Okay, You Had Your Fun


"Huh?" Iris asked herself as she floated within the darkness. This prompt was different than the others. "Is something happening?"

Gray got up from his chair and left the limp Iris behind to slump over. He had heard a loud *bang*, like something had been slammed open. Then what sounded like slightly raised voices followed that.

"Did someone break into the HQ? All the doors should be locked right now....Lucius maybe? Impossible. I sent him and his team off on a 2 day mission so we could do this. Then who?" Gray debated.

Iris had been right in her thinking - they were currently on a hidden sub-level beneath the brigade's HQs.  This room was even a secret from Lucius and most of the others that were in the brigade but not a member of the Divine Cult. It was strictly reserved for their behind the scene activities.

But someone had decided to break in clearly.