Chapter 57: JANIE

“Why can’t I have my phone? Aren’t you people done figuring out that it’s fine yet?” It’s been days since I heard anything from the outside or was allowed to contact anyone, and I was beginning to think that I’d been kidnapped and no one else knew where I was. It’s not normal, is it? That no one came to check on me, and no one called?

I wouldn’t say the staff has been deplorable, but they’re not very accommodating. My every demand has been ignored, and the food here sucks. I’m not dead, whatever the case may be, so I don’t see why I can’t have what I want for dinner. Is this how they really treat people in hospitals? “And why are my hands still tied?”

This new bitch wasn’t as talkative as the one with the camera; it’s like she couldn’t even hear me though she was right there in the room with me. And the doctors, what’s up with them speaking to me as if I had lost my mind?