War's Right Hand, Part 4

Axel paused for a moment before making his next move. 

Those attacks aren't very strong, but they're fast! He thought. If I'm going to have any chance at dodging, I'll need to figure out how to anticipate it first.

He held his blade, Scarlet, between them. The pain was starting to lighten up so it was easy to push to the back of his mind.

Tetia meanwhile was slowly slinging her arms around - blood from her wounds splattering against the wall. It almost looked like she was doing some sort of weird ballet dance.

"You're about as fucked up as your friend, Fritos." Axel said.

She stopped moving her arms. "...do you mean Fydos?"

"That's what I said." Axel replied.

Jun and Jayden had informed the others about Fydos, who they barely managed to defeat. So Axel knew all about Fydos's weapon that grew stronger from drinking his blood.

"So are we gonna fight or have a nice little chat?" Tetia retorted.