If he’s telling the truth about this, does that mean that he’s being honest about everything else? I wasn’t anywhere close to forgiving him, but I can’t deny the fact that I was happy, elated even, that we were in the same room together after so many years apart, even though we were yelling at each other.
I hadn’t really let it set in entirely that he was really here, and it was now sinking in that we were this close to each other again after thinking for so long that this would never happen in this lifetime. I lost count of how many times in the beginning I imagined just this happening. How many times have I wished to wake up from the nightmare and realize that it was all just a dream until time passed by, and I gave up hope and stopped wishing?
I won’t deny to myself that I liked having him here, that being this close to him was the most alive I’ve felt in too long to remember. I won’t lie to myself about the way it makes me feel, but no way in hell will I let him see or know it.