: Mental Stability 52% ]

While they were in this state of Divine Connection, only the bracelets could monitor their system related data. She was basically locked out of monitoring them until they undid the Divine Connection.

"Hmm. I have no way of knowing whose mind they're wandering through right now. I must say that I have my concerns if it's Axels. Not this soon anyway. I've been in his head for long enough to know that there's some deep things locked away in there."

She looked back at the bracelet and saw that Iris had dropped yet another 1% since she last checked. "It would seem that whatever is disrupting their environment is also playing a big number on Iris's mental state..."

Axel and Iris opened their eyes and saw that they were now in an almost just as disgusting apartment kitchen. The dishes were overflowing from the sink and had been for some time - the crusted on food and small roaches told the story.

Iris looked at Axel. "Your place?"

"Something like that." Axel walked out of the kitchen and stopped just at the edge of the living room.

*Splish* *Splish* *Splish*

"What's that noise?" Iris said as she could hear it coming from the living room. She walked closer and stopped right beside Axel as they both witnessed the site before them.

"Oh..my god." She whispered out.

There was a woman cut open from groin to neck and was left splayed out on the couch like a thanksgiving turkey. It was clear that she had been stabbed multiple times in the face as well. Further away there was a child sitting on top of a man while repetitively stabbing him in the chest with a large butcher knife. The man was making no movements.

The child had dirty blonde hair and couldn't have been more than 7 or 8 years old. He had a crazed smile on his face as he repeatedly slid the knife through the man's flesh with zero hesitation.

"Told you, lots of dark corridors." Axel said as he watched on with a weak smile.

"Axel...is that you?"

"Yep. In my blonde days of course."

"So you...killed them. You killed your parents. Okay, that's a tough one to swallow - what would make you do such a thing? Aside from the basement sleep overs?"

Axel just continued to look on at his younger self before finally speaking again. "....."

"Axel, what in the world did your family do?"

"It doesn't matter. Let's keep moving."

Iris wanted to stop him and demand that he actually talk about it because this was definitely NOT helping the situation. But she could also see that whatever happened was very much on replay through his mind right now. She decided to wait it out for now.

A single crack ran down the wall that Iris stood in front of.

Axel turned back around and walked through the kitchen. On his way through, there was an oddly placed large body mirror attached to the front door of the refrigerator. It was clear that this mirror was out of place as it would prevent the door from even opening.

"Weird, I don't remember seeing that last time I came through the kitchen." Axel stated. He walked over to the mirror to check it out. As Axel approached closer, a face began to materialize in the mirror - it was his own, but the expression was completely different. He had a curious scrutinizing look on his face, but the face in the mirror definitely looked more on the furious side.

At first, Axel just thought it was his own reflection until he touched his face and the reflection was still just glaring at him.

"You..." The reflection said.

"What the hell, it can speak? Did I make another version of myself?..." Axel said astounded.

"No, you demonic body snatching son of a bitch!" The other Axel spat. "This is my body and I want it back!!"

Axel stared back at him for a moment. "...It's you. I thought I did away with you Day 1. So you've just been creeping in my mind like some kind of weirdo? How is that even possible?"

"You think I know?! I barely know what's even going on here! One day I was crashing on the couch for a quick nap, and then I woke up to you inside me!"

"Maybe reword that last part..."

"Shut up! You arrogant piece of shit. Then you just completely took over and I was lost in what seemed like limbo....until...somehow I ended up back here a few days ago. I can see what you see as well as hear your thoughts. But that's not all..." The other Axel slowly raised his hand up in the air.

Axel seemed confused by the action until he could feel a twitch in his arm. He looked down and saw it lightly trying to rise up as well. "What the hell?" He quickly grabbed his own arm to prevent it from going up. He looked to the other Axel as he had a mischievous smile on his face.

"That may be all I can do right now, but slowly...I'm starting to get some feeling back. I know you've been hearing my voice."

Axel's eyes widened. "Wait, that was YOU I was hearing?"

The other Axel chuckled. "This whole slayer business is all new to me, but I think we both know why I'm gaining control back and why it's only gonna get worse for you. And when I do....you're getting evicted back to the Underworld, friend."

Iris entered the kitchen as she heard Axel arguing with himself. "Who are you talking to, Axel?"

Axel quickly turned towards her and released his arm to recompose himself. "Um, no one. I was just trying to psyche myself up y'know...for..whatever the next thing is!"

Iris raised an eyebrow, clearly questioning the validity of what he said.

"Oh one more thing, 'Axel'." The other Axel continued. "Don't forget I'm in here with all your thoughts. All the things that you're keeping tucked away from Iris...I've seen them all. I'm sure they would be interested in knowing what your REAL name actually is."


"Whoa!" Iris yelled backing up. Axel had reached out and punched the mirror as hard as he could, causing it to shatter and sprinkle to the ground.

"....I think I'm done for today." Axel said through gritted teeth.