The doctor 1

"Have a seat. The doctor will be with you shortly."

Brooke was snapped out of her reverie. "Alright," she said, and as the door closed softly she looked over at her son. For the hundredth time she contemplated leaving - simply getting up and walking out of the office with him - but steeled herself against it. *This* urge, at least, she could resist. She was in her early thirties, a single mother, and of surpassing beauty. Ample in breast and hip and thigh, a blonde with piercing blue eyes and a lifeguard's tan, her dark yoga pants did as little to hide her bouncing bubble-butt as her blue spaghetti-strap top did to conceal her heavy tits, which hung with natural perfection.Had it been a longer wait, she might have decided to leave. The soft sound of the doorknob turning rescued her from her own indecision after only a few minutes.

The doctor was a woman. Her long brown hair was tied back in a studious ponytail, but a beauty mark just underneath her lower lip added a sultry touch beyond the academic. She was approximately her patient's age, and very attractive, a fact that made the single mother subtly roll her eyes.

"I'm Doctor Naomi Cross. Dr. Ramachandra is on vacation, but I understood this was something of an emergency..."

The doctor's words trailed off as she looked up from her clipboard. Looking up at her from the examination table with wide aquamarine eyes was a boy, probably no more than nine years old. A spiked, sunny crop of sandy-blonde hair shaded his unblemished skin. He was wearing shorts and a T-shirt, and his long limbs protruded coltishly from in lithe expanses of youthful firmness.

Good-looking kid.

Five seconds had passed.


"Yes." The brunette coughed into her hand and pushed her glasses up her nose nervously. The lenses added to her beauty rather than detracting from it. "Call me ...Naomi." The appropriateness of that immediate first-name basis was left undiscussed, though the question crossed both women's minds.

Another awkward pause.

"What seems to be the trouble?"

Brooke took a deep breath, her chest heaving, her eyes closed to fortify herself against the strangeness of the situation.

"This is my son, Aiden," she said, gesturing toward the boy, and Naomi noted immediately something strange about the way the blonde woman regarded him. Biting her lower lip, she continued. "I believe his development is...abnormal."

Naomi looked Aiden over. The boy seemed physically perfect. He'd not made a sound or made a move since she came in- just sat there with his young lips sealed lightly together, their sheen promising softness and moisture.

Neurological? Maybe. I could refer them to a child psychologist and send them on their way. But then there'd be no call for a-

"Then perhaps we should start with a physical exam."

Why did I say that? What's gotten into me?

"I haven't told you the problem yet," said Brooke, her perfectly-trimmed brow furrowing.

Naomi took a business-like tone. "It's a good precaution, in any case." Placing her clipboard on the examination table, she laid a hand on the waxy, anti-septic paper covering and leaned in to make eye contact with the boy.

"Aiden, we're going to give you a checkup. Go ahead and take off your shirt."

Aiden pulling up his white T-shirt to reveal his young chest, as alluringly tanned as the rest of him. He as thin, but not unpleasantly so. Naomi watched as the he pulled his collar over his head, ruffling his feathered hair.

"He's been...different...lately," offered his mother, her eyes looking down at the floor. "He used to be hyperactive, like all the other boys his age. But now he's...very calm. He talks less. He just...sits there sometimes. I don't know what he's thinking or feeling. He's like..."

(an idol, a god a-)

"...a statue." Brooke shrugged helplessly, her blonde hair washing about her shoulders. "I didn't even know if I should come here."

Dr. Naomi raised an eyebrow. Placing a stethoscope against Aiden's chest, she purposefully didn't warn him against the cold metal, but her patient didn't flinch- only looked at her evenly with those bottomless blue eyes. Hypnotic, almost. His calm and steady heartbeat rang in her ears. Unthinkingly she rubbed a manicured thumb across the hot skin of his chest, feeling the unblemished texture of it. The boy's further lack of response almost caused her to snap her fingers in front of his eyes, to shock him into doing SOMETHING...but that unorthodox action struck Naomi for some reason as profane. Like lighting a fire in a church.

Wait, what am I saying? What am I thinking?

Naomi removed the stethoscope. "Don't worry. If there's a problem, we'll find it." She made eye contact with the boy again, still unnerved by his unflinching gaze. "Aiden, I need you to take your shorts off. Can you do that for me?"

The boy didn't move, but Brooke leaned over and put her hand on Naomi's wrist, securing her attention. "It's not right that he should do it. I'll undress him."

"What do you mean?"

Brooke shook her head weakly. "I don't know. I can't explain." She rose from her seat and walked over in front of her son, then leaned forward to grab his shorts at each hip.

"Lift your butt up, babe," she whispered gently, and Naomi was given eyeful as the boy elevated his haunches off of the examination table and his mother hauled the waistband of his loose-fitting shorts down over his ass. The front of the waistband first met some resistance, but then moved forward with the rest, passing down over his smooth, hairless thighs.

"Oh my god," Dr. Naomi gasped, unable to stop the words from escaping her lips. The boy was wearing a pair of tight red briefs with white piping. Just below the boy's smooth midsection, the crotch was bulged out obscenely, stretching the folds of the fabric to a saggy semi-tautness. Beneath there seemed to be concealed something weighty and thick- a length of flesh folded over on itself several times.

Naomi's hand went to her mouth to stifle further exclamations. There was no doubt about what she was looking at. Through the leg holes of the briefs she could see hints of a pair of massive, hairless testicles, each easily the size of a man's fist. As Brooke pulled Aiden's shorts off over his feet, a smell assaulted her nose- the pungent copper odor of semen.

The blonde looked plaintively up at Dr. Naomi, her face framed beside her son's heavy package, the front of the briefs stained dark with what must have been seminal fluid. "This is what's not normal," she said, and her eyes became both shamed and desperate. "I had to tell someone- let someone know. I don't know what to do."

Dr. Naomi still had her hand over her mouth, speechless. Extreme megalophallus in a 9-year-old? With personality changes?

"H-how long since you started...seeing changes?" she stammered at last, unable to take her eyes off of the child's bulging crotch. The boy continued to look up at her, disaffected. It was unnerving.

"A few months. And he acts so differently. He's...austere. Like am idol, or an avatar, or something."

"That's an odd choice of words." Naomi crossed her arms. Yet, something about the boy, the hot smoothness of his skin, the piercing blue of his eyes...

Brooke looked more desperate. "Don't you sense it too?" Her eyes fell. "Or maybe I *am* just going crazy." She looked like she might cry, and Naomi put a hand on her shoulder.

"It's always hard on a parent when a child is...afflicted with something. It's important that we proceed with an examination." She gestured toward Aiden. "Do you want to remove his underwear as well?"

There was another moment of silence, and the two women seemed both to realize that a significant threshold was about to be crossed. All at once, Brooke's immodest dress- the bulging tits satcheled in a spaghetti-strap top, the tight yoga pants with the sides of a thong riding high on her beach-tanned hips, seemed significant. Naomi became acutely aware of her own painted lips, her tight pencil-skirt, her low-cut blouse and heavy tits pressing against her partially unbuttoned lab coat.

Is this a clinical setting, or are we a couple of sluts in a sperm-smelling office, ogling an underage kid's huge prick?

Brooke took a deep breath before she clutched her hands around the waistband of Aiden's briefs, beginning to pull them down over his slim hips, white elastic dragging against hot, bronze skin. She tugged them down, and what was revealed was more impressive, and more grotesque, than what had been hinted at by the bulging fabric. Though the boy's cock was completely flaccid, it still seemed to be engorged and wrist-thick, extending from his hairless pubis in a fleshy stalk and then bending back over on itself and travelling all the way to the other side of his pelvis before ending in a moist prick-helmet that was partially obscured by foreskin. Naomi's unbelieving eyes tried to calculate the length. Thirteen inches? Fourteen? Against the boy's angelic, pre-pubescent body, it looked even larger. All of this was in addition to a pair of heavy balls that piled onto the examination table like two large apples in a sack of golden, hairless skin. The scent of sperm blasted both women in the face, and a semi-transparent pearl of pre-cum leaked from Aiden's pisshole and slid down to the black leather of the table in a slimy rivulet.

For a moment, the only sound was Dr. Naomi's sharp inhalation of breath. It was the biggest cock she had ever seen, medically or otherwise, and seemed to radiate foul virility. She felt a heated sweat rise on her body as the boy's mother leaned forward and tenderly took the thick organ in two hands, presenting it to the doctor flat-palmed like an offering. It was so large that the tip flopped over the edge of her dainty palms and the shaft bowed downward where not directly supported.

"Don't you want to touch it?" Brooke asked Naomi, licking her lips. "Aren't you curious?"

"Curious?" Naomi was in a daze.

"Medically, I mean."

Not knowing why, but seemingly unable to control events that had taken a turn beyond the professional, Naomi reached down and gripped the fat, hairless cockshaft, the side of her hand rubbing against Brooke's finger. She could not encircle the entire girth, and the women locked eyes. Brooke changed her grip to match Naomi's, and they locked eyes again, silently holding an underage boy's massive cock in their hands.

"It's...huge..." stammered Naomi. "So huge for his age."

"Should I be-"


"-worried?" asked Brooke, her voice taking on a sultry tone that seemed at odds with her words.

Naomi's mind swam. The flesh was searing in her hand, and her knees were weak with the warm feeling in her loins.

"Show him your respect!" snapped Brooke, suddenly, her face taking on a stern look. Naomi blinked and looked at her dully, as if waking up from a dream.


"Show my son your respect, bitch." She lunged forward, gripping roughly at Naomi's lab coat and blouse, tearing downward. The coat and blouse separated with a pop of button threads, and her 36DD tits, barely restrained by a lacy black bra, poured forth. Brooke yanked her forward by the strap, and Naomi could only gasp as Aiden reached a slender arm forward and began to grope her chest, his small hands exploring her in an intimate way.

God, I'm getting my tits groped by a 9-year-old boy.

"You're just like the rest of them," sighed Brooke, shaking her head. "I should have known you couldn't help me. I know the look on your face. It's the same look that I've seen on my own face for months."

"Nnngh..." Naomi moaned and bit her bottom lip as Aiden thumbed her nipple through her bra. His deftness surprising for someone so sinfully young. And god, how he kept staring at her, like a hungry and expectant wolf. Half innocent babe, half predator. Brooke reached out and used the front of her bra to drag the brunette doctor to her knees, where she was eye level with Aiden's cock, still gripping it with one hand. Obscenely, the boy's mother leaned forward and started kissing her own son deeply, sucking on his tongue in a meeting of two beautiful blonde, blue-eyed faces. She showed complete reverence to him while doing so, making sloppy noises as she serviced his young mouth, and jerked his cock as she did so, angling the leaking head toward Naomi's exposed cleavage.

It wasn't long before a jet of searing pre-cum erupted against her neck and the top of her tits, spurting out of the huge young dick in a finger-thick plume and splattering her unceremoniously. The sperm-smell intensified and tore into her shapely nostrils. In the moment, she could barely remember she was a doctor, an intellectual, an individual with hopes, dreams and desires for her future, career and relationships. We vision swam along with her mind, her hazel eyes glassy behind the lenses of her stylish glasses. Her arms fell to her sides.

"Open your fucking mouth," said Brooke, and Naomi complied, near-mindlessly, filled only with the notion of making some form of vessel of herself. The blonde mother pressed her son's spongy cockhead against Naomi's open lips and continued to jerk it loosely while sucking on his tongue. The doctor had a sinful view of the boy's tight little bubble butt, snug against the exam table, and his heavy, full balls piled between his thighs. She could not take his entire cockhead in her mouth, but moaned around the pisshole as it splattered syrupy pre-cum all over her tongue and teeth. Her head spun.

"Mnnngh!" moaned Brooke, and she pulled away from Aiden's young mouth, a strand of saliva connecting the boy's lips with hers. "You're going to help me, Dr. Naomi Cross." She said the name sarcastically. "Because I can't do it it alone anymore. And my Aiden needs to be tended to." She bent down and licked up the boy's chest obscenely and hungrily, sucking on his nipple for a moment before continuing. Her saliva left a shimmering trail. "What's your medical opinion on that?"

Naomi pulled back away from Aiden's cockhead, her mouth awash with syrupy underage pre-nut. She drooled some of it out and swallowed the rest. Bridges of spit connected her plump lips to the pipe of flesh poised in front of her face. Her mouth was surrounded by a wet, bubbling ring.

"I'll do it," she moaned. Her panties were soaked, and wetness leaking down her legs. "I'll do it."

"You'll do what?"

"I'll suck your son's big fucking cock," she moaned and gurgled, dazed, and jammed a thumb down on the nub of her clit through her skirt. She swallowed Aiden's ejaculate, throat bobbing.

"Don't you know my baby is only nine years old?", prompted Brooke.


"And you're ok with that, aren't you."

"God, yes."

"Then kiss him," said Brooke, gesturing toward her son.

Something is affecting my mind, though Naomi. But as quickly as the notion appeared, it was obliterated as she looked at the boy, his perfect form, his golden hair, his wide blue eyes, his shapely and coltish body, swelling and ebbing in all the right places.

She stood, dropping Aiden's cock, and leaned forward. Here, the boy needed no prompting. She pressed her adult mouth against his and when he slid his agile tongue into her mouth she sucked it eagerly. It barely registered when Brooke tore her skirt from her hips, revealing her thick, sexy ass split by a lacy thong. She slid Aiden back on the exam table and straddled him, feeling the heat of his hardening cock between her asscheeks, his sticky pre-seed against staining her behind. Now in bra and panties, all she could think about was satisfying the insatiable cock of this young boy.

"This could be a long appointment," said the boy's mother, peeling off her tight pants to reveal a shapely ass split by a powder blue thong.

"Yes," breathed Naomi, flexing her ass against Aiden's huge cock. "Yes."