Chapter - 28

In the sea of ​​relationships, there is one such relationship which is not based on blood relations. People say that you can choose this relationship yourself, but what happens when this relationship is sent by God himself. Whatever you think, they also think about it or sometimes they may just show it by doing it, without saying anything you understand each other. Most of you must be assuming it as a soulmate relationship (probably husband/life partner/better half) but what if you got this soulmate relation in friendship?

Just think, when that one friend is above everything else, the friendship with him/her will mean everything to you. What if with that friend not only your vibes will match but your life's up down will match too, even your emotions match too at same time. In today's times, even blood relations or family members sometimes leave us in mid way and in such a situation, being with such a friend is no less than a blessing.


Continued from the previous part....

Jazz: (Sounding excited) I missed you. So much has happened, I am dying to share it with you babes.

Me: Same here but you speak first.

Jazz: Last few months of my life were completely disastrous, I suffered mentally. I fall in love with a guy but ended up in breakup, it was too bad that my physical health suffered too. I had many sleepless nights, nightmares and even I have started to talk with myself too.

While listening to her I thought....

how come we suffered same emotions? Though our situations were different but whatever I suffered with or gone through, she was also going through with it. May be coincidently but things happened in this way.

Jazz: Hey are you even listening?

Me: Yeah I heard it all and coincidently, same thing happened with me too except falling in love part. In my case, my family and broken friendship occur.

Jazz: Ohhh, babes how can life become so much complicated?

Me: I don't know.

Jazz: Do you know that when we fall in love with someone or someone comes very close to our heart, then he is the only person who can break us? And usually we give them rights to break our hearts.

Me: I know, I have experience it so closely. In fact, whom me trust the most are usually the one to leave and betray us.

Jazz: The world has become such that now I don't feel like trusting anyone, not even my own parents or family. 

Me: It seems that now we just have to be happy with ourselves and not to pay attention on love or useless relationships. What we should actually do is to just make our career, get a job and earn money.

Jazz: You are right buddy, in today's time no one is there to be with you or to stand by you.

Me: Yeah.

Jazz: Have you noticed this thing, that we have so many similarities?

Me: (Chuckling) Yeah, in fact sometimes I think you are my soul sister.

Jazz: (Laughing) Really.... soul sister?

And with this together we laughed it loud for a minute or two, then she started speaking again..

Jazz: You know what, I never thought that we would talk so much, I knew that you would be a great listener but I never thought that you would talk to me this much.

Me: And I used to think that this girl has a lot of ego, she will never show affection to anyone and certainly not to me. But now see how we are talking so much, on serious issues. And not only our circumstances similar but our emotions are also similar.

Jazz: So true and I am really loving it.

Me: Same bro.

And just like this we keep talking for nearly two hours. However, we could have talked for some more time but her mother called her from behind and so we had to stop talking even though we don't want to. 

I keep the phone on the side table then I walk towards my study table to drink some water from the bottle. After drinking the water, I stretch my body then lay down on the bed and close my eyes. I thought of sleeping for sometime but before I could do so, I hear knock on my room door so, I get up from the bed and open the door. 

Seeing my mother there, I open my door widely then move inside my room towards the study table and sit on the beside chair. Soon mother also come inside, closing the door behind her. The moment she settled on the bed, I start speaking...

Me: What happened?

Mother: Nothing I just come to talk with you.

Me: (Yawning) Okay, say what you want to say.

Mother: Are you feeling sleepy?

Me: Yeah, I am just feeling quite light headed.

Mother: Ohh are you sick?

Me: No, it just I want to sleep just like that.

Mother: Okay, then I am leaving we will talk tomorrow.

Me: Are you sure? I mean I can avoid sleeping and we can talk.

Mother: Yeah I am sure now go and sleep.

After saying this she move out from the room, I close the door then walk towards the bed to lay down and sleep but before I could lay down on the bed I heard my phone ringing, I pick up the phone from the side table and check the name of the caller, which is Aunt. Being confused I pick up the call...

Me: Yeah say

Aunt: Call your father and ask him to get me this medicine.

Me: You do it yourself please because I am feeling sleepy and I want to sleep for sometime.

Aunt: (Getting a bit angry) huhhh can't you do this little work, you can't take even a little responsibility, how could you be like this? It's just a simple task, and if you do it, will you get tired? I am not feeling well, that's why I am not calling your father.

Me: Okay.

And she hang up the call, frustrated I sit up on the bed and start searching father's number from the contacts. While doing so I receive a WhatsApp message from Aunt, I opened it and there I find a photo of prescription and I directly forwarded it to father. After this I called the father, he picked up the phone on third ring...

Me: Hello, father.

Father: Yeah Siya, say what happened?

Me: Aunt told me that she wants some medicines so, she asked me to call you and ask you to bring that, I have already shared the prescription image with you. Do bring the medicine in the evening.

Father: Okay. But aunty could have called me directly and told me this, so why not?

Me: She said she is not feeling well that's why she is not going to call you.

Father: Really? she can call you in such situation but not me, how stupid is this.

Me: What can I do? Whatever she asked me to do I did it.

Father: Okay bye.

Me: Hmm bye.

After this he hang up the call, keeping my phone aside I get up from the bed then walk towards my study to pick the book of social psychology and with book in my hand I walk back towards the bed. I sit down on the bed, then start reading the book because by now my sleep has been vanished. However, after sometime I hear my phone ringing again, I look at the caller name and then answer the call smiling...

Me: Hey

Vihaa: Hey kiddo!

Me: How are you?

Vihaa: I am good what about you?

Me: I am good too. Reached back home?

Vihaa: Yeah and I will see you in the park after five minutes okay?

Me: Yeah okay.

Hearing this she hang up the call, I get up from the bed then keep my book back on its place. I walk in the washroom and start getting fresh, once done I wear my grey black track with sea green polo t-shirt. After getting ready I put my phone in the pocket, taking socks in my right hand I walk outside the room and start walking towards the house gate, on reaching there I wear my shoes. The moment I am done with the shoes I get out from the house, walk towards the park where Vihaa is sitting and waiting for me.

On reaching there I initiated the conversation...

Me: (Teasingly) Someone is early today.

Vihaa: (Standing up too) And someone is late today like everyday.

Together we laughed it out loud, we start walking. After ten rounds of the park we sit on the bench to relax for sometime, we enjoyed the moment of silence for some minutes then I start speaking...

Me: Why people need a mediator to get their work done?

Vihaa: Because either they don't like the other person (who is going to their work) or either they have so much ego to directly go and talk to them. That's why they use mediator.

Me: Being a mediator is bit tiring.

Vihaa: I know but one could always say no.

Me: Its not easy because whenever I do so, Aunt try to blackmail me emotionally.

Vihaa: Ohh its okay bro, once you will start doing a job or you will be busy in studying then this won't happen. She does so because right now she find you free so, she uses you for her personal work.

Me: Ohh okay.

Just like this we talk for somewhat fifteen minutes more, after that we walk back inside our houses. I enter inside the house, take off my shoes then straight walk towards the dining area only to find mother and father eating their food while talking with each other in low voice. Ignoring this, I walk inside the kitchen then wash my hands, I come back and sit on my chair then I serve food on my plate.

Once I finished serving the food on the plate, I start eating the food while hearing their talks which are related Aunts' behaviour i.e. how much ego she has. I find it to be boring so, I choose to keep my focus on my food only and try to fish it in hurry. The moment my dinner got over, I stood up and start moving towards the kitchen to clean my plate. After a minute I come out from the kitchen with water bottle in my hand, start walking towards my room but moment I come beside my father he speaks up loud...

Father: Don't forgot to sleep in granny's room.

Me: Okay.

After this I walk inside my room, close the door then walk towards the study table and there I kept my bottle on the table then I sit on the chair. I pick up my diary and start writing my thought in it...

for humans ego is that enemy, which not only make people fall in the eyes of others but also make them fall in their own eyes. But the funny thing is, we humans are unaware of this and if someone say it loud on our face we keep on denying it. 

even if something is bad then something is good too, I am proud of my friendship with Jazz. I had never imagined that we would share so much in this way, and she had also gone through the same situation as me, the only difference was that she got ditched by a outsider and I got from my own people. Well it is said that whatever happens, happens for the good. Same thing happened here too, on this pretext I found my soul sister. So I am happy in the end of the day.

Once my mind got empty and all thoughts penned down on the diary, I kept it back on its place and leave my room with water bottle in my hand and phone plus earphones in my pocket for another sleepless night.