A New Threat

The severed end of the string floated to the ground. As they all watched intently it was as if time had slowed down for this very moment. 

Tetia stared at the string as it rested upon the floor. She looked up at the others as their eyes were now all on her. 

The string of fate was not something with any loop holes or back door options - once it was cut it was absolute in carrying out whatever fate was associated with it. Tetia, with her knowledge and experience, had no foolish thoughts that there was anything she could do. 

She looked into Axel's eyes as she felt something changing within her. 

Forgive me, Lord War...she thought. I should've taken them down the first chance I got. While they all were annoying in their own right, this one is going to be a threat sooner than we may think.

Suddenly her eyes opened wide as the death blow finally hit - her eye lids slowly dropped as she slumped over and hit the ground one final time.