Well, this is interesting. No wonder they allowed Mary into the house today. They must’ve known what was coming and were planning some scheme to put her visit good use. Both Tyler and Zak seemed too laid back and unbothered while the rest of the world was about to crash and burn. At least L.A. Was.
I’ve been following the theatrics online, and I think I see a pattern forming. “Hey, is there any rhyme or reason to whatever it is these nieces of yours have planned?” I still had no idea what the end result was supposed to be with this whole thing. I knew they were supposed to be helping me in some way, but to what end?
“I wouldn’t go sticking my nose into that mess if I were you.” These two tough guys were the last kind of men I’d expect to sweat whenever those little girls were mentioned, but just like Saunders, they seemed to tense up and look around for cover whenever I brought them up.