Blinking away the transition, which was almost becoming second nature at this point, a smirk formed on my lips. Reaching over to the corpse of the last Arasaka hit member, I grabbed my gun and placed it into my inventory.
With a hum, I thought, 'I should gather all the other weapons I can and sell them, that might net me a nice pile of store creds.'
Going around the room and gathering the rest of the weapons, I slowly made my way through the building and picked up some of the weapons. Sadly, I had to leave several side arms as I couldn't fit everything, so I picked up what I thought would be worth the most.
Satisfied with my haul, I made my way towards the exit while formulating a plan, 'Right, first thing first is to find a ripper doc to remove this deck and then find a new body. Then I need-'
My inner planning was suddenly interrupted as I found myself back in the Digi-Plane as soon as I opened the door to leave the complex. Blinking in confusion, I turned back to the body I was just in only to scowl in displeasure. Her head was in the process of slowly exploding outwards, with a rather large bullet hole to the right of her nose.
I was fuming, as I could tell that bullet was going to rip right through her deck! That awesome super deck I really wanted! Turning away from the wasted meat suit, I poured my gaze over every window in the direction the bullet came from. It didn't take me long to find the shooter, some asshole on the roof directly across the street.
With an angered growl, I used my wraith speed, closing the distance to the building in the blink of an eye and climbing to the top of it just as fast. As I pulled myself up onto the ledge, I peered at the source of my ire. An Arasaka sniper, and a spotter next to him. Looking around, I thankfully noted that they were the only sniper team. Or at least, the only team I could see from this vantage point.
An annoyed sigh escaped my lips as I mulled over what I wanted to do. A smirk formed on my face as an idea started to form and take shape. With a mischievous giggle, I moved over to the spotter and used [Possession].
This time I noticed the slick and streamlined feeling of it taking hold, and not needing even a second to blink away an unsettling feeling. My attention was pulled by the report the sniper was giving to some higher-up though.
"That's right, Sir. Complete mission failure with next to 100% fatality rate. From what I observed, the likelihood that Blacklight is involved is high and the thing can take over a person's cyberware to an unknown degree. Most likely inducing a cyberpsychosis episode from what was displayed."
While he was talking to his boss, I reached down on my host's vest and took out one of his grenades. I armed it and then left the host.
Walking over to the sniper I reached out and tried something new. Instead of possessing him, I tried to possess his cyberware, more specifically I tried to possess what he was using to make that call.
I felt a pull, and when I blinked I was now standing in a large white "tunnel" that had two large TV screens on each end. One was the sniper, and the other was some corpo-looking dude. With a silent chuckle, I made my way down the "tunnel."
As I reached the halfway point, I felt like I was passing through some unknown barrier. I shrugged it off and continued to make my way to the large TV when a loud explosion was heard from the other end of the tunnel. Turning around, the other half was now gone, and the man on the TV was swearing up a storm.
I looked up at the man, held out my ring and thought about using [Possession] on him. A blink later I was now sitting behind a snazzy desk in a large office. Looking at his computer, I started to look through every file he had access to. Most of it was garbage I didn't care to look into, but some were interesting. Well, by some I mean only one thing, a file about me~.
As I skimmed it, I couldn't help the odd-sounding giggle that my host released. They, naturally, thought I was an evolved A.I. from beyond the Blackwall that somehow managed to make it back to their side. They found me chilling on a server in some run-down war bunker Militech had abandoned.
While they were able to transfer me to a new server and secure me, they were unable to wake me or even get a reaction out of me without using a netrunner. They just knew I existed, and that they couldn't interact beyond using a netrunner, but even that was extremely limited. They've had me contained for nearly a year and they made zero headway into understanding what exactly I was.
Though I took this all with a grain of salt, as if this was truly all they knew about me I wouldn't have gotten a hidden quest failure for not destroying information about me.
Shrugging my shoulders, I continued to look through all the data. Sadly, a great deal of it was useless to me as I didn't even really know what exactly I was looking for. I also had no off-site server to send all this shit to either.
After about an hour of skimming through data, I finally found something of use. A list of contact names and their numbers. Smirking at finally finding something I was looking for, I called the highest-ranking number on the list and leaned back into the comfy chair of my host.
Moments later, an annoyed-looking man answered the call and said, "Why are you calling me, Randz? This better be important."
Without answering, I focused on the man and used [Possession]. Sadly, I found myself once again in that white "Tunnel" instead of my target body. A loud thump echoed out behind me, snapping me out of my annoyance and causing me to use my wraith movement to get to the other side of the call.
As I passed through the middle barrier again and raised my ring towards the man he said, "Randz? What the hell is wrong with you? Randz!"
Settling into my new meat suit, I cut the connection to Randz and took stock of where I was. Unlike last time though, this meat suit was currently in a meeting with several other people. Lady Lilith must be smiling at me, because my ultimate target was currently present in the meeting. Yorinobu Arasaka. And next to him, was the big fuck off borg himself: Adam Smasher.
Leaning down on the table with my arms under my head, I closed my eyes and pretended to go to sleep. I then released the possession and snuck under the table. I had no idea if Smasher could see me, as he was seen interacting with a quick hack before in the anime by snatching it out of the air and crushing it with his fucking hand. So I attempted to play it safe and crawled under the table over to Yorinobu.
As soon as I made it over to him, I grabbed his lag with my ringed hand and used [Possession]. My vision did the now all too familiar shift as I was now in control. I then brought up the layout for the floor on his optics while everyone in the room went on with their reports. Finding what I was looking for, I abruptly stood up and made my way over to Smasher.
Ignoring the murmurs of the sheep around me, I leaned over to Smasher and whispered, "Kill them all when I leave." And then made my way out of the boardroom. A cruel smile formed on my lips as I heard the sounds of screams and gunfire as soon as I stepped out and the door closed. The guards snapped at attention but froze when I held out my hand and said, "Don't. Spring cleaning, they're all traitors to my father."
I could only shake my head at how they all settled down and just let the butchering happen as I thought, 'This world, it truly is extremely fucked up. I am going to love it here!'
Minutes later, I finally arrived at my destination: Yorinobu's penthouse at the top of the tower. Stepping out of the elevator and into his room, I quickly made for his bed. Much to my glee, he kept his iron in the same spot as the game. Picking it up and making sure it was loaded, I smiled as I made my way over to the area that housed the chip with Johnny on it.
Popping open the thing, I was sadly disappointed as it was empty. It seems Yorinobu hasn't stolen the chip yet, a shame. Without wasting time, I looked through the contact list he had saved and quickly found who I was looking for and gave the number a ring.
Several moments later, a man answered in Japanese that I somehow understood, "Yorinobu. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
A cruel smile formed on my face as I answered, "Yorinobu isn't here right now. Hello, Saburo Arasaka."
The man's eyes narrowed as he looked right at me and said, "It should be impossible to fake my son's number like this, who are you?"
My smile widened in sadistic glee as I said, "Ohhh, Saburo, Saburo. This isn't a fake number. The meat suit I am currently using IS your son, have no fear~."
Saburo's eyes somehow narrowed even more, but before he could ask anything else I said, "Now, I am here to teach you a lesson I know you won't learn."
After a moment Saburo said, "And what is this lesson?"
With a toothless smile that didn't reach my eyes, I answered, "That you should have left me alone, and your actions have consequences. Even if you think you're too powerful to suffer them. First, I will take your son. Then I will take your daughter. Then I will take you. And then I will take your organic self. Oh yes, I know about your backup plan. I will enjoy this little game I am starting Saburo. It is such a shame you are on the back foot though~."
There was a very audible click of a gun being primed, and Saburo's eyes widened. With a predatory smile full of teeth I said, "And the first checkmate goes to me. Goodbye, Saburo. Hope you will have as much fun as I will in our game!"
The sound of a gun went off, and I found myself back on the Digital Plane. And just in time, it seems, as Adam Smasher was just stepping out of the elevator. He was even using his Sandy, but alas, he was much too slow~.
I made my way over to him and looked up into his eyes. I wanted to say I was shocked, but I ultimately wasn't. They were slowly, very slowly, following the movements I took. Even with his most likely state-of-the-art Sandy, he didn't have enough speed to even match my natural in the Digi Plane. With a childish laugh, I patted him on his shoulder before making my way behind him and jumping into the security system.
As my vision shifted to the camera, Adam was already holding the dead body of Yorinobu. His eyes glowed gold as he made a call to someone, my bet was Saburo. I laughed the entire time I was making my way down the system to the front door.
As I jumped out of the system and back into the Digi Plane, I couldn't help but burst out into an even louder laugh.
~Hidden Quest complete!~
Objective: Kill Yorinobu Arasaka!
Total rewards: 10,000 Store Points. Skill: [Stealth 1]