Oh, dear! What exactly did he say to his daughter and her friends? I’ve only been gone a day and a half, and all hell has broken loose in L.A. Since I wasn’t given any information, I don’t know what the plan was or where she was going to attack.
I was so enraged by Scott and what he had done to Ryder that I wasn’t thinking straight when I made those threats and told Lyon that I wanted to talk to his daughter. When she finally did contact me, I was still in a rage, and my fingers had done the talking as I tried to be as delicate as possible while telling the ten-year-old what I wanted.
I couldn’t very well come right out and tell the child what had been done to him, but I’m almost certain she understood and was able to read between the lines, maybe too well.
But I didn’t think things would go this far this soon. There was complete chaos for which I feel partly responsible, and the hard part is that I can’t rush back there to be with Ryder while he goes through this.