Slayer Ranks

"What is core degradation??" Axel loudly asked.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Iris asked in turn. She of course didn't hear the personal system alert that he had.

"Well, that's not good." Admin's voice echoed throughout Axel and Iris's mind. "I thought we had more time."

"More time for what? Just tell me already!" Axel complained.

"Well, you didn't forget about your little problem did you? The whole draining your unholy energy and replacing it with holy energy? Well this God Core System wasn't built to be utilized by the heavens. It's like you're using the wrong type of fuel and your system isn't reacting well to it."

Axel admitted to himself that he had felt weird pulses of energy inside him ever since he had unlocked his new weapon, Scarlet. Like something wasn't quite sitting right with him.

"So now it's slowly eroding away your core. Those two types of energies aren't meant to co-exist."

"Ok, then what happens when it hits 100%??"