

Lionel: Are you both ready?

Sarah: Yes.

Gio: Yes.

The three stood on top of the hill. Gio and Sarah were facing each other. Gio was no longer wearing the blue robe he had on when he woke up. He was now wearing a green high-neck sweater that Sarah had made him, black sweatpants that he had taken from Cinco's closet, and white tennis shoes that another villager had given him.

Lionel: If you both are ready, you can start.

Gio starts to run at Sarah and starts to pull back his fist. He tries to punch Sarah, but when he does, Sarah catches it, positions her right leg behind Gio's left, and pushes him back. Since Sarah's leg was behind Gio's when she pushed him back, he couldn't catch himself and fell on his back.

Sarah: Is that all?

Gio quickly gets up and tries to punch her again, but Sarah dodges under and hits Gio in the face so hard that he backflips and lands on his face.

Sarah: Looks like that is all.

Gio turns onto his back and groans in pain.

Sarah: Your nose isn't broken this time, so at least you are getting better at using Ora to improve your durability.

Gio: Yeah but still no ability.

Lionel: I am sure it will turn up soon.

Gio: Yeah, but from your lessons about Ora, I should have it already.

Sarah: Maybe you have it, but you still need to learn how to use it.

Lionel: That is possible.

Gio: Still, though, I won't be able to beat Cinco at the end of the year at this rate.

Lionel: Well, I must agree with you on that. At this rate, you will face a humiliating loss against Cinco.

Gio: Then how am I supposed to catch up in time?

Sarah: We could try that REBIRTH method.

Gio: Nah, I don't think that would work. It sounds too complicated for me to use.

Sarah: Well, we have to think of something. Do you have any other ideas, Master?

Lionel: We could try putting Gio on the same workout routine that you were on, but I don't think he could handle that.

Gio: Do you really think I am that much weaker than Sarah?

Lionel: Yes.

Sarah covers her mouth, struggling to hold in a laugh.

Lionel: Not to discourage you in any way, Gio, but when it comes to things like this, you need to know your limits.

Gio: Yeah, but I would know my limits better than you, though.

Lionel: ...

Sarah: ... Gio-

Lionel: No, Sarah, it is okay. If you want Sarah's workout routine, then fine. 7-mile run, 1,000 push-ups with Sarah on your back, and 1,500 sit-ups.

Gio: Sounds easy.

Lionel: I will come and see you at the end of every day to see if you can go further. Good luck.

Gio: Thank you.

They all turn when they hear footsteps. They see Cinco wearing white pants and a pink hoodie with purple stars on it.

Cinco: Mr. and Mrs. Morn are finally ready to speak to you.

Lionel: Thank you for telling me.

Cinco: Of course.

Sarah helps Gio up, and Gio dusts himself off.

Gio: Who is Mr. and Mrs. Morn?

Sarah: She is the woman who came into the village with her family a couple of months ago. You should start talking to other people, Gio.

Cinco: Gio ...

Gio: Yes?

Cinco: Are those my pants?

Gio: ... No



Sarah: You're almost done!

Gio: I am dying.

Gio gasped for air with each step he took. Everything was being reduced to a tiny dot, and his muscles screamed for him to stop what he was doing.

Sarah: Just a couple more steps, and we will be done.

Gio was no longer doing a jog like when he started the run. He was hunched over, his arms were hanging, and he was covered in sweat.

Sarah stops running now that she has finished her 7 miles and turns to watch Gio finish.

Sarah: You can do it, Gio!

Gio couldn't hear her. Sarah's shouts were being reduced to muffles that Gio could not understand.

Sarah: Finish strong!

Gio successfully finishes his 7 miles and collapses on the ground.


Gio wakes up in his bed. He has been torturing himself daily, never giving his body a chance to rest. This workout has caused his body to feel great pain whenever he moves, even slightly. Gio only gets up to run to the bathroom when he gets a disgusting taste in his mouth, and his stomach turns.

The door to the bathroom swings open, alerting everyone who is in the house. Sarah comes out of her room and sees Gio's head hovering over the toilet. She sees Gio in the bathroom and understands what is going on.

Sarah: Are you okay?

Gio: Do I look okay?

Sarah: I will leave you alone.

Gio: No ... No, sorry. I shouldn't have said that.

Sarah: It is okay. It sucks, right?

Gio: What?

Sarah: The workouts. Your body is screaming for you to stop, and a big part of you wants to. To rest for one day or quit altogether.

Gio: Yeah ...

Sarah: You can't give up on this, Gio. Giving up on this would be giving up on yourself. So stay at it no matter how much it hurts. You will be much more satisfied if you do, and if you don't, you will prove Master right, which I know you don't want to do.

Gio: Okay. Thank you.

Sarah: Anytime. Plus, it will start to feel better over time. I mean, it did for me.

Gio: Yeah, okay.



Sarah: You are almost there!


Each step Gio took got heavier as he approached the end of his run. His legs felt like they could fall off at any second; the taste of blood was all around his mouth, and he had started crying a long time before this moment.

Gio: Sarah ... I hear my heartbeat.

Sarah: I think that is normal.

Gio: But I hear three of them.

Sarah: ... We are almost there!

Sarah sees Lionel a couple of feet away, holding up a wooden sign with the word "finish" on it.

Sarah: Master is right there! You are almost there!

Gio: I am about to throw up!

Sarah runs the short distance between her and Lionel.

Lionel: He has barely made any progress, even with this workout.

Sarah: He is trying his best.

Lionel: Well, his best isn't cutting it. If he wants to beat Cinco, he must use a much better tactic.

Gio reaches Lionel and grabs his shoulder. Lionel could tell from the weight on his shoulder that Gio was using him to stand up.

Lionel: Are you okay?

Gio: I-

Gio hunches over and throws up. He passes out and starts to fall until Lionel catches him.

Sarah: I can take him back home if you want me to.

Lionel: ...

Sarah: Master?

Cinco: Master.

Sarah turns around to see Cinco wearing a white shirt with two black handprints on the stomach of the shirt and black pants with a rose thorn design up the right leg of the pants.

Cinco: Mr. and Mrs. Morn are ready to speak with you again.

Lionel: I am on my way. Sarah, take Gio home with you; there is something I must attend to.

Sarah: Oh ... okay.

Lionel picks up Gio and gently puts him into Sarah's arms. He turns around and walks off with Cinco walk off together.

Sarah: I hope he is okay.


Lionel opens the door and walks inside, with Cinco following behind him. They see a woman and a man sitting on a leather couch. The woman was holding a newborn baby swaddled in a blue blanket. Across from the couch was a leather chair. Lionel sat in the chair, and Cinco stood behind him.

Lionel: I will start the conversation by saying this. Whether you two like it or not, both of your sons are ability users.