Chapter 68: RYDER

Shit! How did I forget that Sydney, her mom, or anyone else for that matter, might see that stuff play out and get it back to her? Because I knew that Rachel had been the one in charge of her social media and that she’d pretty much stayed away from anything to do with entertainment news in the last five years, I erroneously believed that I could get away with it, but that was stupid.

In trying to protect her, I’d overlooked a lot, and now I was teetering on the bridge of something destructive. I can’t lie to her, and yet I can’t tell her the whole truth. It would be so easy to slip back into my old ways of not giving a damn with anyone else but her. Just the thought of putting her through anything other than happiness makes me sick to my stomach, which I guess is a good thing. A good reminder of what not to do going forward.