The Friend

Meeting the friend was a big deal. Meeting the best friend was 'huge'. Under normal circumstances Nate would have met Rose's friend before she met her mother. But thanks to the unusual circumstances of their union he had done things the other way round. At least he knew for a fact that Rose's mother liked him, he thought, looking down at his wedding ring. If Rose's best friend did not like him, he could always console himself with the fact that he had her mother's approval.

But Nate wanted Lili to like him.

He had heard a lot about her. A whip cracker of a lawyer, who was as loyal as they came. She had pulled Rose's through many a tough time. Including the break up with that no good photographer ex fiancé of hers. What had been his name again? Dick? Beck...ahh… Rex. That was it, what a waste of space.

Nate wanted Lili to see that he was leagues above that parasite, they were not even on the same level. In a way, the meeting with Lili was more nerve wrecking than when he had met Rose's mother. Back then, he'd had feelings for Rose, but they had been under lock and key. But now the two of them were an official item, he was well and truly invested. And Lili had been Rose's best friend for ages. They had to get along, otherwise Rose might be forced to choose, and Nate did not like going into situations where the loss and the win, would both yield poor results.

In this case, if Rose had to choose between them, Nate was certain it would tear her apart. So he was doing everything in his power to ensure that did not happen. Which was why, instead of it being just him meeting the two women, he had brought a buffer. Ron, who claimed he was being overworked and was devastated that Nate had claimed his Saturday. The very Saturday where the man was to attend the wedding of a distant cousin he could not stand.

His resistance would have been more believable if he had not jumped up and hugged Nate, when Nate had first told him.

Now they were in a restaurant, the two of them sitting next to each other, with the women on the other side. As it turned out, Nate need not have worried about Lili not liking him. After the introductions, she had looked him dead in the eye and asked a single question.

"Are you going to break my best friend's heart," As direct as a heat seeking missile. The question had caught him of guard, and Nate had not been quick enough to hide his reaction. The thought of Rose, warm, bubbly, kind Rose, turned into the feral, heartbroken creature he had first seen all those months ago, made him recoil. Face twisting in horror and apprehension. He had slid his mask on quickly, but by then Lili had seen whatever she was looking for. She had smiled at him, punching his arm lightly, before signalling for the waiter.

It turned out, Nate need not have worried about bad energy. Somehow, the four of them together just…worked. Nate was interested in hearing about some of the cases Lili had worked on. The woman talking at length about how cold people could be to one another, and how her least favourite cases where the ones where the couples had kids.

"Most times the kid is more mature than the two of them combined, and they pretend the child is not even there," As a child of 'multiple' divorces, Nate could attest to that.

For their part, Ron and Rose were having a spirited discussion about the language of flowers. A topic that Nate, no matter how much he tried could not seem to get into. The one and only time he had tried, he had ended up falling asleep before he had gotten through the first page. But Ron it seemed, knew the topic at length. He was particularly skilled when it came to flowers that meant ill intent, it made Nate wonder about the ever changing flowers that decorated his vase whenever his PA was upset with him. Deciding not to think too much of it, Nate turned his attention to Lili. The two of them now talking about one of Nate's favourite topics, investment.

Conversation flowed freely at their little table, and at some point the talking partners changed. All of Nate's attention going to Rose, the two of them catching up after a week of only seeing snippets of each other. When they finally looked away from each other, it was to the sight of their two friends engrossed in conversation. With Ron leaning forward and hanging on to Lili's every word. For her part, she was gesturing wildly, more animated than she had been when talking to Nate.

He cast a look at Rose, and the two of them came to a silent agreement. A few more minutes passed before Nate made his move. Looking at his phone, he stood up.

"Oh, Rose, that exclusive event we wanted to go to has had a cancellation, if we go now, we can still make it," It was a weak excuse of a lie, but the pair it was meant for did not notice, only having eyes for each other.

"Right, we do not want to miss that event, let's go Nate. You guys stay and finish your meal," It was an equally bad lie, but again it went unnoticed. The distracted pair bidding them farewell without ever looking away from each other.

Once outside, Rose broke into a little dance that had Nate smiling as she hopped from foot to foot.

"I have never seen Lili get taken in so easily!" And Nate had to agree.

"Ron is normally standoffish to most people, he likes her," Rose's eyes grew to the size of saucers at his words, her face turning red.

"Ooooh," She cooed

"Tell me more, do not leave anything out," And the two of them walked to the car. Partaking in a past time many couples around the world indulged in…gossip.