I starred out the window feeling the air on my skin. It was a beautiful sunny day, nothing new in California of course but still I loved feeling the sun on my skin.

Since my family and I live in Brooklyn this change was lovely. Micheal wanted us to marry here since some of his family lived in Los angels so my dad moved the family here until the wedding was over.

I liked it here, it was nothing like home but I tried to make the best of what was a horrible situation.

"Aren't you curious at all?" He finally talks after us sitting in silence for an hour. He didn't even turn on the radio to fill the silence.

"You probably know what you're doing. I'll only ask you questions when we get there."

He grins. "Uncle chose the perfect wife for himself it seems."

"..." I don't answer him as it really was the last thing I wanted to hear.

"You're upset. Sorry I was half joking."


"I was serious about him making the right choice."

I look at him confused. "Why do you think I'm the correct choice?"

He smiles at me, "Because you're willing to sacrifice yourself for others."

"But now it seems I've destroyed everything...my dad will lose everything because of me."

"He won't lose anything. You'll still marry a Sakurada after all."

I look at him confused. "What?"

"We are going to las Vegas. You'll be my wife and you'll save your family."

"But Mr Sakurada was going to give me 5 million...my dad's partner ran off with everything and left my dad in debt-"

"Your dad is also in danger of going to prison for tax invasion."

"How do you know-"

"Uncle doesn't do anything without a reason...I'm certain he is behind everything."

The thought that my father's old friend could be behind my father's potential ruin leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I couldn't get why he would go to such lengths and for what reason he'd try to marry me.

I still remember when he flew my entire family out to Japan for our summer holiday, I was only fifteen and his only daughter was my friend, kazuha and I are the same age from what I recall.

"Why would he do this? My father is his best friend-"

"Power is uncles best friend not a person...I actually tried to figure out what was his reasoning for wanting to marry you and I realized it may be because uncle may get more power using your fathers company and stake holders who are desperate to be saved from the debt."

"I see...but...why are you doing this?"


"Why are you helping me? I'm sure you'll gain something from stopping your uncle...am I right?"

He is in deep thought for awhile before answering me honestly. "This is the only way to get some power..."

"So you're marrying me to do what your uncle wanted to do?" For some reason I felt betrayed although I chose to go with him on my own.

"Its not like that. I won't try to hurt your family's company in any way...look we'll talk more about this in detail later."

Nodding slowly in defeat I turn away resting my head against the window. "I need to get out of this damn dress. " I mutter to myself.



I slowly open my eyes trying to remember where I was.

"Sammy we are here." Nick says shaking me gently. I look up at him confused.

"Where exactly are we?"

"We are at a hotel. We'll fly out to Vegas tomorrow." He says helping me out of the car.

I hold on to his arm to balance myself as I was still sleepy. The previous night I had stayed up unable to sleep due to anxiety.

Terra,mom and my best friends Naomi and Evan tried to console me by having a girls night but that didn't stop me from stressing out and crying.

"Oh...okay." I replied walking in with him. The staff kept giving us annoying smiles probably thinking we were on our honeymoon.

"We are going to have to share a room, Our relationship needs to look believable." Nick explains in the elevator.

I nod trying not to think too much. I mean if I gave myself time to think I'd start freaking out realizing this man is a stranger and I'll share a bed with him.

"We are here."

Nick walks out first so I follow behind. He stops and turns to me, "Take my hand."

I look at him confused but still comply with his request. The staff memebers on that floor rushe to us.

"Mr and Mrs Sakurada welcome, I'll walk you to your room." One staff kindly smiles at us.

Nick and I follow behind hand in hand. We finally get to the door making me happy as I felt that I needed a hot bath and strong alcohol in order to process everything that has happened in the last two months.

Nick suddenly carried me bridal style surprising me and the staff. He looks at the staff smiling widely, "I'll take it from here."

"Call me if you need anything."

"We will but I doubt I'll need anything if I have her."

I look at him with widened eyes, Why the heck was he doing all this?

The guy smiles before walking away. Nick puts me down still smiling showing off his deep dimples.

"Let's go inside."

I nod entering the room once he opens it with a card. My mouth drops at decoration of the room, this is a honeymoon suite...

Turning to him I ask, "When did you plan this?"

"While you were sleeping I called. My family owns this hotel so it wasn't diffucult."

"But why is this necessary?!"

He takes a step closer to me but I stand still.

"I told you. We need to make our relationship look believable."

"So your family will be watching our every move or something?!"

"Well I am marrying a woman who was meant to marry my uncle."

"Most of your family members were not at the wedding, they were probably against it...so why do you think they'll accept our marriage. "

"They knew the reasoning behind uncle's decision...if I told them I was truly inlove with you and If I showed them just how much I love you...they'll have no choice but to accept our relationship."

I understood what he was saying but I still didn't understand his reasoning. Why did he have to go this far? What on earth is going on in the Sakurada family?