Chapter 27: ELENA

Why was I so worried about doing this, and why did it take me so long? I had a blast. Well, except for the paparazzi that came out in droves. Tonight, they kinda reminded me of the hyenas that were after Mufasa’s body. I tend to get a bit over dramatic when I’m pressed.

True to his word, Evan was the perfect gentleman, and he seemed genuinely happy with my company. We laughed, we talked, we shared cute little stories, and by the end of it, I was wondering why I couldn’t feel anything for him beyond the friendship I was willing to offer.

He's such a nice guy, something of a rarity in this town, not to mention hot, but I couldn’t even dredge up a tingle for the poor guy. It’s like parts of me had gone numb, and others had stopped living altogether. But I did have fun, so much so that I reached for his hand to thank him as we left the establishment.