The Drums of War

Etar waited outside as the slayers had their final talk before embarking on their next God fight.

Admin stood before them as everyone, some more than others, eagerly awaited their first visit to a God realm. 

"If you didn't already figure it out for yourselves, this fight against War will be nothing like how it was against Conquest." Admin stated plainly to them.

"I mean, Axel was the only one that actually faced Conquest. I just dealt with the Beast of Apocalypse.

Axel smirked. "He gave it his all but it was only a matter of time before-"

"Enough." Admin said, cutting his boasting off early. "We should be glad that he was the first one we encountered. War would've decimated all of you, even with Axel at full power back then. 

Axel had no response since he had also faced War first hand and the fight was completely one sided. He had no delusions that he was better than War - he just knew that he would do whatever it took to bring him down.