The Strangest Archangel

The archangel touched down right across from Gray as Sophia stood a little behind him. It stood half a foot taller than Gray and wore a wolf mask over their face - the eyes were pink and there was neon like paint smeared around the mouth.

"Well, let's hear it." The archangel spoke in a masculine voice.

Gray forced a smile. "Nice to see you too, Steve."

Both Axel and Iris were lost - Steve? They've yet to meet a single angel with a name as modern as Steve.

"Pretty quiet day all in all." Gray continued. "Nothing really report since we last talked yesterday."

Gray stared into the dark holes of the mask unable to see Steve's eyes. He hoped that he would just buy the story and come back tomorrow, but instead he just looked down silently at him. 

"'re not lying are you?" Steve asked.