The God of War, Part 2

The slayers took a pause before moving forward. War hadn't even gotten started and yet they already felt like he had taken a strong upper hand.

War stood in the same spot. "As I said, I'll give you one more strike. Before I strike back." He said. The scary thing was that there was no sense of looking down on them - it was like he welcomed a challenge. He wanted them to do enough to push him.

Jun motioned to the others. "It's foolish to rush at him from the front. We have the numbers - spread out and we'll take him from all sides!"

War didn't lift a finger as the slayers shuffled around him and covered the cardinal directions. Axel hadn't attempted to participate in whatever this was, but they left him to cover the right side regardless. 

War shifted his eyes from slayer to slayer and chuckled. 

"Do your worst, slayers!"