Designed to Fail

"Listen here, you Ico--Ice..among us?...Ike! Your name is Ike now!" Jun stated.

'Ike' didn't respond to this renaming as what it was called by didn't take any priority with him.

Jun was busy  pressing himself up against the wall by the entrance to avoid the slow approaching wall as much as possible.  This level of energy he's giving he trying that move again? Jun thought.

Ryo rushed in on Ike and pummeled him with blow after blow. Ike weathered each one but couldn't help but find Ryo's behavior odd.

"I don't follow your tactics." It spoke as Ryo's fist landed against its face but didn't make the slightest difference. "These attacks aren't any stronger despite you powering up your divine energy. In my time on Earth I've come to learn some of your more localized phrases. Is this refereed to as being 'stupid?"

"Yeah, that's it, keep talking and I'll keep punching!"