Blood Frenzy, Part 2

Blood Frenzy was the true way Tetia's power was supposed to be used. 

Usually the only way she could use her Blood Art was being wounded in battle. The downside being her fast regeneration, even when slowed down, only gave her limited time. With Blood Frenzy activated her blood flowed out of her and reproduced at an extremely rapid pace. With that came personality changes however which is why she ultimately hardly used it leading up to her time with War.

The slayers were now going to face an untethered Tetia.

Iris quickly placed her hands against Jayden's busted leg and activated her Complex Heal art.

"Oh now we can't have you guys constantly coming back from the dead!" Tetia said sticking her tongue out at them. 

"Iris, MOVE!" Jun shouted as he realized what was coming but wasn't fast enough to save her. But it was too late - the blood whipped out lightning fast at Iris and created a bubble around her head, encasing it entirely in Tetia's blood.