good girl

"You two have fun tonight, okay?" Carl's mother said before insistently planting a kiss on his cheek, then another on his little sister Robin's.

"We'll do our best, mom," the boy replied.

"And don't stay up too late," she added, tousling her daughter's blonde hair.

"Yes, Mom," Robin answered in her most put-upon tone. Carl smiled.

"C'mon, hon," their father said, keys jangling in one hand as he slapped some money on the front hall table with the other. "We've got to get going if we're going to make our dinner reservation."

"We'll be back by lunchtime tomorrow," their mother said as she shrugged on her overcoat. "Call if there's any trouble. Bye bye now!"

"Bye," Carl and Robin said in unison as the front door closed.

Carl glanced at the money on the table. His father had left them two twenties—far more than they would need for a pizza and a rented movie.

Carl could guess the reasons why. His parents probably felt a little bit bad about leaving him home to watch his sister while they celebrated Valentine's with a night at a fancy hotel in downtown Minneapolis. There was also the fact that even if Carl had been free tonight, he wouldn't have had a girl to celebrate with, anyway.

It seemed to Carl like a lot of kids his age—fifteen—were dating. But Carl was prone to shyness, especially around girls, so he had yet to go on anything resembling a real date.

When Carl was honest with himself, though, he realized that he didn't mind all that much. Because while there were certainly girls he knew whom he found attractive, and whose increasingly womanly bodies he couldn't help but appreciate, none of them could match the pure beauty of his little sister.

Carl knew this was not a normal or acceptable way for a teenage boy to think about his nine-year-old sister, but he just couldn't help himself. Robin was petite and fair, with pure-blonde hair and eyes whose shade of blue seemed almost unreal, as if she were an elf or a fairy. Her slender preadolescent body was graceful and delicate, and her skin was naturally soft. And sometimes the mere smell of her was enough to get him semi-erect.

This bizarre attraction was compounded by the fact that Robin seemed to like being around him. Despite their differences in age and sex, they seemed to have a lot in common: They both enjoyed throwing a football around in the front yard, rollerblading in the park, and playing games on their Xbox (a joint Christmas present from their parents). They also liked a lot of the same TV shows, and during the cold Minnesota winters—which effectively started in October and ended some time in late March—they would huddle together under a blanket on the couch as they watched some sci-fi series or police drama.

Carl only had a few friends who were close enough for him to know much about their lives, but none of them got along very well with their younger siblings, judging by the various colorful nicknames they used, from "brat" and "pest" to "termite" and "rat-bait."

It was their TV-watching habits that, two months ago, helped to bring the weirdness of their relationship to a whole new level. It had been particularly chilly that night, and Carl and Robin were tight up against each other under a fleece blanket as they watched television. Then Robin, declaring that she still wasn't warm enough, moved over onto Carl's lap.

Carl put his arms around her in what was meant to be a brotherly fashion. But the warmth of her back against his chest, the sweet smell of her hair right under his nose, and the pressure of her petite bottom against his crotch were eliciting feelings that most people, he imagined, would consider highly inappropriate.

And along with this emotional arousal came an erection. Carl came within a millimeter of telling Robin to get off of his lap, but he couldn't resist indulging in the sweet sensation of that little bottom against his hardness as his sister wriggled in his lap, seemingly trying to get comfortable. Or was she actually enjoying it the same way he was? She was only nine, but Carl remembered having some sexual feelings at that age.

These thoughts must have emboldened some part of him, because although he could scarcely believe he was doing it, he found himself putting his hands on his little sister's stomach, over her flannel pajama top, and moving them up to her chest. He heard her gasp slightly when his fingers found her nipples, but she didn't move or speak as he—with little skill but great gentleness—teased them to hardness. She just sat there for almost ten minutes, with no sound other than that of the television, as her older brother felt up her flat chest and tiny, hard buds.

This activity came to an abrupt end when Carl heard his father's heavy footsteps descending the stairs, followed by the man appearing in the little den to tell the siblings that it was time for bed.

For the next twenty-four hours, Carl had been in a state of intense anxiety. He had molested his little sister, and the potential consequences were numerous and terrifying. What if she told someone? He could end up in juvie, or some kind of mental institution, or even prison if he were tried as an adult. And even if there were no legal repercussions, if people found out what he had done, his life as he knew it would be over. No friend would dare stick by him; at school, he would be the subject of everything from whispered gossip to bullying. His parents would have to send him away to school, where he would have to start his social life all over again, knowing that any friendships he might form could vanish in an instant if news of his misdeed were to catch up with him.

But worst of all, what if Robin had hated what he did? What if she had remained on his lap only out of fear, disgusted by his touch but afraid that he would hurt her if she tried to stop him? What if that was the last time he would ever hold her, or even be near her? What if she would never look at him again with anything but smoldering hatred in her eyes? He wouldn't be able to live with that.

So it was a tremendous emotional reversal for him when, after a night and day of internal torment, he went into the den to distract himself with some television and was immediately joined by Robin—who got under the blanket with him and sat right down on his lap.

This happened again several times, and although they never spoke while it was happening, it became increasingly apparent to Carl that Robin was a willing and even enthusiastic participant. He had resolved that he whenever she merely sat next to him, his touches would go no farther than putting his arm around her shoulders and pulling her side against his. And she often did sit with him that way, especially when their parents were nearby. But other times, she would settle on his lap, her little bottom squirming against the hardness in his pants, and he would touch her however he wanted to. Thus they shared control; although Robin was entirely passive during these sessions, it was always she who initiated them. And after each one, when their parents would order them to bed, Carl would jerk himself off to a massive orgasm as he remembered the feel of his sister's body under his hands, the smell of her hair, the softness of her little ass against his crotch.

Over the two months since that first time, the intensity of the activity gradually increased as Carl grew more confident that his sister was happy to let him do whatever he wanted with her young body. He progressed from touching her nipples through her top to sliding his hands underneath the garment to feel them bare. His touches went from merely caressing with his fingertips to gently pinching, squeezing, tugging. When he did this, she would make the tiniest sounds—little gasps and squeaks that were only audible to Carl because his head was so close to hers.

And then one night, feeling bolder, he had continued to play with her nipples with one hand as he moved the other down onto her leg. He felt her shudder in his lap as he caressed her inner thighs, starting about halfway to her knee and slowly working his way up to cup her little mound and slit through her PJs. He was momentarily shocked to find that the crotch of her pajama bottom was soaking wet, and he wondered if she had peed herself until he remembered a friend telling him that girls got wet down there when they were horny. That night, after they reached their usual stopping point—a parent informing them that it was bedtime—Carl noticed that Robin had waited until both parents were well clear of the route between the den and her room before she bolted upstairs.

After that night, Carl observed, Robin wore a nightgown instead of pajamas on the nights when she sat on his lap. This was perfectly fine with Carl, who enjoyed pulling up the hem of the gown to caress her bare thighs and panty-covered pussy under the blanket.

Then, around the beginning of February, he had taken it further. Instead of caressing her hairless mound and slit through her undies, he reached inside them to touch her bare. Robin gasped and shook but did nothing to stop his fingers from exploring her, first on the surface, then in the hot, slick place between her labia.

The next night, Robin wore her longest nightgown, and Carl wondered whether he had finally gone too far and made her want to stop, or whether she simply wasn't in the mood. But in front of the TV that night, after their parents had gone upstairs, she sat down on his lap under the blanket, and he quickly made two discoveries: first, that she had hiked the gown almost to her waist before she sat down, and second, that she was wearing no panties underneath.

So encouraged was Carl by this clear show of eagerness on Robin's part that when his fingers came to the little hole at the bottom of his sister's bald slit, he pushed one finger inside.

Robin made a sound somewhere between a yelp and a scream, then clapped a hand over her own mouth.

Startled, Carl froze. Had he just hurt Robin? And what if their mom and dad had heard her?

He put both arms around his sister and then held still, listening intently for the sound of a parent's footsteps on the creaky floor upstairs. Half a minute passed, and he heard nothing. They must have thought the scream came from the TV.

Robin shifted in his lap. He thought she was about to get off of him, but instead, she pressed her back and bottom harder against him, then opened her legs wider.

It didn't take a genius to read that message: She wanted him to continue. So he put his hands back under her nightgown and again slid a finger between her hairless folds. Robin whimpered into her hand.

He pushed his finger into her again, and the whimper rose to a half scream—thankfully muffled by her hand.

She was very tight inside, but he managed to work his finger in to the second knuckle. Then he began pushing it in and out, slowly. Robin was whining and whimpering continuously now, squirming in his lap, and Carl was so hard that he thought his boxers might rip.

This went on for a few minutes. It was cold in the den, as always, but Carl found both himself and Robin breaking a sweat. Then, as usual, their activity was abruptly ended by the sound of footsteps on the stairs and the order to go to bed. That night, as he masturbated to the memory, he had to bite his own forearm to keep from screaming when he came.

This had happened again a couple more times since then, but their parents had been joining them in the TV room more often lately, so there had been few opportunities.

Tonight, though...

As he heard their mom and dad drive off, Carl looked at the money on the table, then turned to Robin. She was wearing a pink long-sleeved shirt and white stretch pants—a favorite of Carl's, because they showed off her little bottom in nice detail.

"Well," he said, "this looks like enough for pizza AND ice cream. How about I pick the movie and you pick the ice cream flavor?"

"Deal," the girl replied.

It was still light out, and there was no snow on the ground, so they bundled up and rode their bikes the mile and a half to the grocery store. Carl went to the Redbox and picked a newly released action movie while Robin grabbed a pint of rocky road from the freezer section. The sun set on them as they arrived home. Carl felt lucky; he'd heard there might be bad weather later that night, maybe even a blizzard.

Carl called and ordered a pizza—half pepperoni, half mushroom and green peppers, per each one's favorite. Then he and Robin each did their own thing for a while, Carl reading a sci-fi book, Robin practicing a few ballet steps in the living room, until the pizza arrived.

When it did, Carl paid and brought the box to the kitchen, where he and Robin put slices on plates.

"You want to start watching the movie while we eat?" Carl asked.

"Sure," his little sister replied.

"I was thinking," Carl added. "Do you want to watch it in Mom and Dad's room?"

Robin looked...puzzled? Disappointed? Carl wasn't sure.

"You...don't want to watch on the couch?" the girl asked.

"Well, I was thinking that we might be, you know, more comfortable on Mom and Dad's bed."

"Ohhhhh," she said, the confusion vanishing from her face. "Okay."

Carl felt a full-body tingle of excitement. He wanted to go farther with Robin tonight than he ever had before, and he was thrilled to see that the young girl seemed in the mood for such activity.

They went upstairs, popped their rented disc into their parents' Blu-ray player, and sat next to each other on the queen bed as they watched. Carl had thought it would be a little weird to actually get into their mom and dad's bed, so he had brought up the blanket from the den so they could lie on top of the covers but under the blanket.

After they had had their fill of pizza, they took a little time to digest it before pausing the movie and laying into the ice cream. Carl's common sense kicked in, informing him that eating pizza in their parents' bedroom had probably not been a good idea, given the risk of stains, and that eating rocky road ice cream there would be an invitation to disaster. So Carl insisted that they eat their dessert at the kitchen table.

"So what do you think Mom and Dad are doing right now?" Robin asked before spooning a lump of the chocolaty treat into her mouth.

"Let's see," Carl said, looking at the kitchen clock. "Mom's probably agonizing over the amount of fat and carbs in the salad, and Dad's probably worrying about the valets scratching his car."

Robin chuckled. "That sounds about right."

"Makes you wonder if adults even know how to have fun," Carl said. "It's like they try too hard, you know? I mean, here we are at home with ice cream and a movie, and I'll bet we're having a better Valentine's Day than they are."

"Yeah," Robin said, smiling. "So you don't wish you were out with some girl?"

"No on the 'out'—it's getting fricking freezing out there. And you're some girl."

"Gee, thanks."

"What if I said it like this: 'You're some girl!'"

She grinned. "Much better."

When they finished their ice cream, Carl said, "How about we get in our PJs before we start up the movie again?"


They went to their rooms to change. When Carl emerged into the upstairs hallway, he saw that Robin was only barely ahead of him, walking swiftly toward their parents' room. The reason why she was walking so fast was immediately obvious: Rather than a nightgown, she was wearing a long t-shirt that exposed her slim white legs almost all the way up to her bottom, which was super sexy but probably a bit chilly for Robin. Carl could do nothing but stare until Robin got onto the bed and under the blanket.

He followed her into the bedroom. He was wearing a pair of flannel pajamas, sans underwear, and as he approached, he saw Robin glance at his crotch. He suppressed a smile.

"Man," he said as he got under the blanket with her, propping his back against the pillows so that he was partly sitting up, "it's really cold tonight."

"Uh-huh," his sister replied.

With no more encouragement than that, she climbed straight onto his lap and settled there, wiggling her butt around until she was comfortable, then lying back onto him.

Carl felt himself start to get hard. But he also was enjoying the sweet, simple coziness of being close to Robin like this. He took a deep breath, inhaling her scent, then pushed the PLAY button on the remote to start the movie up again.

For a while, he simply sat there with his arms wrapped around his sister's middle, holding her while they watched. He was trying to hold off on doing more than that for a bit; even though he was getting hornier by the moment, he also wanted to see how the movie ended, and he knew that he and Robin had all night for...other stuff.

For the next half hour or so, as they watched, Robin shifted her butt around several times, making Carl rock-hard in the process. Carl thought it was just because she was trying to get comfortable. (It was ironic, he thought, that her attempts to do so were only making his lap a harder, lumpier surface.)

Then Robin put her hands over Carl's and moved them onto her chest.

Carl's eyebrows rose. This was a first. But he wasn't going to complain.

His fingertips went to Robin's nipples and found them already erect. He rubbed them, gently, eliciting a high-pitched moan. His cock went from rock to steel.

He touched her that way for a couple of minutes. Then he left one hand on his sister's chest while the other traveled down her stomach and then down between her legs. Under that long T-shirt, he found, she was wearing no panties, and her smooth pussy was already wet.

The wetness made it easy to slide a finger into her. She gasped, as before, and began slowly grinding her bottom against him, moving her hips as though she were trying to work the finger around inside her.

He began pushing the finger in and out. As he did so, he moved his other hand down, looking for the little bump that was supposed to be somewhere at the top of her vagina. When she gasped again, he knew he had found it. He didn't know exactly how he was supposed to touch it, so he just tried to be gentle as he rubbed it. Robin gave a long, whining moan, suggesting that Carl was doing something right.

He didn't know how long he kept at it, but at some point, Robin was moaning louder than she ever would have dared if their parents had been home, and she was moving around so much in Carl's lap that she was on the verge of falling off.

It was time. Carl had been thinking about taking the ultimate step tonight, and he knew that Robin would never be in a more receptive state than she was right now. So, he grabbed the waistband of his pajama bottoms in both hands and yanked them down hard, hard enough to overcome the weight of his little sister on top of them.

Suddenly, his cock was not only out of his PJs but right up against Robin's soaking-wet cunny. He could feel the intense heat of her genitals on his shaft, and suddenly, he went from wanting to be inside her to needing it. So he grabbed hold of his cock and pushed the head right up against her hole.

Robin gasped again—not from pleasure this time, but from surprise, or even shock. She clearly knew what Carl intended to do. This didn't stop him from pushing his cock halfway into her with one thrust.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" the girl screamed.

"Oh, GOD!" Carl shouted. He'd never felt such pleasure as he was feeling now with his sister's tightness around him.

He couldn't help himself—he just started fucking her. Having her on his lap limited his range of motion, but he made up for it by grabbing her little ass and moving her up and down in time with his thrusts. Robin was screaming with every thrust, but Carl had heard enough of her pleasure-sounds by now to know that she wasn't screaming in pain—or if she was, then the pleasure was outweighing it.

He didn't last long. The sensations and the sounds together were just too much.

"Ah! AH! AAAAAAAH!" he shouted as he flooded his little girl's insides with as much cum as his body could possibly produce. And then Robin screamed even louder than before and her already tight cunt squeezed his cock so hard that he couldn't have pulled out of her if he'd wanted to.

When it was over, they just sat there, Carl holding Robin as they both gasped for breath.

Carl's mind was a tornado of thoughts. He'd just had sex. He'd just lost his virginity. He'd just fucked.

Fucked his nine-year-old sister. Put his cock inside her small, prepubescent body and pumped her until he came inside her.

He'd broken the law. He'd violated one of society's most deeply-held rules. He'd violated his parents' trust by fucking their little girl, whom he was supposed to be taking care of. And he'd done it on their bed.

But all of these thoughts had occurred to him before, in more rational moments, and he had decided then that he could live with them. He loved Robin, in every way, and he knew she would want this—or at the very least, that she wouldn't mind it.

He couldn't just leave it at this, though. He had to break one more rule—he had to speak to her.

"You know what we just did, right?"

She turned her head and looked at him. He had hoped that she would.

"Well, duh, I'm not an idiot," she replied. "We just had sex."

"Yeah," Carl said with a breathless smile. "You're okay with that?"

"Well...they say your first time should be with someone you love, and I love you, so...yeah, it's okay."

It wasn't the first time she had told him that she loved him, but it had never affected him so much before. He pulled her down next to him on the bed and hugged her tight, and she hugged him back.

"I love you, too," he murmured into her hair, making her squeeze him harder.

She released her hold on him and said, "There's one thing, though."

"What's that?"

"You're supposed to kiss before you do all that other stuff. So you have to kiss me."

Carl didn't even think to protest, or to make some smartass quip—he just took Robin's sweet, young face in both hands and pressed his lips against hers. He didn't really know what he was doing, as he'd never kissed a girl on the lips before, but God, her lips were sooo soft…

Finally, he pulled away and looked at her.

"You know what?" he said.


"I have no idea how that movie ended."

She gave a snorting giggle, and then Carl did the same, and soon they were laughing their heads off.

When they finally calmed down, Carl said, "Do you want to sleep here? Together? All night?"

Robin smiled as though that were the most wonderful idea she had ever heard. "Uh-huh."

" you want to do…it…again?"


Carl set the alarm on their parents' clock-radio, just in case they slept too late. And then, already horny again, he grabbed the hem of Robin's shirt and pulled it up and off her so he could take his first good look at her naked body. Seeing her sweet, pale-pink nipples, he fell on her and began sucking them, making her moan. Quickly, he pulled off his pajamas and then he was on top of her, inside her, watching her beautiful face and hearing her whine and gasp with pleasure as he pushed his cock into her again and again until he came, pumping another load of his cum into her small body.

It was, Carl thought later, like what people said wedding nights used to be like. All night long they alternated between having sex in every way and position they could think of and brief interludes of dozing, holding each other.

They were awakened by the sound of Carl's cell phone ringing. He groped around for it on the side table and picked it up.

"H'llo?" he managed.

"Carl, sweetie, it's Mom."

Carl opened his eyes. The clock-radio was dark, and there were no lights on anywhere in the room, although there was bright light streaming in around the window shades. He quickly deduced that the power was out. Holy crap, what time was it?

"Hi, Mom," he said as calmly as he could.

"The snowfall was so heavy last night that they're still plowing the streets here. I don't think we're going to make it home for a few more hours. You and Robin can manage, right?"

Plowing the streets? He got up and opened one of the window shades, and the blinding whiteness outside made him blink. It looked like there was well over a foot of snow on the ground.

"Yeah, Mom, we're fine. If nothing else, we've got leftover pizza for br- lunch."

"Good. We'll see you this afternoon, sweetheart. Give Robin a kiss for me."

Carl tried not to laugh. He'd given Robin an awful lot of kisses in the past twelve hours.

"Gotcha. Bye, Mom."

He hit the OFF button and turned to Robin.

"This is from mom," he said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "And this is from me," he added, then gave her a light French kiss—something they'd tried during the night.

"So, what now?" Robin said.

"Breakfast, I guess."

"Then what?"

"I've got a couple of ideas."

"I bet it's just ONE idea."

"Okay, yeah, you got me." Robin giggled.

Bad weather or not, it was a beautiful day.