At War With Yourself, Part 1

Jun raised his eyebrow in confusion. "The battles already started? Explain yourself, Ryo."

"Have you ever met with an archangel that was so nice?"

Jun couldn't recall a single moment where any angel was welcoming. After all, they were simply there to wipe them all out - not to make best friends. "No, but I also didn't sense any attacks. Are you trying to say that this is her ploy of trying to sweet talk us?"

"Sorta. I think. I don't know how to explain it, but something feels really off and I don't like it."

"Listen, I appreciate the concern Ryo. But Cirena seems like she's being legit with her kindness. There might actually be some good angels out there after all."

Ryo looked down at Jun as if he had just spoken a string of obscenities. Jun stared back at him, not knowing what his problem was, until it hit him as well.

"...what the hell did I just say?" Jun asked in shock.