The Truth of Melidon City

Axel sat on one of the couches back inside the brigade's 'mancave'. Iris sat next to him while Gray and Lucius uncomfortably sat across from them in individual chairs. The non-slayer brigade members were dismissed so that they could have a private conversation.

Several hours had passed since the bloodbath at the arena. Lucius was able to talk Gray down from taking his chance at the slayers and agreed to have a sit down around this. Whether it was solely Lucius's words or him not liking his chances against both Axel and Iris, they honestly didn't know.

But, here they sat with strong tension in the air. 

Gray sat with his arms crossed glaring across at the two. He hadn't smiled once since he lost his men which was quite alright with Axel. He had a feeling they were all fake anyways. Meanwhile, Lucius seemed to be the more level headed of the two - Iris had used her healing Art to stabilize his wounds and he his self healing took care of the rest.